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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. True, maybe we should just hang out naked to avoid suspicion.
  2. That's the most awesome moment yet. You know I'm really hoping that they go head to head, because the characters are similar in many aspects, I specially like the flashback in "Hermanos" and how he was the "Jesse" in the equation.
  3. Seymoorrr!
  4. I had the same issue but trust me it gets insanely better around episode 4 and 6 is the defining moment of the season (it was so awesome). It was a little bit of a build up waiting for the characters to develop around their current situation but its playing on the tension in between Walter and Gus, I can't wait for the confrontation.
  5. He just said that because of his own bias towards the archetypes that are prevalent to the culture, like tsundere Morrigan (the irony )
  6. Where we find out how she carries our child JCDenton and that the Illuminati where behind the White Helix incident? God, I hope they don't ruin this game with DLC
  7. Dragon Age, the first western game to sell 1million+ in Japan! Funny, considering they were the guys criticizing JRPG for "having stagnated"
  8. LucasFilm and LucasArts are both corporations last I checked.
  9. There's none of that nonsense in my Dragon Age universe, at least until it is retconned by David Gaider. I wish I could say that there's none of this nonsense in my real life universe but I've been to the BioBoards
  10. I don't know. Why so many of these movie remakes with better definition fall lower than the original? Some things don't go well with new technology.
  11. I do believe that's an issue of the setting of the options offered. In DE you had to go the literal distance to get all facts on how to solve a problem, like going to the bar and finding a piece of information then moving to another area and so forth. DE:HR is narrower in that most sidequests intersect (obvious ploy to save space) and central missions are very linear in their design. You could blast your way in, sneak through a vent, or hack a door but all the time you are very aware that you're doing the same thing. As opposed to DE where the physical distance of each approach reinforced the illusion. In short DE:HR, all multiple approaches where found in the same room or very close. DE, they were more separate, developed and had more substance.
  12. I rather not see it sullied by modern engines and safe in the nostalgia goggles.
  13. Meh, it's setting up the DX1 conspiracy and IMO does it in an interesting way. I guess it's back to the DA2 argument. "Dis not epic enuff!" Agreed, although I would have liked to see more of a tie in than showing Bob Page in a few scenes or a series of scattered emails. Though it ends up becoming it's own story, with the rescue and Darrow at the end. They beautifully built a situation with lot of tension and managed it to show in game through news report, level design and sidequests. I just wish that they would had the same care(timeframe) with the conspiracy aspect of the game. Although I did get a sense of slight "epicness" leading up to the end, it just felt disconnected and lacking a build up to the climax. Again I blame this on the production time, even though they have benefited immensely from their release date.
  14. So in short peer pressure works because it puts you out your comfort zone and expands your view. Don't know if that's worth getting paddled on arse. Or worse, in the arse. Krookie:(i'm just having fun at your expense I seriously don't know what goes on fraternities, I don't think it will be horror movie bad but don't expect a bed of roses either)
  15. Or we could get a Star Wars hardcore nerd that's displeased with the blu rays and is a sniper on the marines to do it for us. .... And we shall call him Oswald.
  16. Orogun01


    Stumbled upon this while surfing through the tube, it's a cool vid
  17. But can they keep up with the demand? If the technology its as good as advertise then there's bound to be high demand and if they fail to meet it then shortages are bound to rise the price. Seems there's more of a market for applications of this tech and the technology itself rather than it as a product.
  18. Also if you have the jump aug you can go over the walls, he does it anyways so its fair game. Remote explosives are a lifesaver on this one and IIRC there should be plasma rifles and heavy rifles laying around if you need some firepower.
  19. Soon to be named the "iExpensive"
  20. How strict is the enforcement and how would you like to be remembered as the guy who ratted the sorority out?
  21. FF 9 didn't even make it into the top 20? what is this... I don't even... My sentiments exactly.
  22. Get your ass ready for the gayest time in your life Good luck! @Wals: You don't need to win the fight you just need to stand your ground, and always remember "chicks dig scars"
  23. But then it's too late, because if you fix the typos, your post is forever tainted with that ugly little edit message. I wish they'd make it like on other boards where the edit message doesn't pop up if you edit within a few minutes of posting. It's unnecessary. Nay, the edit message separates the men from the boys. How else are we supposed to know who kept rewriting his post into something eloquent and who's a bona fide natural at it.
  24. That's okay, i'm used to your kind of rhetoric I actually thought that the Kasumi DLC was a good one, albeit a short one. Still this DLC comes a little too late in the game so it better be Lair of the Shadowbroker good otherwise its gonna crash hard. Fingers crossed for them not doing a DA3 tie in DLC. Remember WitchHunt? Edit: also, this its me not replying to your post.
  25. But the approach is everything, first you learn the theory then you see it in application and your grasp of the knowledge solidifies. Plus I been playing games for a long time now and can't really say that they are all that educational, unless you count learning how to identify 30 different types of guns as useful knowledge.
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