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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It's a kind of magic...
  2. Aimee Mullins - My 12 pairs of legs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrYPM_9i0KY
  3. How about this.. The oldest Medal of Honor recipient, next to the youngest Medal of Honor recipient:
  4. Oh, and in regards to that drone thread that was floating around t he other month.... Fossbytes - US Police will now use Armed Drones Weaponised with Tasers and Tear Gas
  5. Uh hah! Just got my redemption code for the first four episodes of Con Man. Time to watch some amusing geek stuff.
  6. Last week I managed to do a wonderful combo of gash/cut/bruise/grace on my shin. Right now it's hitting that point in the healing process where that entire patch of skin is just constantly itching. Nothing too serious, but damn aggravating. Oh, and I've been told I'm being dragged to Snowdonia (Welsh national park - ie, mountains, valleys, and woods) for a camping week by some friends, so I'm sorting out the important supplies and survival gear.
  7. I was tempted to put this under funny things... Kill it with Fire is a common response to spiders. It just pays not to do it at a petrol station... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56lFhpByO2s
  8. The Internet. Where this: Gets turned into this:
  9. The one in the middle of the lake on Alderaan is found on.. hm. To the side of the House Organa compound. There's that small bridge you cross over to the medical camp area, and you work your way through it and there's a narrow pass which has a cable car thing. You have to get the timing right to jump on top of the cable car to get down to the island, since you can't climb up from the lake. Well, that's how you used to have to do it months ago....
  10. Now that I've completed all class stories, I thought I'd take advantage of the 12x XP to try out some alternates. First up is a SI that's going Lightning Sorcerer route to see how it compares to my original Assassin. I have to say, Force Storm and Chain Lightning are a great combo on mobs. On another note, when I first started playing the game I was almost religious about getting the datacrons on planets. Now I'm more "eh, if it doesn't take me out of my way and I can snag it in under 3 minutes I might pickup a datacron...."
  11. The Guardian - Urban Fantasy is About More Than Sex with Were-Leopards
  12. A nice run through on how Jackie Chan works his action-comedy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1PCtIaM_GQ
  13. Okay, just for upping the ante on all those billionaires... Business Insider - Mobile Private Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv2dS63Kzb8
  14. Heh. For a great way of getting in touch with the voting population.. . Labour's Shadow Environment Secretary who is a self-described "militant vegan" has recently said In an interview with vegan magazine Viva!life: "I really believe that meat should be treated in exactly the same way as tobacco, with public campaigns to stop people eating it. Progress on animal welfare is being made at EU level … but in the end it comes down to not eating meat or dairy."
  15. That's the thing, to be a Healer in mmo's you generally need to be much more into the social side. But DPS can quite often do a fair bit solo.
  16. I hope they got him a new spinal column made of adamantium ... I know his regular human bone version wasn't working correctly. Get it ... Wolveringham. I did get asked by Wals to pass this along "Also you may inform them that now when I clench my fists wooden chip forks extend between my knuckles."
  17. For the military folks out there....
  18. Dig was a nice little mini-series type of show. A solid premise, good actors, and a smooth storyline that ran through what.. 9 or 10 episodes before it all wrapped up?
  19. Lets see, I think my Sith Juggernaut is about 57 now, my Consular is 53, my Bounty Hunter is 54, my Sentinel is still 50, my Agent is about 52, and my Trooper is 55. My Sith Assassin and my Gunslinger are both 60 (the smuggler only having gotten there the other day). Of those, the Assassin, Gunslinger, and Juggernaut have done Makeb and Oricon (although not the Operation). My Assassin has completed the whole Shadow of Revan storyline. The rest have just been puttering about, and have either just been doing crafting stuff since finishing the class story or puttering a bit on half completing the Illum stuff. I just haven't really pushed them along that much.
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