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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The fun thing is the clue is in the music playing when he Min walks away. As I recall, there's a radio in the distance playing that "Do you stay or do you go" music.
  2. Then again, sometimes you do have to chill...
  3. Roaming around and seeing what I can find...
  4. I think Warrior Nun is a slightly odd one. The first half of the season it feels like it's borrowed structural elements from all sorts of other shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc. But then it all kind of gels into its own thing for the last half of the season.
  5. Its not necessarily that, but things like the vehicles, and especially the space elements. Things that are described in one book one size, and has art for that, then another book describes the same thing, but in a totally different scale, and again, art that reflects that.. Then there's art thats not connected to any of those books, but shows images of those things at other scales... It's that.. not coherent across the whole universe
  6. I enjoy a lot of Warhammer art and all, but one of those things that bugs me with the official stuff is the general lack of coherency on scale. I know on one hand, its all rule of cool, and part of the way the fluff gets re-organised and redone every few years, but it just makes me grit my teeth.
  7. https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/04/six-decades-after-gagarin-nostalgia-and-not-much-else-fuels-russia-in-space/?
  8. Still sharing the same look after all that time..
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