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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Most recently you have the cover system in F3AR, feels like a gears of wars but completely first person. But yeah the DX:HR cover system it's strongly reminiscent of the Rainbow Six, considering that I actually recognized it before I actually knew that it was inspired by it.
  2. wilkommen to the interwebz! wilkommen to ze intarwebz! [fixed] Willkommen auf der Internet! [fixed] TOUCH MY MONKEY!!
  3. Not particularly. You seriously are a downer
  4. But its misuse won't affect the charter of human rights itself, clearly put: they won't change the human rights charter by misusing it. Besides is not like they want to do something wrong, you seem to have an obvious bias against it though. Don't know why. Although if the courts feel like you do, maybe it won't happen. So cheer up mate, there is going to be future generations of undergraduates but the human rights remain pure and sacred. That's all that matters, ain't it?
  5. True enough, but setting contributions aside the entertaining games of our past will be lost to memory as technology progress. Example of it "Doom" at one point it was the zenith of FPS nowadays you have health regen and yearly CoD. Games have a short life-span because of technology.
  6. Remember, Remember the Fifth of November...when a bunch of drunk brits set stuff ablaze.
  7. After finishing season 3 of Breaking Bad I was surprised to see this song in one of the episodes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2Osol5CofM
  8. Maxed out Katarina, just pick every pragmatic choice that benefits you E.G: choose to keep rewards, or spare the lives of characters you can use to your benefit.
  9. Sounds like an interesting story, feel like sharing? Or are you still under a non-disclosure agreement?
  10. No, the really sad realization is that whilst Citizen Kane has survived because of the IFC and the AFI we have no organization that preserves old video games. (the closest thing we have to it is the emulation community) The classics still are part of the courses that anyone trying to become a filmmaker has to take, but as we say on our school "We are in game art we don't play games"
  11. But with a fear of being blacklisted by every publisher I don't see anyone within the industry standing up for an union, mostly people who get fed up and leave. What ? I don't understand what you mean. If the poorly treated developers want justice they would organize and form a union. When the union has enough developers in it, they can and will achieve better working conditions. You can't blacklist the whole union. Now the only thing working against this is laws that govern individuals rights against illegal contract termniation i.e. job security. If the local law does not provide protection from being fired illegaly (term defined by each society by their norms) then you truely are ****ed. To put it into perspective is like being the first person to jump forward after the bad guy with the gun says "who dies first?" sure you can overwhelm him with massive numbers but without the certainty of a backing and with a job to lose, I don't see many people lining up to be the first. As for the illegal termination, well those cases drag out and even if you win and actually start an union you are still going to be a troublemaker in the eyes of the publishers.
  12. Yeah, but just like tweens don't really get why Citizen Kane is a great movie because they are dumbfounded by Michael Bay new "VSFXathon" they don't really get why DX is a good game.
  13. Hurray, now games can be become the mature medium that they always were meant to be, with deep story telling, fleshed out characters and.....wait a minute
  14. Wow, Wals you really have taken this thing an ran with it. Isn't it a bit of hyperbole? Before the scenario you describe could happen, don't they need to have a whole bunch of trials based on the precedent and people behind it? Plus there is a difference between alienable rights and privileges, what you describe are the privileges of the rich.
  15. Bummer, we still have a similar program here at the states. Don't know how you guys manage, ever consider studying overseas?
  16. But then there is the fallout that's going to come out from the publisher side: firings, legal preceding, and there are a lot of available scabs. I simply do not see this happening within the industry, specially since there isn't a guild or something resembling it to organize a strike. Edit: The most likely scenario is to make publishers believe is in their best interests to treat developers right, way of a company's success and further expansion using a developing model that offers both good results and doesn't exploit developers.
  17. One of the causes of the high dropout rate, but as an institution education works. Problem is the lack of freedom given to teachers to actually instill values on students, so as usual the ones that learn are the ones actually interested. Those who don't care for it and still pursue a career just because is the logical next step, well I saw them once or twice before they finally stopped coming to school altogether. Although I been for a half a year in an arts schools that it's very career oriented, they make you push yourself by constantly reminding you what the job is. So no its irrelevant to them if you push yourself or not since A) you are paying a lot of money to be there B) if you don't make it through school you probably won't make it on the job. But we in America have that "pursuit of happiness" thing and don't need to use human rights to make a case. You guys should have listened to Locke.
  18. But with a fear of being blacklisted by every publisher I don't see anyone within the industry standing up for an union, mostly people who get fed up and leave.
  19. So you want to argue ethics? That human rights are a human construct and otherwise useless in a state of nature. Maybe you can put up with this little white lie in the pursue of a greater good.
  20. So, another tale of horror from the video game industry. The games industry really needs to group the **** UP!!! ARGH! It's the plane pilot slave system, pilots are severely underpaid and overworked but they don't complain because they love flying airplanes and lack the means to do so. The same way that a lot of people in the game industry (if not all) love games and lack the financial means to do so on their own. I mostly think that it hurts production, as it was the case here.
  21. I see your point and I would like to offer the story of my second mother as a counterpoint. She was on her late 40's when she came to the US 8 years ago, the first job she could find was cleaning houses. I mention her age because I want to paint the picture that this was a 50 years old woman cleaning houses in order to manage a living and still send financial support back to us. The sequence of jobs she held were of almost the same quality, from being a stay home servant to a family in Tennessee (which as I am told wasn't enjoyable) working in a gas station and the sorts. Which brings us to the point were after we secured through some contacts on the education sector in Cuba false documents showing that she had been a teacher, is that she was able to pursue a decent career as a teacher. This is relevant because in order to do so she had to complete classes; since her major had been in science, classes which she took in college which she wouldn't had been able to do if the tuition cost were incredibly high or without government programs to help students. She now teaches middle school. Now I have a shot at an even better life because of her efforts. Hard work can only take you so far before the world buries you, a break at some point is necessary.
  22. So, another tale of horror from the video game industry.
  23. But you can't _give a poor kid a break_ in his life, is that what you mean? Climbing through social strata is hard enough when you aren't born into it, when you have the whole world against you its next to impossible. So why is a qualified kid without the economical means less deserving of higher education than a rich prick? I disagree with this fatalistic notion that as a general rule you are poor because you are stupid and lazy and therefore your son should also be the same. The option should be viable for those who want to better themselves.
  24. Actually, I think that the WB old school cartoons were used as an argument against the bill (becuase according to some research being used, watching an old bugs bunny toon was as damaging in general as playing a videja game) Although they have removed certain parts of the cartoons and they don't run any of the old Tex Avery cartoons, they also have taken down any racial references in cartoons. To be honest it has been a while since I checked on this case, did they clear up the legislation or is their definition of violent video games as vague as before?
  25. Couldn't they had found a picture of cute cosplayers protesting, why does it gotta be the two fatties?
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