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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. What the **** is wrong with games today? Every damn thing has to have multiplayer today
  2. Don't like the new acrobatic aspect, I think they should downplay it. The skill that lets you see through walls seems a bit overkill and may just kill my experience; I hope that it doesn't play that way on higher difficulty levels. But I really liked the one for the yellow bar when he is trying to avoid suspicion.
  3. You know that's not always the case, I prefer a shapely A cup over an unnatural looking C cup. Stay tuned I will post pics. You've just never seen a good anatomically shaped implant. As a connoisseur I appreciate subtleness and aesthetically pleasing natural lines. Implants belong no more in human bodies than ice belongs in Whisky. Amen to both!
  4. You know that's not always the case, I prefer a shapely A cup over an unnatural looking C cup. Stay tuned I will post pics.
  5. I see it another way, democracy is corrupted from the get go because if there is something that's ever true is that every man will act in their self interest. Fact is that democracy in America is more corrupt because we thrive from self interest, and with the consolidation of power into the upper 5% it has become easier for them to affect the political discourse. Now everyone with enough money can buy lobbyist to protect their interests in Washington and while i'm not assuming malice on their intentions their issues will take priority to those of the common man. Which when you count the time that the incumbent has in office and the time he can actually dedicate to legislation; which is very short, we get very few laws that benefit the public in effect.
  6. The difference is that the people who attend these roasts are comedians and B rated celebrities with a sense of humor and a connect to reality. The people at the Oscars are the snotty Hollywood elite.
  7. Is is it serious surgery or something minor?
  8. I would agree with this statement if I wasn't aware that most psychologist thread very carefully whenever they do an experiment and the reason they are stuck in the old ways is because ethics were more lax back in the day allowing for some experiments which we would frown upon today. So there really isn't any innovation to go on. The big field that seems to be making leaps is neuropsychology, or at least it was a few years ago. I haven't kept up with the latest.
  9. No it is the worst....except for every other kind. Except that it's the most inefficient one, maybe our modern view is eschewed by all the tyrannical regimes (some of which we put into power) and vestiges of Cold War thinking. But if you need some proof you only need look at the government inefficiency to deal with economic crises, being completely dependent on the free market to get back on course by itself. Which also renders them incapable of staving off the corporate takeover of government.
  10. Still holding my breath for the one FPS that won't all "Warrr, **** yeah!" and actually explores the emotional burden of war. But that would be good storytelling and games don't do that
  11. Walt has kidnapped our thread! Will the mod squad come to our rescue?
  12. Now that you mention it, Montreal would a good option.
  13. So you probably can't tell the difference between Borderlands and Fallout? Because if you do it means that you are aware of 2 completely different Wasteland artstyles.
  14. It's not about the plot, it's about the advancement of the setting The events of Fallout 1 did effect Fallout 2's setting. And New Vegas showed us much of what followed from that, the NCR expansion, the Enclave becoming a small group of retirees. Even Black Mountain and that old ski lodge are showing a facet of the aftermath of the Master's army. Oh, sorry I misunderstood. Still you could have all those elements on Cuba, since the Platt amendment gave the US the right to set military bases on the island. It makes a lot of sense that the US government would outsource their morally questionable research to the third world, oh wait..they did.
  15. Its a game for stubborn perfectionists. You just sold me on it.
  16. I thought about this and I still think that's a good idea, forces them to change their consumption into either healthier eating habits or reduce their portions. Come on Wals, its price elasticity 101. How much do you think that fast food joints can charge and get away with it?
  17. The setting is the 50's the revolution happened in 59, so it would be in the era Gorth described. It's a good starting point for the events to diverge, corrupt regime, revolutionaries in the mountains, and gangsters on vacation. All with tech from the Fallout universe. About Tale's point, I not so sure. Every Fallout so far has been monothematic, each with its own plot with no relation to the others.
  18. Funny thing is that they guy/gal riding the bus to and back from a bad job, doesn't have the money, desire, skills or time to prepare a healthy meal.
