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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It was a fun movie in its own way. gloriously silly and over the top. But that can work quite well for space opera.
  2. Heh, an interesting look at the film and the things going on in it. Tor - Jupiter Ascending
  3. Vol, you might like to call us slavers, but to be fair, the English Navy were pretty much the first enforcers of the anti-slavery laws. We were ahead of the French that way. And French-canadians are always annoyed over that whole war and fort surrender thing.... But onto the not-so serious stuff..
  4. For the random interest and those who might be curious in how it all works... Amazon KDP and Kindle Unlimited: What it means for authors
  5. As the clock ticks here ever closer to midnight, I thought we might as well throw this up pre-emptively...
  6. For some more on the breakdown of voting.. How the UK voted and why For some of the highlights...
  7. To throw in the soccer jokes of the day: "England, out of Europe twice in four days." "Why is the difference between a teabag and England? A teabag stays in the cup longer." Edit: Also: "300,000 Icelanders voted for #Brexit" "The England players obviously voted for Leave..." "English players googling 'What is football?' right now" "At least this wasn't our worst Brexit this week..." "My advice to @BorisJohnson. Have a chat with Roy Hodgson, as he is the only man in England with a coherent plan for leaving Europe. #brexit"
  8. Okay, with all the politics going on,, this article for the general snerk. The Libertarian Republic - Actual cuckolds offended that the term is now a right wing insult
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