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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Wasn't doing too badly today, and then out of nowhere I've had one stab-heavy headache kick in on my frontal lobe. Nibbling a real lancashire eccles cake for some of that added sugar and taking some paracetamol with a fresh cup of tea to see if that chases it all away.
  2. If ya don't want the answer.. you shouldn't use the question mark...
  3. Let's see... Debut Teaser (not much to that one...) GD10: Teaser Trailer E3 2010 : Trailer GC10 Gameplay Reveal Trailer TGS 10: A New Manl Trailer Penetrate the Penthouse Gameplay Trailer CG Director's Cut Trailer Adam Jensen Profile Trailer Three Ways Trailer Sarif Industries Trailer E3 2011 Discovery Trailer Conspiracies Trailer Purity First PropagandaTrailer Anatomy of a Hack E3 2011 Mechanics Walkthru Behind 2027 Part I: World Behind 2027 Part II: Cities Behind 2027 Part III: Combat Behind 2027 Part IV: Stealth There's a few assorted developer diaries and interviews scattered around as well....
  4. One more trailer type to whet the anticipation.. DEHR: Exclusive Adam's Quest Trailer
  5. Also.. potential radioactivity causing mutations.. Could mean you actually might end up encountering a girl with three boobs.. Ever since Total Recall.. that's been one weird ass mental image.
  6. I need to seriously kick myself in the arse today. The mornings constant interruptions messed up my mental rythm and left me wandering in circles, then the weather turned heavy, oppressive and sappingly muggy..which led to procrastination and just minor pokes rather then focused problem-solving. Thus I have been crappily productive when i should know better.
  7. The question isn't "is the cup half full or half empty", the question is whether the liquid in said container is radioactive..."
  8. Yup, it's why I'm doing the happy dance..
  9. Turning into one of those mornings where every time I sit down to get some work done I'm dealing with interuptions of one sort or another that make me get up to deal with. Literally, I sit down at my chair.. have a couple of minutes to start to focus.. and then boom. Doorbells, phone calls, puppy trying to kill the cat, mechanic for my sisters car, family interuptions, needed help.... It's taken me about an hour to drink my cup of tea between it all..
  10. Pretty much everyone I've heard of who played the leak turned even more enthusiastic fan-boyish. And a couple of people did the "i wasn't planning on worrying too much on when I got this game..but now I've pre-ordered it." So I'd say that sort of response from an unfinished 10 hour journalist demo is a good reason for people to stay optimistic. PC Gamer UK has apparently given it a 94% - Saying that pretty much the key reason it didn't get the 95% the original DE got was because while DEHR has the atmosphere it isn't actually as revolutionary. Official Playstation Magazine Official Xbox Magazine has given it a 10/10
  11. Whats kind of amusing is that the first ps3 review of the game has given it an 8/10.. but the waiting fans are slating the reviewer for describing the game as "not as direct as Call of Duty, but not as expansive and open as Fallout. Instead it's somewhere in the middle"... The DE forums are awash with people turning phrases like "my favourite colour is somewhere between Black and White."
  12. I'm also giving some consideration to getting a non-analogue monitor if I'm going to have to put down the cash on a new graphics card... All the monitors are pretty much dropping to low prices and it seems a bit silly not to take advantage of that slightly sharper dvi connection and hd capabilities.
  13. Thanks for the words of wisdom.. I shall give it some thought.
  14. I'm another one who played the game and only had to deal with a few glitches that didn't really effect my enjoyment of Fallout NV. Although the one that screwed up plotlines because I'd done one quest earlier then another was a bit of a pain... But I certainly wasn't buried in glitches.
  15. Righty-ho, since it looks like my graphics card is starting to flunk out and cause issues I'm poking around to consider replacements... So what do people think, is it better to spend more money on a single oomphy card, or to get two not-so-oomphy cards to run in SLI? Since I'm working on a budget, I'm not getting two oomphy cards.. Edit: The card that's flunking out is a GeForce GTS250, and the pc processor is a quad core 2.40Ghz
  16. Rahr! Tuesday to Sunday - Research gathered; 37 pages of notes created, then turned into 30 pages of legible report and 2 pages of sources. .. Of course, that's just the first stage of the project. But I'm knocking it on the head for tonight. What's kind of funny is that while I'm confident its readable and conveys the information, there's still that small part of my mind whispering in the background that I've screwed up something, that I could have done it better and that I'm faking competency after all these years... Still, I'm ignoring that and doing the snoopy happy dance for the moment.
  17. grr.. My graphics card could quite possibly be starting to frag out. I've been getting a fun amount of "display driver stopped working" and "nvlddmkm.sys" errors lately.. and now it's started doing the blue screen of death due to funky graphics issues.
  18. One of those quiet evenings where it seemed everyone was busy. So since the sky was totally clear.. I built a small fire in the garden, and stretched out on a garden recliner with a cigar in one hand and a glass of port in the other, listening to Gregorian on my ipod and watching the stars slowly cover the night sky.
  19. Deus sure as hell ain't pronounced deius by anyone able to actually speak a language that is not English. It's latin dude. Nobody really knows. Google says 'deɪ əs ɛks ˈmɑ kə nə' If anyone here remembers their phonetics course, that's what I said. Excepting that I didn't use proper symbols. It didn't really kick in till the 1100's or so, when it shifted more to Deus for church latin rather then the original "Classic Latin". Most english dictionaries have it described as "de-us" or "dee-us" for pronunciation.
  20. The term "concept art" generally doesn't mean photo-realistic...
  21. An interview with JJB outside the DeusEx art show in NYC JJB Interview
  22. Good practice for this forum... I'll have you know I do not giggle. I cackle. Maniacally.
  23. Eh, I pre-ordered the Augmented Edition from Amazon.co.uk and its only ?25. Well, it was when I pre-ordered it about 6 months ago. Now it's back up to the "Retail price ?44, but reduced to ?35 that's the standard Amazon charge for new games. But I still only have to pay the lesser price. And yes, I have a geeky happy dance for that price. Edit: And for some reason this keeps turning my pound signs into question marks..
  24. Organising some research I've been doing dealing with some of the old Iraq troubles back in 2003 and the allies on the ground and came across a part of an article that struck me as kind of quirky. That they gave the one number for American forces, but then actually made a specific note about British forces being killed in friendly fire incidents and accidents. I'm not quite sure whether to take that as a small snark on the Americans who caused most of the friendly fire, or the British for suffering them... Or whether my brain is over-analysing it all after filtering so much crud.. Still, time for a lunch break. I think I'll try the kipper. "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast."
  25. And to round out those Behind 2027 vids... DEHR - Behind 2027 - The Hacking and Social Approach
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