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Everything posted by mkreku

  1. Has the angry sex started yet..?
  2. Yeah, I found it really cheap somewhere and figured I might as well buy it. But then I remembered I hate Bioware's excessive hand-holding, their habit of not letting the player interact with the game world at all, their linear corridors of levels, their cheese mainstream characters, their Star Wars rip-off stories, their fake freedom of choice, their constant recycling of ideas, etc etc. Bioware just doesn't do games for me. They contain nothing I want, except great graphics. And boobs.
  3. Yeah, I noticed when I started playing the game. I had not played it since early January, so I started it up today and found that I had a half playthrough going with a character that was level 18. "Great, what luck!", I thought.. until I started playing it and realized I had made this character as a test character to see if it was possible to play as a survivalist.. I even named it Cheese.. I'm sorry, but survival is worthless. Ze goggles, zey do nothing! So I am bringing a totally gimped character named Cheese into Dead Money. I hope it will be possible to play it anyhow. In the outside world I was mostly relying on Boone and Ed-E for combat, but they disappeared (traitors!) as soon as I entered Sierra Madre.
  4. Very strange. I bought it from Steam, but I can't see it anywhere.. It's not in my games list and nothing shows on my Fallout: New Vegas game graphics. Only visible from within the game?
  5. I bought Mass Effect a year ago or so. I still have not played it and I don't think I will either. How's that for fething stupid?
  6. Ok, that sounds so good to me. I have this enormous craving for a new Gothic game (Risen 2 is finally rearing its lovely, lovely head), but any game with "ridiculously fun combat" is on my radar. When is this coming out?
  7. I got like 30-50KB/s trying to download it from Steam last night. Did I mention I hate Steam?
  8. Is that including the rabbit's hole or without?
  9. Great. I see this when I am at work. I will buy it tonight then. Grr.
  10. One thing I was wondering about.. I took a zipline down from a balcony and landed on some poor dude's head. When I got up again, the dude was also getting up so I got the option to stomp on him! Does that mean I incapacitated him or killed him? I am trying to not kill anyone..
  11. Funny, I started playing Alpha Protocol this weekend too, because it was -20 degrees outside and I didn't want to go anywhere. Yes, very stable, but also clunky. I can't put my finger to it, but the entire game feels slightly.. off. From the menus, to the camera controls, to the shooting mechanics, to the character customization. I am still enjoying it a bit (only did 1.5 missions so far), but I am wondering about a lot of the design decisions that went into this game. Who thought having bouncing bright yellow markers over everything was a good idea? I mean, I can go into a mission and know I'm supposed to fund it myself. But I don't have to! Because the "terrorists" have been kind enough to mark all their valuables with bouncing yellow money markers that are impossible to miss! Also, instead of having a working physics system (so I can just run off a ledge and fall down), I instead have a bouncing yellow arrow showing me "HERE YOU MAY FALL DOWN". Why?? And who in their right mind would not know that ladders can be climbed without having to have a bouncing yellow marker telling them so? Puzzling. It's like the developers assumed all their players are complete idiots who needs visual markers to be able to go from point A to point B. I have not yet experienced the fabled choices and consequences, but I do like the dialogue. And I like that my Thorton looks like a cross between an emo kid and a surfer dude. I hate him so much!!
  12. I would not cry, since Icewind Dale is the only IE game I ever managed to complete before boredom killed it for me.
  13. mkreku


    OMG, that trade hurt!
  14. Bah! Less talk about The Witcher 2, more talk about Dead Island! I just realized they're both from Polish developers.. those guys sure have some talented artists.
  15. Stalker had a bad ending.
  16. A preview of Dead Island on Gamespot: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/dea...p;mode=previews I must say they make it sound fantastic..
  17. Watched The Fighter. Good movie, but I was disappointed that it ended before his signature fight series.
  18. It depends on how you angle the attack on the little "knives" on the chain. If you hone them too much forward, the chain will bite into anything and the chainsaw becomes very difficult to control (and dangerous). Too much backward and it will bounce off things, even the trees you are supposed to cut (makes work much harder). But if you hone them right, the chainsaw is neutral and easy to control. I learned this one painful, mosquito-filled summer in a northern forest.
  19. Kai didn't really leave though, he went freelance. Ok, maybe that is the same as leaving Why they did not rehire him.. I don't know. But it's been known on the official forums for a while. I don't know.. While I liked Kai's music, I also have a soft spot for Jesper Kyd. Why aren't more game companies hiring him??
  20. mkreku


    You know what's funny? The Leafs are still in the race for the playoffs! I mean, I don't expect them to get there, but.. Wow.
  21. Why not? It's Techland doing it, the guys who made the excellent Call of Juarez, the great Xpand Rally and the good Chrome. Very nice to see something new from this game. I have been following it for three (!) years (check the old "what are you looking forward to" threads) and I suspected it was becoming vapourware.
  22. Ok, raise your hand everyone who believes this! ... /tumbleweed
  23. Very strange.. I just realized I have never used the anti materiel .50 calibre rifle. I guess it is because I've never fought an enemy who dropped it.. or found a unique weapon using that weapon as a base. Buying weapons is just not my style!
  24. So.. uh.. is she? I mean, I have a.. uh, friend.. who needs to know this.
  25. Yeah, they must be as stupid as the people who believe in God.
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