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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For other fun and games.... https://news.yahoo.com/anti-cancel-culture-republican-party-075401722.html
  2. I think there's that question isn't there? Is the focus of gun control on crime in general, or in an effort to decrease the amount of spree shootings that occur in schools and the like? Because, (at least, in the cheap seats over this side of the Atlantic who hasn't spent hours researching it), it usually seems to be that most spree shooters are not "criminals" and have picked up or had access to their weapons legally. So who wants to do a breakdown on how many of these spree shootings have been carried out by someone with no criminal past, with legal weapons compared to someone who had to illegally obtain them? Also, for the bonus points, with how the gun-bunnies love to talk about playing hero and stopping these bad guys, how many spree shootings have actually been stopped by some local resident who happened to also be armed?
  3. After several years of playing around with it, I finally decided to try running an ironman game of Stellaris. Suddenly I have achievements popping up.
  4. 40 Years Ago: Buck Rogers Goes Out Fighting (ultimateclassicrock.com)
  5. Don't worry. They add in a few Victorian Irish accents as well.
  6. Caught the pilot of The Nevers. Slow opening, but it certainly builds well by the end of it. Establishing the elements of London of that age, the strange mystery of something causing a random assortment of women across all social classes to develop strange "afflictions" and powers. Throw in the hint of industrial revolution and steam punk, boobs by the half hour mark, grisly murders, multiple possible secretive groups with agendas, and a night at the opera.
  7. https://deadline.com/2021/04/felix-silla-dies-cousin-itt-on-the-addams-family-tv-show-was-84-obituary-1234737466/
  8. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/predator-screenwriters-suing-disney-to-recapture-rights
  9. Okay, this might go over a lot of non-UK folks heads.. Question: "What did you do as a child that would be considered dangerous today?" Reply: "Wrote to Jimmy Savile."
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