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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Metallic Glass Recipe Generation Breakthrough
  2. Heh, you can technically finish FarCry 4 in 15 minutes (roughly).
  3. I just checked, and the garage is available to me... So I can still upgrade car stuff if I want.
  4. Heh. For the somewhat amusing tv trivia.. On Happy Days, the network had one note regarding Fonzie: Lose the threatening-looking leather jacket. But producer Garry Marshall argued that the jacket was motorcycle safety equipment, and a compromise was reached: Fonzie could wear it when his bike was on the screen. "That's why you saw the motorcycle in Mr. C's kitchen," explains Anson Williams, 65, who played Potsie. "And in Fonzie's apartment and at Arnold's …"
  5. While the focus has been on American politics of late, lets throw in something from the UK side of it.. Why I've Finally Given Up On The Left
  6. Yeah, the way she jumps in on Ziost is a wee bit irritating.
  7. John Carter wasn't a remake. It was the adaption of some of the classic golden age space opera books. Pretty much the originators of so many sci-fi clichés. I actually quite liked the film. They hashed up the story a lot, but managed to capture the general feel and atmosphere of it all quite well.
  8. Battle of Britain - 75 years on And He Still Wakes Every Day by 4am
  9. Finally got around to wrapping up the Trooper storyline. Definitely has an anti-climactic feel compared to the other third acts.
  10. Hm, for those Arrow fans out there.. Arrow's Manu Bennett Arrested on Assault Charge
  11. I just don't want to google news about her for fear of making my search engines think I'm that interested in what is going on or that she's more popular than she deserves..
  12. For the general interest.... Author Earnings - 2015 Author Earnings Report If you want the serious breakdowns and all the pretty charts and data, follow the link.
  13. So, did I hear right that she's now talking about running for Governor of Kentucky? Or is that just the internet carrying it too far...?
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