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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Trump’s new fundraising group has an unfortunate abbreviation (msn.com)
  2. SWAT team tears down woman’s home and leaves her with a $50,000 bill (upworthy.com)
  3. "I am part of a generation which reads George Orwell for his boundless optimism and his hopeful vision of the future."
  4. ... Buffy the Vampire Slayer premiered on WB 24 years ago today. And Highlander (the 1st movie) turned 35 a couple of days ago. It definitely kicks off that feeling...
  5. John Cleese updating with...
  6. Highlander Remake May Be Held Back By Its Epic Ambition (gizmodo.com)
  7. Just to distract from all the focus on the Royal Family, and divert to other issues...
  8. I always find it interesting how two different sides will view the other doing the same activities as something completely different.
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