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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Meanwhile Square Enix do want doing business in "isolated" Russia. Сapitalism .
  2. We have fun from this in difference with greatest Brits. Actually Westlings chose wrong time for sanctions, we too busy by celebrating of New Year (everyone begin partying 1 week ago and these Bacchic orgies must be ended only after 11 January, sorry, we too busy now ). Also western sanctions considered in Russia as minor problem in comparison with everyday life (sanctions against Baator looks like waste of time for me, nobody can impress Baatezu by this way). But main reason why Russians stay calm is Black market. And Westlings can't ban Black Market more than this is banned in present time http://www.deepdotweb.co/2014/12/18/russia-emerging-black-market-bitcoin/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-chrismer/real-punishment-get-rid-o_b_5694572.html
  3. http://youtu.be/4j1QpuXCJ80 http://vimeo.com/111793879
  4. Meanwhile in China http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-22/china-offers-russia-help-with-suggestion-of-wider-currency-swap.html
  5. Western expectations about suffered Russians looks totally crazy for me. Probably it's some sort of Western supermacism "Russian monkeys certainly die without help of godlike Europeans, The White Man’s Burden blah-blah". Meanwhile IRL http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/viewing-russia-inside#axzz3M3SomPkg http://vimeo.com/108137376
  6. professional Jewish "Ukrainian-Nazi". All modern Nazi movements controlled by Zionists IRL ( blah-blah White race must fight against Muslims, Russians, Asians, Africans and other enemies of ZOG). \
  7. ISIS stronk!
  8. This thread become boring. Ukrainian dream. Ukrainian reality.
  9. K.O. detected. But you can be sure - Roman civilization really stopped in Europe.
  10. Allah with us - victory is ours! http://youtu.be/eypYzOXAxjw
  11. Servants of Goddes build moar ziggurats, but all this looks so useless. The five-legged death almost awaken. Your world is ended soon.
  12. Scot Young jump into window. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2869667/Had-Scot-Young-split-fianc-e-plunged-death-Tycoon-impaled-railings-rowed-reality-star-gone-rails-drinking-lot-horror-fall.html Johnny Elichaoff jump from the roof http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/trinny-woodalls-ex-husband-johnny-elichaoff-4629578 Boris Berezovsky perform suicide http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-04-04/the-mysterious-death-of-russian-oligarch-boris-berezovsky Robert Curtis died after falling under a Tube train http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/property-tycoon-dies-in-fall-under-tube-in-haunting-echo-of-royal-polo-friends-suicide-8427269.html Paul Castle died after falling under a Tube train http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331308/Prince-Charless-friend-Paul-Castle-commits-suicide-business-hit-recession.html Stephen Curtis died killed in helicopter crash http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11289403/Man-who-introduced-Scot-Young-and-Ring-of-Death-to-Russians-killed-in-helicopter-crash.html Lord Dave West stabbed to death. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dave-west-dead-soho-playboy-4807806 All these persons has been members (official or non-official) of Minatep group ( CIA, British elites and mafia mix behind Yukos puppet ) . http://www.eurotrib.com/story/2008/6/6/75319/48109 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/cia-drugs/conversations/topics/38041 http://www.voltairenet.org/article30105.html Reptiloids play - reptiloids die.
  13. Lol, enemies of Russia worrying about Russian economy again. It's remind me times of WW2, when Nazi spread propaganda about terrible Soviet economy and bad life in USSR, but send population from occupied lands into concentration camps "for work", or kill them by famine (or just mass execute locals in fields). Anyway all your sentences about Russian economy is totally wrong. Yep, many Russians jump into money speculations now (i also), just because every day of ruble falling give to us more money than any other work can do, but this is temporary situation. For Government such situation very well also. Local Russian manufacturers are happy also, cost to our products become one of most lowest in the world, and foreign manufacturers cant into competition with us. Also Russia easily can cut all negative effects just by beginning of war in Europe. All our wars are extremely profitable in difference with NATO wars.
