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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Technically this two year project is meant to wrap up (for certain measures of wrap up)in April, and my extended contract expires in the first half of May. Juggling that end time crunch, and pondering if I really need to find some time to actually do job hunting, both internally at the company or externally. Or with that combination of end of project drop and lockdown bleh, maybe use my savings to just relax for a month before getting back on the job horse. Trying to make time for that job hunt in the midst of end of project craziness just seems so mentally draining in the midst of an already exhausting period. It's been weird I have to admit. When I started, I was in that "Rahr! I've restarted my life! First full time professional job after 15+ years as a carer. Finished off my degree, now I'm in a professional environment and working!" Then lockdown hit, and working from home was basically a major flashback. I thought I'd be re-learning socialisation and professional skills, and instead I've now spent a year with no real social contact and barely leaving the house a score of times. Roll out of bed, open up the laptop, log-in to work, and then the day is done and I'm mentally exhausted. Ah well. I now have two years as a Data Analyst for an international company on my CV. I just have to survive the last month and a bit.
  2. That good old philosophy auto complete...
  3. BBC - Hot tub accidents triple in lockdown, says insurer
  4. VirginMedia appear to be having glitches all over the country. My internet went down late last night, was still down this morning. So I messaged my boss with a "Okay, I can't get online, and I'll be missing those early morning meetings, but I have work I can do." Then juuust as it turned 9am and my first meeting was supposed to start... my internet came back online, and I was still pulled into it. Dang.
  5. Woman created deepfake videos to force rivals off her daughters cheerleading squad
  6. Looking out and enjoying the view after a storm...
  7. I picked it up because a few friends did it and set up their own server to run it. So running around voice chatting and combining our efforts. We were actually a bit paranoid about Eikthyr, so before we summoned him, we slapped down a worktable, and build a set of stockade walls with archery platforms to climb up around it, just to add a little extra. Then he went down fairly easily. The Elder is much more of a nightmare to face. Don't try it till you have a lot of bronze, and a whole bunch of fire arrows.
  8. Gateworld - Cliff Simon has passed away at age 58 Most likely recognised for his work as Baal on SG-1...
  9. Rosamund Pike buries all of her awards in the garden...
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