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Everything posted by LadyBugWins

  1. Thanks everyone......I'll keep searching and let you know if I find any. Every time that crow lands somewhere, I go charging across the yard and look....But nothing so far. Pleading with an animated feathered critter is so undignified. "Drop one......just one.....please......pretty please. De spawning the feathers? Reducing the drop rate? Ah.....guess I'll save my arrows, put up my bow and call it a day. No sense running around searching the entire yard for only one feather at a time. Think I'll just chill out by the lily pad and down a smoothie. Not to panic. Obsidian will figure it out soon enough. Have fun everyone....:)
  2. I haven't seen even one since the update. They use to appear across the pond and two usually came near my base by the birdbath, high up on the stone wall. Now....not a single one. I'll try some of the places mentioned here and see if I can locate them. Crow feathers have also disappeared form their usual places as well. Obsidian is so great at solving most of the glitches when we bring them to their attention. Hope they patch this soon.....I'm running out of arrows and would like to make a few other hanging lights for my base.
  3. Forgot an item.......Clover Roof Top (squares and triangles ). The grass floors just don't look as nice. They work.....but not with a flare. Just a thought.
  4. Single player/ PC/Mild Haven't started a new game for a while now, so it's hard to say what changes the Obsidian team have incorporated into the re-spawn mechanics this time around. Remember always finding gnats at dawn and dusk hovering over pools of water near the ground. Some would show up for breakfast and dinner, without fail, every day. Water, however, was always a problem......until you make a dew catcher. Spent most of my day searching for gleaming dewdrops at the very, tippy top of the tallest blade of grass in fields of grass and clover. Ah.....those were the days. A few suggestions: -Check to see if you are playing on Hard or Mild. The hunger and thirst meters are way different. -Make a dew catcher as soon as possible. Whatever it takes. Life will be ever so much easier. -Unless you need their little puffs for making arrows, leave the mites alone. They are aggressive little brats and do not drop meat. -Acorns. Find the oak tree, make a hammer, and....whack....food and shells. Best food source in the game......as far as I have experienced. Fills the food bar quickly. Better than mushrooms. Keep a look out for spiders, though. Always. You might also find gnats hovering about.....usually at dusk and dawn.....over small pool of water. -Lastly, make a mushroom plot. It spawns 4 mushrooms overnight. Hope this helps. Have fun.
  5. Has anyone seen any crow feathers since the new update? I've been playing all week and not a single feather to be found. I did the rounds two or three times, but still no luck. Have they moved to other locations? Or are they reorganizing the spawn level/system and haven't finished the process yet? Running low on arrows and want to build another bed. Thanks for anyone's help. Have.....fun.
  6. Some simple, but necessary things like: - a hook and line for retrieving weed and grass stems back to shore when you just didn't quite make that fancy jumping maneuver or you forgot that weed stems bounce like rubber balls when they sail down the zip line and land on a very flat, spacious rock, but still manage to land in the pond anyway. (Even evading the two story towered wall that was built as an all-purpose catcher mitt near the edge. Sigh.) -a couch.....a plump, purple couch to match the chair with the glorious option of being able to actually sit on it and enjoy some down time. -capes.....all types, all colors. Raid the backyard in style -more furniture to fill your spacious home and decorate your walls. -a candle to be placed on the clover table: dining by candlelight.....a must. (Bee's wax anyone?) -a sling-shot.....not for killing, but to warn off little critters, and distract larger ones. -pets.....if they play in you backyard and won't leave, then name them, feed they.....and they become non-aggressive friends. I'm sure other players and fans have their list as well. Feel free to join your ideas here. And .....have fun.
  7. Yes, please: a web, an acorn, a thorn, and a junk box. Also, signs that have a post so you can place them not on the ground, but upright while traveling and use all those directional arrows just sitting there in menu and not being used. Great idea!
