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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. No we can't, because the fragile moral minds of the Americans won't allow it. Justification it's one paintjob away from an excuse, we don't say so because we want to believe the lie. Even though that sounds to radical for my tastes it's the only reason I can see, the other would be that the entire world it's filled with idiots that take everything to face value. I like to give mankind a little bit more credit. Besides the enforcing apparatus of international law has always been military might, the basis of diplomacy.
  2. I was expecting something more juicy, like double entendre or mid coitus - "tis a gift from the great stallion"
  3. Does it come up at very inappropriate moments?
  4. You have an Ukrainian mail bride? Didn't you see the picture. It looked like my niece with an afghan hound sitting on her head. Are you pulling my leg or did that really happen? Because i'm very gullible. You guys wouldn't do all this to make fun of me would you? Here you go. I must have missed class that day.
  5. One of my fav remixes ever. .
  6. No, I pretty much agree with you. I replayed ME1 to death, trying the different classes, with new faces and all that. Whilst in ME2 the universal cooldown made every "non-combat" oriented class play in a similar manner. Which killed the immersion for me at least, add to that the lack of exploration. I was actually just the opposite. I've played ME2 to death, ME1 I actually stopped playing for a while and couldn't figure out where to go when I got back to it, so scratch that one, started over, lost interest, then got back to it...only finished ME1 three times which is actually not that many in relation to ME2 (believe it or not). I had 7 completed character saves for ME1, and I have problems replaying ME2. Just because it feels a little too much of the same experience, combat has been improved but it still doesn't feel quite like either a shooter or a RPG. There really aren't many options in combat other than the" wack a mole style" of play. It probably goes back to my issue with the universal cooldown and the "dumbed" down character progression. When it comes to it; aside from soldiers, all other classes are vulnerable and little more than bullet fodder.
  7. No, I pretty much agree with you. I replayed ME1 to death, trying the different classes, with new faces and all that. Whilst in ME2 the universal cooldown made every "non-combat" oriented class play in a similar manner. Which killed the immersion for me at least, add to that the lack of exploration.
  8. You have an Ukrainian mail bride? Didn't you see the picture. It looked like my niece with an afghan hound sitting on her head. Are you pulling my leg or did that really happen? Because i'm very gullible. You guys wouldn't do all this to make fun of me would you?
  9. @Wals: what I meant was in terms of achievement; The Angolan civil war, and latter Bolivia, they were part of the much larger communist efforts to spread. It's another Fabian strategy case, where the small island doesn't have the military power to harm the US. The only time that they did was very controversial. @Zoraptor: I don't really understand what your point it's, it seems lost on witty comments. My point it's that aside from Al Qaeda with their extensive network of operations and massive funding from Muslim extremists, there hasn't been a successful attack on the US by a revolutionary group. I would have to debate the status of Al Qaeda as a group since its more extensive.
  10. So you weren't immersed?
  11. Then again, my point it's that Ernesto Guevara didn't get further than Cuba. Call me when one of these revolutionary groups fighting for independence actually has the mettle to give the US pause
  12. You have an Ukrainian mail bride?
  13. Well it only took us 10 years, not our best but we'll probably do better next time
  14. Stay away from that Black Phantom, use slashing weapons on those goblins, divide and conquer. For the big ones move around them sideways and roll when they strike, either to the side or back and then strike. Godspeed man, also you don't need to do the valley to win the game. I just remembered, once you get to the scaffold follow it through all the way around the cave until you get to the next side. You get to drop that bridge right at the beginning, it will help you when you have to fight the boss.
  15. You'd think that after 50 years of the US operating this way the world would had gotten used to it. Just a question about the guy in Uganda, Peru, Indonesia, ect. He's the leader of which international organization? Otherwise do you really think that there will be much consequence to some tribal leader disliking NATO because they blew up some ambulances?
  16. Wow, thanks for sharing
  17. ITT: Gamers blame their addiction on game developers. "They make games too well" they say
  18. You know if time management is one of your problems then I suggest that you stay away from JRPGs. Those things are lonnnnnnnnnggggg. But ME2 had no such good consistency with their continuity, the reason it was so easy to leave the story and come back to it was because it was compartmentalized. Which eventually made evident the separation in between the areas and the missions. Since exploration was removed, there really is no feeling of a united world anymore. We just go from mission to mission.
  19. I'm holding my breath for Ezio to time travel to the future and off Desmond so we can play as Ezio and only Ezio.
  20. Just kill the Strelok to get the nice ending.
  21. What is this, I don't even... *flips table over* *barges out of thread* I think he is talking about the story only, I agree that storytelling in ME2 was a big blunder. I don't know, I like ME2 having manageable chunks rather than...I've been playing for 6 hours and still haven't gotten to the end of the level...type thing. Endless combat isn't always what some think it's cracked up to be. If Arrival is any indication of the changes they are doing...color me thinking them catering to all the whiny fans who want more ME1 and dislike ME2 as tainting the creation of ME3 for the worse. ME3 can be great...I'm hoping it is...truly. I just hope the ME1 fanatics don't screw it up for the rest of us. What Hassan said, plus story wise ME2 was the worst possible direction they could have taken the series. I don't hate ME2, it was great in every other aspect (although i was sad about the lack of inventory and wepmods) ME3 it's probably going to be what we expect, DA:O on space. You go around the galaxy gathering allies, determined by who you antagonized in the previous game you get to fight some of them.
  22. They share some of the same members.
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