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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. You can critique the work, but there's a difference between giving criticism of a film or actor and being an absolute seething bullying / threatening them with "I want to kill you because you destroyed my childhood" etc. Get into a discussion of what went wrong, tell them clearly once that this didn't work or that didn't work, or they screwed up over the other. Don't turn it into a repeated over and over, don't go out of your way to stalk them down and hammer them with threats and nasty messages. That's the difference. Edit: Also in consideration, when you're simply a working actor doing a supporting role, you don't necessarily expect the horde of fandom that is Star Wars to focus all seething hatred on you.
  2. Heh, I found a somewhat amusing piece of tv trivia out. Apparently when filming Malcolm in the Middle, the writers discovered that Bryan Cranston was utterly shameless and willing to do pretty much anything they put in the script. So they started a background competition to see who could write something into a script that he wouldn't do. They'd put in things they were sure they'd get rid off when he complained or said he wouldn't do it... but.. each and every script, he'd cheerfully agree and go ahead. This included learning how to roller-skate over the course of two weeks when they put in that his character had been a roller disco champion and he had to do a dance on skates. Then reached its peak when the writers group got together as a whole, and purely as a joke asked him how he'd feel being covered in thousands of bees. His casual "Sure" sent them back to the writers room, where they wrote an entire script purely on the basis of getting the one sight gag of his character wearing a suit of living bees because they didn't want to admit it was a joke and they didn't have any script involving it yet.
  3. Eh, as it's that day over there ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MdK8hBkR3s
  4. Oh yes, and happy Brexit 1776 to you colonials out there..
  5. I did catch the recent Tomb Raider. It was.. disappointing. There were a lot of good elements to it, the way they stripped the supernatural element out and turned it into a "realistic" thing was interesting. But at the same time Tomb Raider should have that element of psuedo-fantastical to it. You had the fan service of several scenes / images being taken from the rebooted game, but then they lost huge chunks of the story. Some of it seemed heavily compressed and simplified. Plus, they had a Lara Croft who had no knowledge of archeology at all which was a bit weird, and then they used flashbacks to show "Oh, she learnt archery when she was 12" to explain the one skill as a hobby/sport rather than some drive to have training.
  6. I still like the idea of a tycoon style builder where you have to build the Jurassic Park. Only to then have it turn into a first person shooter / survival game when the dinosaurs go on a rampage, and you have to deal with how good you were at building and expanding the park in the first half....
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