  8. Yes.....I agree. Personally, I don't mind an occasional combat situation or pitting my wits against the Big Bad Wolf Spider. Or defensive building. Or even trying to figure out a creative work-around when a new update suddenly plops down three mosquitos in my already critter infested backyard. (Three spiders, two bombers.....they have almost become pets. Throw down a lure to keep them happy, a few spike traps to keep the lure happy and keep everyone away from the back door. Cool. What's not to love.) Until the traps fall apart, three mosquitos hover over the pool, and the lure suddenly actually works and draws in more little critters than I have ever seen before. (Suicide runs....not pretty. Not what I intended.) OK....back to the drawing board. Clear the place of critters. (sorry George, Wilma, Bubbles, Pete and Wimpy. See you next time around.) Demolished the traps and lures for parts, build a wall around the compound, build my stairs on the other side of the fence. And hope for the best. Whew! (No worries. Live high on a stump, overlooking the new improvements. Just chilling and waiting for the mosquitos to re-spawn.) However....back on track/topic.....it would be nice to have an option to play in a milder/peaceful backyard. -An 'easy' option for kids/adults with friendly critters (though still challenging in other ways: building, exploring, survival requirements and more of the main story. ) And a 'milder' Mild option game play. -Scared of spiders? Two many legs....Option out menu. Have night terrors of hoards of bees invading the house? No problem.....option out. (I may not have a problem with fuzzy-buzzy bumbles humming around the garden....but others may break out in a cold sweat.) - Love the challenge of combat, but don't want the continuous 24/7 of repeat battles, or high re-spawn levels, or multiple re-spawns in the same location over time and absence: increase the re-spawn time limit to several days/keep the re-spawn number to a minimum, especially if the player has gone adventuring for couple of days. -Tired of looking over your shoulder and jumping at grass moving up ahead.....lower the aggravation threshold and we're good to travel and explore. (I don't bother you, you don't bother me.) -Or implement sneak mode, camouflage clothing/armor, web slinger distraction slings. Anything that reduces face to face combat. -Also, implement a more sensible, less aggressive AI when in the new 'Easy' or Mild game play. Real spiders and critters, in general, are not aggressive. Run into a wall or a fence.....no problem. I'll just mosey away. They don't go into a frenzy and eat the furniture, tear down walls or have tantrums if they can't move forward. The AI should tell them to turn around and wander away. Like an Auto-Vacuum robot.....bump, turn around and move on. Not get stuck in a fence wall or faze through it like it wasn't even there. Or eat it. (What good is a fence if two spiders spawn on one side, then a moment later, they're both on the other side.) -And I would prefer an alternative use of the spikey trap.....as a deterrent, not a killing machine. Ouch....that hurt! I'll just avoid the spikey thing and play elsewhere. (in easy or mild game play) Mess with their webs and babies.....Game On Intruder! Anyhow.....some suggestions that could open up this wonderful world to more peaceful minded individuals who respect nature, love exploration, hate face to face combat and can't abide killing ladybugs. Have fun everyone.
  9. No......absolutely and without reservation.....No!!!! Not even ONE.... nonaggressive/nonpoisonous/slithering neighbor. NO.....no legs, no go. Try lizards, roaches, praying mantis, or (SHUDDER) Frogs on the lily pads swallowing children in one gulp and destroying their four story, lily pad mansion in one hop is worlds above better than even one terrorizing, slithering (quadruple SHUDDER) snake in the grass. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT......Obsidian. Please, please, please....NO SNAKES. DISCLAIMER: ah.....about those frogs.....Forget I even mentioned them. That was a 'Never-Ever". Never said it... never, ever mentioned such a thing.....you never, ever heard it from me, Obsidian. And you would never, ever play such a cruel trick on your adoring fans and players....now, would you.? Of course not. That would be.....just silly. Right? Though......if they were adorably cute, medium/smallish in size, nonaggressive, respective of players homes and property, AND.... have an all consuming drive to spawn near mosquitos, snatch those pesky dive-bombers in mid-flight and swallow them whole.....well, maybe.....that would kind a work. Just....maybe. If you were just....I don't know....thinking about ....say....frogs. BUT......NO SLITHERING......please. Respectively submitted.
  10. Great suggestions. Would love to see an option for riding a lady bug as well, with a designated route mapped out along the trench like paths already in place in the game. Hopped on one the other day and it was amazingly fun to just mosey along without a care in the world, but we just went around in circles. Also, if wearing a suit of ladybug armor while riding, she will consider the player as a friend and will defend against all enemies that attack you. (Though, I would love another way to get ladybug parts without having to kill one. They are just too cute to kill. ) In fact, more peaceful critters in the backyard would be nice: Butterflies, snails, caterpillars, potato bugs.....etc. Not many, but a few to balance off the elite bullies that seemed to be overpopulating the garden lately. Friendly, nonaggressive, and respectful of player homes and property. And yes, another use for spider chunks. If I kept all the spider chunks that dropped in the game, I'd have to build an entire warehouse for storing them. Mosquitos are getting out of hand as well. I've had to trash tons of resources, because a single player just has so little need to keep them on hand. Don't need that many swords. And the spider armor is not that great to begin with...so, one is enough. (Just for an achievement and show.) Suggestions: A spider cape (part camouflage, part defensive) for those times the player just wants to pass by unnoticed or have the cape give the player extra dodge abilities when fighting spiders. Any aggressive move though.......and the fight's on. Spider goggles: increases spider sense and vision in dim places. Make an Anti-dote for spider venom using rare ingredients spread across the backyard plus spider parts, venom...etc. (Could be a new quest line. ) Use the mosquito beak for spikes on a new mace weapon. (More mint please.) Spider skeleton drops for a more powerful hammer or armor. The drops can be rare to make it balanced. Just a few ideas. Hope this inspires Obsidian to new possibilities. Like always, love the game. And .......have fun.