  19. Shine means that you could have the most awesome screenplay ever written that would fail because of a bad director/producer/actor. That for a story to do its best it has to adapt to the medium of presentation. The writing is somewhat absent because the writer is absent and this separation doesn't help in the least bit. Is one of those things where the writing is going one way and the game completely another way. It happens a lot with comic books, because of the same reason. I agree with you the fault lies not with the quality of the writers, which why I said that Rhianna Pratchett could do better in other mediums. While I do believe that some game writing is "good" that isn't good enough for me, I don't want good as in "adventure/action flick" good I want Kubrick/Spielberg/ (insert your favorite director) good. For the medium to change, move forward, become art writing should find its place in games. Before that it should be define what its purpose is and what the particular of the medium are.
  20. What you need is some good screenwriting skills (combined with good writing skills for the bits and pieces that are conversation and exposition) I've seen that in games but it's not always enough other media has you experiencing things from another's perspective but games often leave a void for the player to insert themselves into the story (silent protagonist, choice & consequence, ect.) So while games are more immersive they do little in exploring the emotional spectrum, they cater to a small amount of it rather than presenting the plethora of existence because they have to deal with actions; they need to have gameplay. This may come as a surprise but people actually immigrated into Cuba back in the depression at which point Batista's economic policies were doing extremely well. As for the state, there is some suspension of disbelief (at least for me) knowing which landmarks are more likely to have survived a nuclear fallout and Cuba has a lot the old durable architecture that was built to last. Well, in the "real world" 50'es, it was a military dictatorship the first half and a communist dictatorship the second half. Makes it open for interpretation in a Fallout scifi seen from the 50'es perspective. Having the corrupt, nepotist oligarchy of Batista ruling a feudal society when it got caught in the blasts would be a very differnt background setting from the "Americana". I would assume that since the revolution never happened it would still be at that point. But since the Cuban middle class at the point lived well beyond the middle class standards of first world countries, there is a cheap copy of "Americana". They wanted the same comforts and luxuries that people in the States so a lot of the culture reflected a mix of that high living with the extreme level of poverty caused by the regime. There is also the ganster angle, this was the tropical resort of many family heads and famed US gansters. Who modeled the place to cater to their need for debauchery; Vegas style, you ever gone to Tropicana?
  21. Amy is so-so, Rhianna is good but I feel that she would do better on other mediums. Is hard for me to think of a good game writer because the medium itself is not friendly to writing. In movies, books, comics, you're recounting the events of a story in games you're reliving them is hard for writing to shine in games because the majority of the experience is gameplay and the writing is absent.
  22. I would like to add 2 factors to that list Healthy food is more expensive and has to be prepared, for someone living under means its easier to grab fast food on their way back home than to make their own. Seen it a hundred of times while on the bus.
  23. You mean that the both guys who hate the west are fighting each other? I know its wrong of me, but somehow this doesn't feel like completely bad news.
  24. If they do that they better get landmarks right and I will know But now that you mentioned Cuba shares the same weather with Miami so a lot of the effects would be the same with the advantage that it has better architecture. Everything from colonial to modern you can find, you're walking in colonial pavement looking at stones that were dragged from the sea and used in buildings and next thing you know you have completely modern building on your face. Plus the Capitol is a (better) copy of the White House, more grand (ostentatious) which is a nice tie in to FO3 @C2B: Can you put any examples? inbf Hideo Kojima.
  25. Somehow I don't see burgers becoming Veblen goods That it will still be consumed its an undeniable fact, but hopefully the high prices will curb consumption enough that retailers will have to adapt into more healthier products. Because high fat products (which are cheap to manufacture and therefore sell cheaply) become the normal goods there is an incentive to create alternatives if the tax affects the product. Strangely enough a variation of this tax could also be used if drug legalization ever came through so we may go along if it works for high fat products. Although there is the chemical addiction to account for, calories are addictive but they don't create a physical dependence like drugs do.
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