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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The Physics of Throwing a Big Sack over Trump's Beautiful Wall
  2. I guess it does depend on how you look at it. The game was being developed and published regardless. What they did was do a "hey, we have a budget to do x much. But we think the game really deserves y much. If you agree, you guys give us some more money so we can really develop the game we think it deserves to be."
  3. 45 Joyous things that will make you smile on the happiest day of the year
  4. Because attention seeking for money is fine, but if you criticise Goop and Paltrow's pseudoscience, you're just an attention whore apparently... Neurologic - Goop Strikes Back
  5. Warning, annoying music, but it's all about the visuals.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShmtExtUxrY
  6. Now, just imagine the game that would go with this character sheet....
  7. As we've brought up Dunkirk in the movie thread, here's a minor historical gem from the same period. During the Crete campaign in 1941, one of the junior Naval officers sent a signal listing all the various ships that had been sunk or put out of action during the evacuation to that point. He then suggested that the losses were unsupportable and efforts should be stopped. Admiral Cunningham sent this signal back: "It takes three years to build a battleship. It takes three hundred years to build a tradition. Operations will continue." They were able to evacuate a little under 20,000 men from Crete before the Germans took control. The remainder went to ground and joined the Cretan Resistance.
  8. I must admit I haven't been paying attention much, and this slipped up on me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UrQ4VvFO-c So, we're getting two Churchill films and a Dunkirk this year.... I wonder what's driving that.
  9. Heh. It makes an interesting point.. Viral Tweet makes a point about who gets to be old in Hollywood Marisa Tomei is actually a year older as Aunt May in Spider-Man Homecoming than Rue Mcclanahan was when she started filming Golden Girls.
  10. This... could prove interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH9ZWmizdIc
  11. Eh, I wouldn't say GTA elements. More like a slightly dodgy Skyrim/Gothic mashup with a few ideas drawn from Harry Potter.
  12. To go with a scene from Babylon 5...
  13. Okay, and to keep some things out of the funny things thread when they're somewhat in relation to current politics:
  14. I know we're trying to avoid politics in the humour thread, but .... Andy Serkis reading Donald Trump twitter comments in Gollum's voice? - It's about the 4 minute mark in the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64mWOoj68qo
  15. Oh dealing with bureaucracy is a wonderful thing. Especially when it's bright, perky, friendly and completely unhelpful while appearing to be helpful. "I'll look into this for you and let you know." Call back - "Oh, I'm afraid you'll have to do x to get into this" Try to do X, get a different person "Oh no, that won't be possible. What you'll have to do is this..."
  16. For the comments from the cheap seats...
  17. I'm sure I've seen a couple of those done in that mass of d20 open source gaming.
  18. Heh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_mKY2Vz-3M
  19. A high school sophomore spotted Secretary Mattis' phone number on a released white house photo. He called the number, asking for an interview for his school paper. Chaos gave him one. MIHS Islander - Full transcript : James Mattis Interview
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