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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Learn Spanish and bring your own shotgun
  2. I seem to handle, but then again I was raised to do so. But don't worry memory has a very short half life.
  3. Da Aylians ur cumming! Is the US maybe preparing us for disclosure, and what's up with all these silly ET movies lately? I call it the Michael Bay effect, lotta special effects, no plot and it makes millions on the box office. Everyone else follows suit.
  4. That's just tragic
  5. You should go to the Vatican then, I bet you'll feel right at home.
  6. I've been getting mixed reviews on this game, can anyone give a descriptive tale comparing it to another game? is this another Brink? (media darling but very poor mechanics)
  7. The Idea has already came from within from the many people claiming for reform and the many other who speak of it in closed walls. But the fact that Islamic extremism is the dominant force in the regions isn't going to change just because of a (very unlikely) revolution in though. EG: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ran fraudulent elections which despite the public rallies for change did little to advance their cause. We can wait for the day that there is a massive revolution in thought and change in the balance of power or we can support the reformists. Globalization may have planted the seeds of change, but they need to be supported so as they are not plucked and can grow to fruition. Well I guess that's my bit
  8. Hey that's a better deal than MaleShep going to sleep in the morning and then wake up after going to trial on earth and realize that every guy looks really good because some alien snuck in and did a "fabulous" surgery to him.
  9. hey, freaking shot in the dark but do you wanna talk about the bombing sometime?
  10. Today I posted in a brand new thread
  11. Everyone's a critic, no?
  12. Sorry to interrupt but...aren't you from Chicago?
  13. Yeah, it represents brain implants. Actually he got shot in the head, that's the bullet hole. It comes with the advertising
  14. MFW I'm having a whiskey and smoke while waiting for my copy.
  15. Good example, though I chose Africans Americans to illustrate my point that fighting side to side against a common enemy (though it may change the opinions of those directly involved in the conflict) does little to advance racial equality. I'm not fully aware of the situation back then since my knowledge of history its quite limited, but the case and how relates to Mexicans has some differences. To put it simply, you can't tell that someone is a catholic just by looking at them, however you can with races. The issue; while dividing, still allowed for the coexistence of both groups whilst they where vying for power with one of them in secrecy (the catholics). Foreign as the powers may be, Spain and France would had encountered a large support from the British catholics and may had made their house quite easily if they had succeeded. This is brings to relevance the fact that when conquering differences in culture matter, aside from a few quirks westerners are not all different. Which would had made the transition easier, which has never been the case when differences of races or culture (e.g: Jerusalem). Racial profiling test, when they ask for a Muslim do they want a Nordic, blue eyed, blonde or a Middle easterner? Ethnicity, culture, religion they are all part of the idiosyncrasies of a people and aren't completely separate for even for an objective study one must look in reference to the others. Plus I'm sure that by Muslimization he actually meant immigration.
  16. A well written argument, but you seem to omit the fact that racial differences are...well, different from religious. Push came to shove many times in the US history were blacks fought in every war and still faced discrimination. Whilst in times of peril they were brothers at arms (to an extent) they still had to face racism when they came back home. The situation with Elizabeth involved a single ethnic group with religious differences. So even if they fight together its no guarantee of a well adjusted multicultural society, although I should point that attitudes have changed and there is more tolerance of differences nowadays. Even if there is enough racism to counter it.
  17. Why is it that when a game tackles a serious theme it comes out so crappy? That narration sounded like a "corporate corruptions for kids" trailer.
  18. Except for the Jesuit ninja assassins She ruled unopposed because through legislation she crushed her opposition and eliminated the reach of the Catholic church on England. Not what I would consider the best example of working multiculturalism; are you trying to get Mexicans killed, ese?
  19. Kate Beckinsale would make an awesome anything.
  20. Vanilla Oblivion maybe
  21. And it actually stopped when it was caught, sort of like a cartoonish moment. Seems a bit to convenient to be real but funny anyways.
  22. Great, now Mass Effect has started to attract the pokemon crowd...God I hate fans
  23. I guess this is a good thread to say this: Tomorrow 12 Eastern Fabio and the Old Spice Guy are having a duel on the Oldspice youtube channel. This for those who thought that the commercial were funny and care enough about those things. Oro out.
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