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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37373/patch-1-1
  2. Caught up on the end of season 7 of The Blacklist. Interesting how they handled the final episode. They were halfway through filming it when covid restrictions locked everything down. Since a couple of months went by without them being able to resume shooting, they got people to animate what hadn't been shot, and had the cast zoom their lines, then put it all together with what had been filmed.
  3. Although to escape from the fun of Bernie memes at the moment..
  4. The causes of Furlan’s death were not made public, but Babylon 5 creator Straczynski hinted that the actress was sick for some time. In the Twitter post with which her death was announced, we read the touching words of Mira Furlan: “I look at the stars. It is a clear night and the Milky Way seems so close. That’s where I’ll go soon. ‘We are all star stuff,’ suddenly I remember Delenn’s line from Joe’s script. Not a bad prospect. I’m not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and feel the beauty around me. And take a breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Exhale. That’s all”.
  5. One that's always amused me knowing, and I tend to re-share it whenever I see it mentioned...
  6. Joe Biden Took Just Hours To Reverse Some Of Trump's Most Controversial Orders (msn.com)
  7. So what is the safe word for that..?
  8. Dathon, his eyes with hunger. Picard, his stomach full.
  9. There is a reason David Attenborough is the king of the natural world documentary...
  10. But did you realise the real kick in your pants aspect to that ending? Carl Reiner filmed that three days before he passed. While that's his son Rob Reiner playing the grandson in bed asking him to come around tomorrow. "As you wish" was his last lines delivered on camera.
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