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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Rian Johnson Star Wars Movies Less Likely After Knives Out Deal (gizmodo.com)
  2. I have to admit, its my lazy. I could spend an hour researching it properly on the internet. Or I can go "that might be interesting, I'll throw it on the forum, and watch the arguments to find out more detail"...
  3. So anyone have an idea how close to accurate this is? The 'wants' get cheaper, the 'needs' get more expensive...
  4. You'd be surprised, and again, a lot of government forms have English as its own ethnic tick box. So on the one hand you have that everyone knows English is not a race or ethnicity, but at the same time, it gets treated that why by certain check marks and forms.
  5. You get that fun argument on exactly how to balance things out and "level the playing field." Short term processes to resolve it can cause issues in the long term and heighten racial / ethnic divides. You want to make sure the minorities are not put at a disadvantage, and have the same opportunities as the majority. But depending on how you go about it, you can then end up where chunks of the population feel that the tail wags the dog. To use the very rough metaphor; You have a group of 10 people. 2 of them are a minority, and have suffered a history of persecution and potential unconsidered discrimination. To balance it out, in any decision they get to have 3 votes each. The 8 remaining only have 1 vote each, and because of that, start to feel aggravated with the 2, which causes them to act out on the minority. Long-term solutions and social psychology are a bitch to work with, and there is rarely a clean and simple answer to it. Also of note that you might find interesting @BruceVC https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-lammy-lbc-african-caribbean-english-b1824029.html
  6. GM: The evil wizard shrinks you down to tiny creatures and puts you in a glass dish. Party: .... GM: Then he casts Scorching Ray and you all take 10 fire damage. Party: How could the get worse? GM: Well, none of you can move now. You've been "Petri-Fried"
  7. @BruceVC There are some ongoing arguments about that report and what it highlighted. A bunch of it was already known, there was a similar one on how multicultural higher education is, and how quite often the minority ethnic groups are getting better grades. However it's also being "balanced" by how outside of higher education, lower graded "white" people are still managing to get better jobs than those minorities - which the report didn't really mention. While the report looks into institutional racism, it glosses over how there is a certain historical mistrust which causes some divides, and there's a lot of feelings in the various minority groups that the report really is more of a PR move than an understanding of what they're actually dealing with. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56585538
  8. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cd-projekt-red-is-making-big-changes-to-its-structure-and-mission-after-cyberpunk-2077/1100-6489519/?
  9. Put in NWN 2 Complete from Gog. Seeing how the memories hold up...
  10. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/article/role-playing-games-can-give-kids-a-mental-health-boost?
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