  11. PC/single player, on mild: Note to self: Ditto! Loss several axes that way. Don't know why my finger keeps hitting that key, but....yeah. It's a thing. - Also, the floating bone. What... the Acorn is that all about? - The traps are another glitch. Just repaired the lure and spike traps, everything in the green, but the flashing red icons remain unless you save and reload. (PC player here:) - Food and drink icon in inventory: same here. -The diving bell spider parts show up in chest and inventory as "white squares" after the update. -And, yes, even on PC, there has been a slight slow down in movement. Like I was walking instead of running. Reloading seemed to help. - Lastly.....every critter in the backyard seems to be spawning in way too quickly lately. I usually have a three to four day respite where I can do other things in "over populated" and dangerous areas, other than fighting, running and screaming. Since the update, I've noticed only a day of peace, before .....they're back. And instead of one, often two or three show up. I'm playing on mild for a reason. Though I like all aspects of the game: survival, building, hunting, exploring and....yes, fighting all the backyard bullies when necessary, I still enjoy those few days of no Wolf Spider at my door, fewer mites near the fallen tree, no mosquitos hunting me near my zip line. That's why I build on a lily pad, on a stump, or a rock.....anywhere that's safe and as critter free as possible. Don't mind a battle or two, but I need the down time. The last three gaming days have me repairing damaged 24/7, outwitting the Wolf Spider (AGAIN) and Dying (R.I.P) for the second time because those weak, broken spike traps can't stand up to a few mites, but sure pack a punch if you try to get close enough to fix them. Whew! I haven't worked this hard since I retired. -Despite all of this, Grounded is still the best game ever. The update did included several outstanding features. My favorite is the new battle music for small critters. Love it. No more heart attacks when the drums start beating.......Whew! just a mite. Ladders. Curved building. And Obsidian fixed the repair tool!! Yes! Though....that was in the last update. Still............ thumbs up. And thank you. For all your hard work and an amazing game. And for listening to all of our suggestions, feedback and chit-chat.
  12. Single player, pc: I have really, really tried to work with the new updated changes to the traps in game. (Always ready to find the positive if I can.) And this time, I was grateful for a chance to use my new (and now fully operational) repair tool on something worthwhile.....the defense of the treehouse! Save the traps! Three days, two deaths and 5 repair tools later.....I waved a white flag, demolished the traps for scrap and put up a for sale sign. (Sigh) You are right. This change is overpowered chaos. And not even realistic. How can a soft bellied fuzz ball with legs attack rows of long sharp thorns with the same punch reserved only for the dreaded wolf spider? If this continues, Mr. Wolf had better hang up his web and retire in shame. A new terror now rules the backyard. Suggestions: Repairing the Repair Tool......very helpful No damage by smaller creatures: mite, worker ant, aphids etc. Miner damage when stronger creatures (spiders, solider ant, mosquito) are killed by the trap Major damage when stronger creatures are deliberately aggravated or attacked when taking damage near traps (they actually attack the trap in response to being attacked by player) A longer repair reach while fixing the spike trap. (R.I.P prevention.) Also, the lure trap takes damage when you are trying to repair it. It shouldn't take damage from the player at all. The red blinking repair icons should disappear after the repair line is green. Some stay 'on' until you save and reload. The repair tool should not wear out so quickly. Or create a new upgraded repair tool that is all around hardier. Otherwise, I love most of the new update. Especially the new battle music for little creatures. Saves from having a heart attack when you think you're being attacked by a spider or worst.....then a mite shows up.
  13. PS: Still would prefer to send an entire stack down the zip line instead of one plank/stem at a time. And a new animation. Perhaps bundled with rope and hanging on the handles. Could require rope in your inventory to bundle and send. "Zip" could change to "zip stack" if all the requirements are met. Just a suggestion. It would look amazing, follow a certain amount of required logic, and still be convenient.
