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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Maybe more deserving of the weird things thread, but it made me chuckle.
  2. This might catch a few peoples interest: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/connoralexander/coyote-and-crow
  3. "If Isis really had had a clue about what they were doing, they'd have just opened up a string of donut stores across America. Then the diabetes would have killed more Americans than 9/11"
  4. 1) Drummer 2) Lead Singer 3) Bass 4) Lead Guitar
  5. I've done a batch. I've got a massive stack of the books from all the WoD lines. It can depend if you can get your mind around the massive amound of teenage metaphor of angst that a lot of them run with. There are different aspects depending on if you're going Vampire the Masquerade vs Vampire the Dark Ages, or Mage the Ascension. Then again, Wraith the Oblivion was one of the most utterly depressing gaming systems I've ever encountered. I personally loved a lot of the ideas in Demon the Fallen, but I never found a gaming group wanting to play in it. Did play in a campaign that actually started in The Dark Ages with neonates, and we ended up going through the centuries until it became Vampire the Masquerade in the modern age.
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