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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Agent X. Classed as an Action, Drama its pretty much a cheese-tastic superspy type of thing. I just had to see it. It's amazingly full of rather good actors who are usually in supporting roles, with some just.. spectacularly ropey story and plots. Sharon Stone as a newly sworn Vice President who discovers that the reason the VP has bugger all to do is a secret article in the constitution which means she controls/directs a lone agent to be used as crisis management. With the likes of John Shea, James Earl Jones, Jamey Sheridan, and Gerald McRaney supporting the scenes and Andrew Howard getting to step out of his usual thug/enforcer roles and play the villainous mastermind.
  2. Took a short break to pop on and run that Hoth Star Fortress once more, and now I have my last paladin to collect the set. Heh, taking a moment to look at the Guild and seeing that pretty much all other members of it stopped playing at the same marks 2.5 and 1 year ago. Looks like my 4 Imp alts are the only members actually active as of the last 6 months - and of course, since everyone was in a twinned Republic guild, it looks pretty much the same on that side. I should probably clean it all up and kick everybody who hasn't been on in over a year. You can't exactly advertise "Hey, want to join the guild where everyone else stopped playing?" Hm, thinking on Guilds, since I have a few characters on Harbinger now as well, any relevantly useful guild suggestions for joining on that server? I might create a few new toons over there to experiment with as time allow.s
  3. Eh, you wander around and catch news articles from left right and centre. A bit of Epic Times here, a touch of msn there, social media stuff friends throw up and the perusal of BBC... All the quirky stuff turns up.
  4. The trivia that always amuses me... Because he'd been a firefighter before he went into acting, he was so skilled with using an axe to chop down doors that he kept doing it too fast. So they went through a silly number of doors to shoot that scene.
  5. I do believe she actually cracked one of his ribs with that.
  6. Heh. NewStatesman - Guy Fawkes Wasn't a freedom fighter he was a religious terrorist and not even a good one
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y36VAjwIG9w
  8. It is kind of funny to run around and see that any "side-mission" that they've turned into "exploration missions" is now available once more on all of the planets. And it seems the Bonus series are as well? At least I accidentally picked up the Alderaan bonus section, and in fact that awarded me a couple of supply crates for the first few steps. Then it broke in that it points me to get a mission where the mission giver doesn't actually appear on the map. And yes, I agree Shady, I do not see myself doing this full on grind for every character I have if/when I run them through the new content.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxiv3CBMS4M
  10. Wait what? I managed to solo the Heroic Star Fortress when my companion was only about influence 15. It's a bit of a grind, especially that last dragging point of facing down the Exarch (or at least, chasing them through the three rooms before the final battle), but it wasn't exactly problematic. I haven't really focused large time on the game, but been slowly running through the weekly flashpoints once more. Have the specialists in the 15-16 range at the moment, and it's taking, what about 5 - 7 supply crates to go up a rank? I've got Lana to about 29 influence, a couple are around 20, and about another 5 or 6 are at 15 influence. There's about 3 or 4 paladins to find to collect the set, and I haven't actually destroyed the Belsavis Star Fortress just yet.
  11. Now I want to hear just how John Williams would do Ride of the Valkyries... I just have to stop hearing "Kill the Wabbit! Kill the Waaaabit!"
  12. Oh yes, and the international trailer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdAUiyeJMFQ
  13. I only pre-ordered it because Greenman Gaming gave me a silly money off coupon for it... So far they've thrown a few 20% off the Season Pass my way, but I just can't stir myself for that. Well, pushing CV stuff around and doing all the job searches. It's kind of interesting that they keep throwing out senior jobs that I'm not qualified, then when I try to step the search back to lower levels, they only throw out graduate-internships. Joy. Went out to the crematorium today with my father and sister, picking up mom's ashes and decided how we were going to handle that. And of course it's being an utterly miserable raining and grey cloud English winter at the moment.
  14. From what I remember seeing, it's not that you can upgrade your home base... But that you can build your own community areas as you wander around. Collect scrap and establish several "communities" in the game. But it's been a few months since I read those articles so who knows how it'll turn out in the final game. Also, it seems weird to have a Fallout trailer where Ron Perlman doing "War.. War Never Changes" isn't the first thing you hear....
  15. The Verge - Jetman Jet Pack Along Jumbo Jet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPvKl6ezyc
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