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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Let's see Black watch/Legion of Dead - check Dragons/Dragons and Archdemons - check Dothraki/Qunari - check Dead king, usurper on the throne, political conflict over the succession/ditto - check Robert Baratheon is king because of a rebellion/ Maric was king because of a rebellion - check Whitewalkers/ Darkspawn - check ect.ect. Please let me know if you need more, I can do this the whole day
  2. Do alcoholics go out partying and having drunk sex? If so...can I be your friend?
  3. Maybe when we have a super processor that could fill the battlefield and have pretty graphics without killing the game with lag and not going over budget on the design part, we can have TW3: Epic battles of ...whatever in hell the continent it's named. A lot of the design choices were made precisely to save memory space for graphics and "epicness" or I'm the only one who noticed the lack of storage, not one f'ing chest in the whole game
  4. How is this for an idea about the writing? Gaider should stop trying to make "A Song of Fire and Ice: the Game" he can't pull it off.
  5. I not 100% informed of the situation in Britain, but I'm knowledgeable of large migrations of Turks into the country. A rise in organized crime seems to be an unwanted consequence of a large exodus, you saw it all throughout American history. I would think that programs that help immigrants get a foothold in society, along with housing deliberately planned to keep them away from high crime areas would help. I would very much like to hear your notions about the overall situation in the UK since I may be able to offer a better informed opinion afterwards.
  6. More moreover the use of children by criminal organizations dates to the turn of century (not this one, the previous one) amazingly enough the reason have stayed the same, society tends to be more lenient on children and in modern society you have the dual benefit of an able young body (14-18) that it's still considered; legally, a minor. Plus they are very impressionable and easy to manipulate. I'm a little bewildered by this thread; maybe because of the country difference, but this has been a problem for some time now. Specially since a lot of the gang violence related crimes are committed by youth.
  7. Stop it you guys, you'll upset the Volo
  8. There was also a lack of guns (for my taste really) and the weird inventory. I get it that they wanted to make players break the monotony of assault rifle + sniper rifle. All in all I consider FC2 one of those good games that could had been great with some changes in the design. Oh, yeah and I hate having to track diamonds with my GPS. What the hell was that all about?
  9. No, I was control for that experiment and didn't felt a thing. You must be a lightweight, at any rate hair of the dog for ya.
  10. I think I might shave today.
  11. I don't know what you guys are talking about, the scene set/revealed the character for what it was. I was the seed of suspicion foreshadowing the eventual betrayal. Edit: also hot lesbian sex.
  12. Is that Star Lord and Phyla Vell? it is it is!
  13. Interactive cutscenes forces the audience to keep engaged because of the input, it makes transition easier and keeps the tension of the fight alive.
  14. One day when the hype has died down and all eyes are away from them they may deign fit to tell us about their design choices. For now let's blame the usual suspects: console peasants, publisher and BioWare.
  15. 15 is an adult on many countries, but anyways good read if you need another reason to hate the turks. I'm now deciding whether to bomb them or not based on the hotness of their women.
  16. Doesn't matter, as soon as the Nexus are done with it its going to look fabulous. Chocolate elves, pretty faces, juggling boobs, I can't wait to stop sleeping so I can convulsively clear dungeons.
  17. I found it to be easier, just consider that your characters wouldn't take potions on their own and still survive unlike DA:O. Also you just had to auto level your companions to be at max fighting efficiency. So was it really harder?
  18. And the Jersey Shore has been renewed for another season, your point?
  19. No no no, you are right accessible is code for dumb and casual. I would still wait to see how this plays out and if they finally fix their horrid issues with the AI.
  20. I'm I the only one who thinks that the 1,000 fetch sidequests should be out?
  21. Ok then, what do you believe that DA2 did that was salvageable and that will transfer into the future of the franchise?
  22. So that's his way of saying Dragon Age had problems but it was perfect. What a load of corporate bull: "From my perspective, as someone looking to the future and the DA franchise, I think that DA II moved us into a space that has more potential."
  23. Nah, you'd all blame Bioware for it. Nephie your this close to going in the menu.
  24. You know a lot of quest felt like they had been cut down, probly because of controversy or something of the like. Maybe this quest had also a sexy reward
  25. They find other morons over the internet that agree with them and get together to procreate. blurring the line between us and them a little there. BTW when it comes the time for Obsidianites to repopulate the wasteland I got first dibs on Wals. You really think this board could repopulate? We'd probably kill each other over distribution of goods, and females, and then just who to blame for being in that situation in the first place. Nah, we would unanimously agree to eat LoF (the great irony of his name) get stinking drunk and then wander in the wasteland. Hell that is sounding like fun, when in blazes is that Rapture coming?
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