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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. First we had a Operation fear; Then we had a Operation petty name calling; Now we have Operation Pretending it's only the other side who has behaved appallingly. This is just the most pathetic political debate I've ever witnessed.
  2. For the random literature related thing... Think you couldn't possibly lose your amazon publishing account, think again
  3. I find it more irritating than anything. And while you may say its hyperbole and not to take it seriously.. That is pretty much the campaigns as they've been run for the last few months. You don't get informed decisions when EVERY side is spending more time demonising the opposition rather than having valid discussion.
  4. This is the big problem at the moment. Hell, the last half a year it's gotten that way. The Leave side seems to be pushing the demonising of the Remain with that treason , selling us into slavery, etc etc., While the Remain is demonising the idea of Leave as racist, isolationist and the rest of it. It's becoming very much a "If you vote Leave, you're saying you're a racist. If you vote Remain, you just want to be a looked after slave."
  5. And for the random historical note... Today (the 18th of June) marks the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo. This day, in 1815 marked the final defeat of Napoleon. Who was not a short French dude.
  6. Bloomberg - Britain's Elite ignore the masses at their peril
  7. First pictures of American Gods for those who might not have seen... With the current casting, this does look like it could be gold. Gillian Anderson as media, Ian McShane as Mr Wednesday, Peter Stormare as Czernobog, Orlando Jones as Mr Nancy...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKcPEtKu7CM
  9. Hell, one of the previous FBI BHU directors has made the comment (after he retired) that in the US statistically there are between 30 and 50 serial killers active at any one time. But the resources to actually analyse and identify the patterns aren't there because there's too much data to actually go through. So magnify that to the level of just buying guns and psychological signs... Edit: Also, look at the numbers. The FBI employs nearly 35,000 people, including special agents and support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists. The US population is.. what, roughly 323 million and some, over a landmass of a touch over 9 million square km.
  10. And now Putin is wading in claiming that Cameron is attempting to blackmail the EU msn - Vladimir Putin states Cameron may have called referendum to blackmail Europe
  11. WarHistory Online - He's Called The Ghost and has the same medals count as Audie Murphy
  12. On the side-note of related things.... Anonymous hacks ISIS’s Twitter, makes it as fabulously gay as humanly possible
  13. No matter what happens there's going to be some heavy governmental shifts occurring. Half the tories seem to be against Cameron now, and if the Remain wins, it's highly likely that there'll be a vote of no confidence held which Cameron is unlikely to win. Plus, he's said he'll resign if the Brexit side wins the referendum. So it's good odds either way there'll be a new election come winter.
  14. This might be one that a few people would like to discuss... A group that tries to teach methods in how to deal with active shooters and if you find yourself in a mass shooting type event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjK9gTXORsI
  15. Only to be followed by... Buzzfeed - Naval armada's clash on the thames Evening Standard - Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof in River Battle BBC - British politics in flotilla clash
  16. Of course there's that wonderful push of meme's at the moment along the lines of showing Nigel Farage campaigning for Brexit with tags along the lines of "Remember, All racists will be voting to leave" with the suggestion that anyone who wants to vote leave is inherently a racist. Way to go for that psych manipulation. I have to admit, Farage supporting an issue does kind of have that default "do the opposite" for a lot of people, so I'm surprised I haven't seen that approach used earlier in the campaign.
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