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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For a little look back.. An interesting poke at Quantum Leap, how it differed from the Woobie of the Week development, and the way it worked. Tor - Quantum Leap gave us our favourite version of America
  2. This did kind of amuse me.. When you get a professor of Medieval History who enjoys films running a take down of King Arthur... Tor - Bruckheimer making boom with the real King Arthur (2004)
  3. Speaking from the cheap seats, it does seem to be a very fine line to balance. If you put too many restrictions on them (law enforcement), then in situations where lives are in the balance any form of hesitation can lead to loss of life and serious injury. At the same time, it can't just be a wild west pull a gun at a moment's notice and blast away. The point is finding the midway point of training, attitude and perception. This seems to get harder to find as the different viewpoints argue over the matter and start pushing to the extremes of both arguments.
  4. According to some of my friends in the US....
  5. Denis Akiyama - Not celebrity celebrity, but a recognisable background and voice actor. Most might recognise him for portraying Tong Si Hung in DE:HR.
  6. Neighbours call police on 12 year old mowing lawn, which increases his business A 12-year-old Ohio boy who operates his own lawn mowing business has gained more customers after one neighbor called the police one him for mowing part of her yard by accident.
  7. Yeah, I knew a guy who helped develop a companies software, maneuvered himself into the key position of handling it, spent a year with it and no-one else in the company could do his job, so he quit, became a "consultant" and they hired him to do exactly the same thing, but at twice the pay. I have to admit, I both admire and despise him for that maneuvering.
  8. Condolences Bart. I pretty much lazed in the heat, read, and drank tequila flavoured beer tonight. I was curious, it actually tastes like some shandy.
  9. This picture was posted on a website with this accompanying question; "If you were in a public place, would you feel comfortable with him sitting ten (10) feet ...away from your children?" This is the thoughtful response from one (1) of the readers; "I would gently explain to my children that while it is his absolute right to do it, I do not approve. Then I will let them know, in no uncertain terms, that if I ever catch THEM wearing brown slacks, blue socks and black shoes, IN PUBLIC, I will slap the stupid out of them." - Texas Mom
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