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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. If the Russians wanted they could infiltrate New York and control it, and guess what? Nobody would know about it. Of course in Call of Duty they would try and blow the thing up. Well its your own fault for expecting CoD to have a plausible plot.
  2. It's aliens, the history channel said so. Plus if they ever crashed on Earth and touched ground chances are that it would be on one of the biggest landmasses.
  3. Spoken like a man who doesn't want his **** measured. Feeling self conscious, are we?
  4. And now we need a rebuttal from the British portion of the forum. Bring forth your best dishes!
  5. And now I really want to go drinking with you
  6. bring out the big guns, that'll shut up some.
  7. Ahhh, the wonders of fermentation. Five Star post GD.
  8. True, except that high class cuisine was made from the crap parts of animals. So I've no doubt you're right.
  9. What he said, just cooler and in a manlier voice.
  10. If it was up to me they would win costume design of the year every year, they really sell the bit. Plus, it has been a while since they'd done a proper crime drama about the 20's and now Guy Ritchie has moved on to doing Sherlock Holmes movies leaving us without a sequel to RocknRolla. Which its fine by me, I love the new Holmes there should be like 10 of those.
  11. I think that we can agree that Italian hobos eat better than English royalty. There's a reason the only popular brit plate its fish and chips.
  12. I know, isn't great? I was on the fence about Dunmer but that one bit sold me, now I can conquer enemies while sounding politely "snideful".
  13. I got the feeling that's going to be the hardest ending to achieve.
  14. That's a good one, how you liking it so far?
  15. Orogun01


    Grammar police here, it's Guantanamera. Meaning girl from Guantanamo. Sigh, the good old days when Cuban music was relevant.
  16. Remind me to do "A day in the life of Ramirez" video. 2 mins of Sgt. Foley telling Ramirez to do menial stuff we do every day, "Ramirez, wake up" could be a hell of an alarm clock.
  17. That statement made want to bash you on the head with a 9 iron, no offense or hostility intended.
  18. Five bucks says that there's a thread right now on the BW social trying to make the fembot romanceable.
  19. Tarna a real life Walther White, good to hear from you
  20. That's the best disappointing game I've ever played.
  21. I know the mathematical definition of it, but I doubt that is what people mean when using it on a gaming forum So which would it be a proper term to describe people who play games at the lowest difficulty and still find it challenging, Casuals? Less just call them the lowest point in the curve then. Shame though, LCD was catchy and I think I've the royalties on it.
  22. Orogun01


    I find myself a little to detached, almost pathologically so and on an unrelated note here's (not my actual "piece", just the song by Rammstein)
  23. Orogun just can't help it though, the ladies throw themselves at him. If only it was just the ladies @Vol: grow a sense of humor @Nep: I fear because of ME2 combat system, they're simplifying the mechanics to reach a broader audience but those who want a harder challenge will see the whole thing unravel. EG: the dropped usefulness of most classes at Insanity/Nightmare levels. The story mode only suffers if they make the action too hard, but the reverse is also true because they are catering to a lowest denominator. Meaning that they will shape their lowest setting for the action based on that Story Mode, and I doubt that they will spend many resources on making the action more dynamic and reactive when they can just do a repeat of the ME2. Just buff up the enemies Health/Shields and have them run towards the player. At this point its pretty much speculation, but I have my reservations based on what I know of ME and BW's new market.
  24. And remember how she was all over you on the first game and pissed at you one the second one? Well get ready for the make up sex, whether you want it or not. Thanks Bioware!
  25. I've been wanting to read something like that for a while. Is it objective or is it another one of those pop psychology applied to gaming like when they put all MMO player into 4 neat categories? It's about an institution trying to decode player behavior to enhance game experiences, using a custom NwN module to test participants. Read it I feel that this line of research wont get nowhere because its a very narrow experiment. They're basing their research on behaviors based on one game, one problem, but the context keeps changing with every genre. Also they didn't mention any kind of control group, so its all pretty much interpretative.
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