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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://themindcircle.com/cats-ceiling/
  2. Man, and it's weirdly depressing to see a run of news of Whedon being toxic to some of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast back then.
  3. "There is nothing historically accurate about this film, it's just a festival for bisexuals."
  4. Its been ages since I've done a proper City SImulator, so I snagged a copy of Cities Skylines while it was cheap and have started poking a bit at establishing a new community.... Then I noticed it's a Paradox published game, and realised why it has so many DLC available.
  5. Just to add to that if you only saw the pictures and not the video...
  6. Now we wait for the conspiracy theory that it was all secretly edged on by Wall Street entities in an attempt to cause the moderators of WallStreetBets to implode in just such a way.....
  7. Is this when we start asking the IRS if we can get itemised receipts for how they used the tax money?
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