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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I asked because I'm interested on the details not because I doubt you. I saw the item on IGN earlier this week, I believe. It had a nice bit of damage control on the behalf of Activision, they were really waxing rhapsodic on the quality of work environment they provide. Thanks.
  2. You people sicken me
  3. I asked because I'm interested on the details not because I doubt you.
  4. Sorry, but could you cite sources. Please.
  5. Tried playing Metro 2033. Is like a more linear STALKER with better graphics, that fails at the little things such as letting you save. You are left at the mercy of checkpoints and can't even restart the mission, which means if you get stuck on a bug you need to start the game all over again. Which I won't F***ing Russian games.
  6. I put a cork on your farting on my disagreeing. The Witcher's writing shines on its environment and not on their character's, specially Geralt whom is the one that the great majority of interactions occur with. I'm hoping that in this game they can at least give Geralt an emotional range. The guy uses the same tone of voice and facial expression to express: love, anger, sorrow, joy. The rest of the characters ;while having some depth, are treated only on the surface. Even the ones you are supposed to have a connection with. Basically, my whole view on the game is as the game itself is, bleak, grey and shallow. I have no opinion either negative or positive of any of the characters. They are only as interesting as the circumstances surrounding them are. E.G. Abigail the witch; boring. Abigail the witch about to be burn by the whole village; spark of interest.
  7. Because politics is a fickle business and dealing with anything else but the right now won't get you votes. Unless you are Al Gore being cereal over the Manbearpig.
  8. You've realised of course that you will necessarily only see them using it in public. I have an Iphone, I know people that own Iphones. Never seen them use an Iphone in their house and we are tight. Plus using your Iphone to watch porn on your own house instead of a computer or tv is just dumb. BTW, @everyone: "Mobile phones" where made to carry into public places, my case is well founded.
  9. Thanks I'm undecided, I wouldn't leave them with Mario because he looks like a pedophile. Kratos is out of the question and CJ would make a bad babysitter. Jesus, aren't there any good role models in gaming? I'm gonna go with Leon Kennedy, he did a good job for the american president and comes highly recommended. I'm sure that when the zombie apocalypse hits my little tykes will be fine. Now I only have to get married and have kids.
  10. I disagree. A game with mediocre writing (a'la Bioware) but excellent localization can still "fake" an excellent cast. I disagree with your disagreeing. The Witcher doesn't focus on companions like Bio's games, I'm currently replaying the game and not one character has any depth. Although when you put them next to Geralt they look like the deep ocean blue.
  11. Which is exactly my point, the Iphone is mostly used in public.
  12. So; Volo, you have never looked at another's person phone/PSP/book while passing by their side? Mobile phones (specially the Iphone) is most used on public places. You simply don't go to the mall and pop out a porn mag. It's Apple's product and they have a vision of what should and shouldn't be used for. So they have every right of dictating what goes into it, much like a newspaper editor may decide that porn really doesn't belong on their paper.
  13. It is one of the Army's most charming practices that if a parade is kept waiting for any length of time then the NCO taking the parade will often requestsoldiers step forward and share jokes. Well, British armies are know for their humor. Still, I feel like i'm too young to know these jokes.
  14. Volo@: I don't want other people pushing their "freedom of choice" on public places Walsh@: Creepy, just creepy. Krezack@: I'm not arguing whether porn is good or bad, indeed I am an avid consumer. But I draw the line between having a public persona and bringing something that should be kept private into it.
  15. You guys know way too many of these "jokes". I think we should stop hanging out for a while
  16. I did not mean to imply otherwise. I've been saying it on this board for as long as I've been posting here that most Europeans forget how different the US and Americans actually are from you. We have so much in common historically, culturally, even in language in many places, that you guys often forget that we are a different animal all together from any nation in Europe. Gun rights are not so much about guns as they are about rights. Many people who do not even own guns oppose gun control simply because the government has no right to prevent a citizen from enjoying a Constitutionally guaranteed right. It may sound like a slippery slope argument but we believe it 100% that is a single right is lost, they all are as good as lost. You forgot to add that is one of the few forms of entertainment that rednecks enjoy. Not a holiday passes by without shooting at some cans.
  17. Didn't know we had so many supporters of porn here Okay, the problem is not with having porn on your phone is that you usually take your phone with you to public places. I don't care what people do on the privacy of their homes but I don't want to dine next to a guy that's watching nasty schoolgirls spank each others buttocks. Sure there are public places that are away from the public's eye, but if someone needs to get up and interrupt their business because they need to look to porn in their phones on the bathroom I would say that's an addiction. Plus is a bad idea; you know that phone is going to pass through hands. Do you really want people asking, what does this app do? and then you have to tell them about the birds and bees and why some birds like to be gagged and tied.
  18. Quite frankly if someone needs to have porn on their phone they should find help; either psychiatric or treatments for sore elbows. So Apple is doing a good thing really.
  19. You're a parent. It's like dead baby jokes - they stop being funny once you have a kid. They were once funny?! and i'm not even a father.
  20. He got scared, which is what the aggressor should had felt when he saw a gun on his face. Instead he assaulted and during the struggle shots were discharged. I know that I wouldn't venture a walk through the streets without a group of friends or a gun, precisely because of people like Ed DiDonato and the worse.
  21. You know, usually when it comes to censorship i'm adamant to fight it but in this case I have to agree with Apple. People have always found a way to hack the Iphone and run programs on it; namely porn. But I really don't want to go to the App store and find smut. Plus is their product they have a right to monopolize it's content.
  22. Saw it and all I gotta criticize is that: IT NEEDS MORE COWBELL!!
  23. Try some Indian news, they probly pissed by all the bombs on the border.
  24. I'd like to hire Samus as a babysitter, then I could pull a Jude Law
  25. What kind of person would GoW would be? Definitely not one I would leave with children.
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