  14. You remember WW1 and WW2? I don't claim to be a expert in all history but even I know that both those wars weren't about the West vs Russia So Volos point is valid, we have seen this whole " Russia vs West" and it indeed was called the Cold War and yes, Russia lost. Sorry Sarex but history doesn't lie http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2785905/China-overtakes-U-S-world-s-largest-economy-IMF-says-economy-worth-17-6trillion-America-falls-second-place-time-1872.html This conflict not about West vs Russia . It's about how Third world overthrow hegemony of First world really. Times of "Atlantic international community" is over, balance of power has been changed, but Westlings too slow to it and continue acting in 80-s style.
  15. Nation of slaves http://youtu.be/zz63RhGaR2s It's just of tradition
  16. For us it's looks like Europe do want be taken by force... Defenseless Europe spread legs and loudly scolding us... Some sort of invention. WTF? How Europe expressed such wish? Did someone say come and occupy us? Or is it just your mental disorder? By supporting of our enemies of course. Europe also is easy target, except tiny US expeditionary forces (their numbers too small for real treat though) all European armies is a joke. In other words subslaves of US forgot their place and provoke Russia to BDSM games, this is just classic situation in if you known. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/a-foreign-policy-of-russophobia/ War is expected.
  17. Resistance in Odessa. http://youtu.be/EzQAVg7nIus http://youtu.be/-vnXAvgBN3w reminder about Odessa massacre http://scgnews.com/the-odessa-massacre-what-really-happened
  18. Novorossia stronk! http://youtu.be/ERKJFlGsFU0 http://youtu.be/0PAbaLyNlKk
  19. For us it's looks like Europe do want be taken by force... Defenseless Europe spread legs and loudly scolding us... Some sort of invention.
  20. Meanwhile in Syria Moar toys from uncle Vladimir. http://zid.ru/eng/products/47/detail/226 Syrian SAM defense shot down IDF missile. Forums of Zionists filled by butthurt now. http://youtu.be/CPMuCgF2fbk Good work really, IDF is best military force in the World. Also this is first intercept of such class missiles in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popeye_(missile) A bit offtop. Countries by military might ranged IRL. http://www.bicc.de/press/press-releases/press/news/global-militarisation-index-2014-431/ Israel is number one, Syria is fourth.
  21. European be a really smarter few centuries ago. Westlings play non fair. In 80s-90s we tested them for peaceful coexisting, but they fail this test. Sorry bro, but soon they must suffer from consequences of their stupid behaviour. East European traitors must suffer also, nothing personal, but just Russian tradition of never forgiving. Other news - we prepare popcorn. Real events only beginning. http://euobserver.com/foreign/126855 http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.ru/2014/12/ukrainian-minister-admits-that-country.html Russian troops invade Ukraine lol. For defeating of Ukraine such rude tools not needed (leave these tools to our non-competent rivals from NATO).
  22. Just reminder from history. Crimean war. United forces of four major world empires try stop Russian expansion. They make few attacks (White Sea, Far East, Baltic Sea) but sux everywhere except Black sea and Crimea. Though in Crimea their "success" look not too successful also. After 3 years of war and 400,000 casualties they reach almost nothing, Crimea stay mostly under Russian control. In result Russia sign peace treaty (and even increase own territory lol, defeated Russia so defeated). WW2. Soviets defend Crimea around of 1 month, after this they defend important nodes in Crimea yet 1 year. In 1944 they recapture Crimea during 1 month. Crimea 2014. In few days Russians take control over Crimea in few days. Equal sized Ukrainian forces divided, surrounded and surrender without fight. Looks like Westlings can not into warfare really.
  23. Maybe, but Russia will pay high price for it as it seems, actually I believe its more probable than any revolution in Russia wat revolution, wat high price? ololo, only oil resources in Crimea have price a few trillions dollars, i even don't talking about price of land, cultural objects and adding of 2 millions loyal citizen to our Evil Empire. Tiny Western sanctions can't force Russia to do what you saying. Actually our Empire can only return land back to Russia, for example all Ukraine is just nothing more than temporary occupied by enemies Russian territory and someday this territory become our again. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/world/europe/in-taking-crimea-putin-gains-a-sea-of-fuel-reserves.html?_r=0 Westlings really mad if seriously believe that people who don't surrender to such powerful enemies as French Empire, Antanta and III Reich (though these invasions cause terrible consequences to our people ) - such people surrender to modern Western posers because of their childish attempts to make hurt to us.
  24. Bump by spirituality of Moscow. http://vimeo.com/78204671 http://vimeo.com/20736227
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