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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Yet the allegation of them trying to take all the money came from Activision, no doubt a result of the Orwellian investigation. West and Zamp previous moves seems to be to secure the intellectual property and get out of Activision before the sh*t hit the spin offs. They had a strong disagreement with Activision and the result is plans to break up, and legally they haven't done wrong (until proven). Although I gotta say that Activision's case is starting to take form, their strongest platform seems to be that they were planning to "defect" for the competition
  2. How many points you lose for killing a kitty?
  3. One of the possible "bad endings",
  4. No wonder you are depressed.
  5. Nirvana. Kurt Cobain R.I.P
  6. Volologic strikes again.
  7. Just finished awakenings, it was not worth my money Worst expansion ever! It's like a cheap DlC.
  8. What part of non-consensual you did not understand? S&M has rules, put there for the safety and comfort of the participants. Both parties agree on the extent of the play and everything is make believe not actually engaging on rape, just rough sex. There is still the chance that it could indeed hurt another human being. In most games violence and sex are complementary to the objective; which despite the aforementioned, may not be violent. But in RapeLay the main objective is to rape and turn two women into sex slaves, so sex is the main objective.
  9. Life and purpose have as much value as one applies to them; the reason is that from God's perspective, knowing every outcome and every possibility would mean that either everything happens for a reason or else nothing has meaning. If all of the events that have transpired are working to a greater goal, because of their influence on one person and those ripples eventually influencing mankind. If God isn't a fatalist because there is no set outcome to human events and all works towards no end, ergo nihilist. Just like knowing that your son is going to kill someone does not equate to you putting the gun on his hand. The matter is not if God created Satan's faulty or not, God could had avoided the events but didn't. Probably because he took the Devil's bet that mankind aren't worthy, but the intent for such as thing would bring God to human level. The son in question is not free, because his father has looked at the future and every action that the father will take is influenced by that view. The choices that the father takes afterwards could change the son's future. If the son future rest on the father's influence, where is his free will? Compatibilism requires an amount of "self-reference" in order to work, the son must be aware of every choice he makes (even the unconscious ones) in order to truly have free will. Otherwise he is just following a set of predetermined events.
  10. Predators often go from fantasies to material to realizing them in real life. Those individuals whom fantasize about rape and seek pornographic material of that niche are one step closer to engaging on the act. So while the product may not be the cause, it may contribute to the final result. You put orgies and other sexual fantasies as examples but rape is non-consensual.
  11. But there is a difference between the content, we are not generally wired to kill but we are to seek sex. There is a drive that might be pushed by gaming fantasies and may cause to seek sexual gratification on the real world.
  12. So, God is a fatalist? Fatalism would imply that time matters and reality is directed towards a known outcome; but from God's perspective time doesn't exist because he created time. There is no set outcome (a tenant of fatalism) but for God the outcome exists because all that time encompasses has already done so. Its really Compatibilism. Ohhhh . . . so he is a nihilist.
  13. Do you know how much space would a game that had two completely different characters as protagonist would take? :look: Aside from the fact that is lackluster to kill the main character (that would drive most people away) then you would get a finale where your PC is trying to fill in Shepard's shoes the whole story. Is like going to a Led Zeppelin concert only to find that Jethro Tull will play instead.
  14. So, God is a fatalist?
  15. No there isn't a connection, but everyone seems to immediately jump to the conclusion that games are the cause of criminal behavior. By their conclusion the reverse is also possible. Despite being silly it still seems to have some bearing in the way that people judge video games, or whatever the hell RapeLay is.
  16. here you go, now you have 4
  17. Considering that all of the ME2 character are disposable and could die at the end of the game, it would take a lot of writing to include them on ME3 and to replace them in case of demise. Perhaps is time Shepard started making his/her own decisions and pick whomever he/she wants from both the ME and ME2 roster and some new ones for good measure. Blasto the hanar companion for ME3! BTW, what happened to your hair?
  18. As a creator you have a responsibility for your creations; free will aside, the quality and purpose lie at the creator's hands. BTW, your analogy does support your case; the game designer is responsible for the AI which is what the Devil is: God's creation.
  19. So there are less sexual crimes in Japan and they have sex games. And there has been less homicides ever since violent games hit the mainstream on the stats Maybe there is some relation to games and crimes rates.
  20. answer here: http://mcdonaldroad.org/bible/study/lucifer.htm I don't think the question was answered. All question and answers are "God-centric" while Walsh's question would assume that the fault lies with God and not the Devil, since God is responsible for the Devil which serves him. BTW, their organist and helper analogy was completely wrong. In any case God would be the organist and the Devil the helper.
  21. Isn't Tiger Woods under a lot of public scrutiny because of it?
  22. They often say that he is a special kind of angel who is capable of making choices. On the other hand he could be just doing God's bidding and I quote Job, when the Devil makes the wager and God set the terms.
  23. and Mr. Bean
  24. They both aren't, but somehow people (Americans for the most part) are more comfortable with violence than sex.
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