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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Not taking it too seriously, but you have to admit, the cracks between Democrats and Republicans do seem to have been growing more exagerated in the last decade or so. Makes me wonder just what the shape of relations will be like in a few terms and where the common ground might be found.
  2. Technically I should be focusing more on the job hunt. Actually I've gotten into the bad habit of reading until around 4-5am then doing a lazy get out of bed at 10am.
  3. "The Milky Way, a Shooting Star, Sister Luna Rising, a Sunset, and Flowing Lava..."
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESVjzf4FzyU
  5. Babylon 5 is great, why does it look so bad?
  6. I'm tempted to track this down to find out how true it is...
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