  14. Very good idea. Adding new icons would be great as well. Not only for the zip lines, but for more items as well. A web, acorn, etc.
  15. Ah......that is apparently a thing. Never knew. Strange animation though; floating on top without any connection to the line. (Not that carrying a whole stack without even holding on was a great visual either---But it worked. It was quick, intuitive and fun). Still, this works as well, so......I'm gratefully relieved. Thanks for the tip, TinyMalemort! I really appreciate the help. Now....if I can find a way to make a mosquito repellant, maybe.......just maybe...... I'll be able to survive this update with a little bit more enthusiasm.
  16. Well, the new update added fun flying critters, but canceled another useful feature as well. Each update we seem to loose something along with all the other great content. First it was the repair hammer that no longer works; then the mint mallet that can no longer crack a simple acorn; now the zip line can no longer be used to transport grass or weed stems. Who thought this was a necessary improvement? Now all my zip lines are useless. Building and transporting materials will be more time consuming than fun. And I still can't use the repair tool. Please, please......please restore these features Obsidian. Thank you.
  17. A wish for more "useable" furniture......great idea! I would love to see more furniture as well. Like a berry Leather Couch to go with the chair. (Too comfy to look at without the luxury to sit down and take a rest. ) A lamp to set on the round clover table. More side tables, dressers, and stackable containers....etc. Just a few more wishes to add on.
  18. Glad someone else noticed this as well. (Single Player, PC) I usually use the foundation block to fill in cracks between paving stones and to even out terrain where I'm building. Worked fine until pond update. Hope they find a solution soon.
  19. Not sure how much of a spoiler this is , but I will try to give you a few hints to help out. If you have the underwater lantern, use it. There is a way in, but it is difficult to spot. Now, the spoiler/hint: face the barrier in front of the button, back away from the glass until you can see the structure that houses it and can follow it's shape with your eyes. Watch and see where it goes, to the left and upward. You will no doubt run out of air, so save first and reload until you spot the way in. Good luck.
  20. I agree completely. If I can demolish a spider with a couple of satisfying hits, surely the same mallet can break an acorn open with a single tap. Not sure what their logic was behind this change, but if it was to make acorns available early on in the game, then just make the stone hammer have to hit it a few more times (four maybe, like the shovel?) instead. Also, we have limited space in our backpacks as it is. Carrying around one extra, unnecessary, item makes gathering anything in bulk difficult at best. Kill two pesky nats and......Inventory Full! This is a no brainer. Please change the mallet back to its glorious self. Pretty please.
  21. Would like to see ants behaving like......well, ants. Plenty of single scouts out and about, but where are the trails of ants marching along, single file, touting their ill gotten gains back to the ant hill? Just throw a sugar cube out in the yard and see how quickly that happens. Or any food item, for that matter. Let alone, a crumb left out on the kitchen counter. Perhaps when they update the picnic table (red checkered table cloth, please) that will be an amazing bit of fun. And I would advise not breaking their line until they pass by. I would imagine that would not be fun.
  22. An excellent idea! Also, I would suggest that arrows that hit solidly should also be returned instantly when you retrieve the body parts. If you miss, then search and retrieval is a reasonable outcome; if you hit your mark, arrows should not bounce off magically and skitter-scatter around, let alone disappear into the terrain. (Sigh) Loose so many arrows that way.
  23. Problem solved......way to go Obsidian! Thanks for the patch.
  24. Most games that have a single and multi player option start the game at the Start Menu, not a sign in screen. It would be nice to have a choice in options for players to choose which screen comes first. Just a suggestion for players who prefer playing in single player mode. Thanks.
  25. Same issue here on PC, single player, after the pond update. Blueprint appears normally until you place it (left mouse button for pc). Results in a slight shift in the angle for each placement. Been experimenting today. This is what I found: placement of lean-to reverses completely around/front to back; sprig/acorn fences do not join to each other in a line, each are slanted slightly off from each other; grass floors do not snap together, each one slanted same direction but not joining; spinning wheel slants in another position; stem gates seemed to snap ok with each other and with the tall fence, but clay floor did not line up with them or with each other. Couldn't tell it containers shifted or not; if they did, it was too slight to tell. I managed to place three platforms together as normal, grass floors on top with two stairs that snapped on either side. Thought for a moment all was well, until I tried sprig fences again....back to square one. Hope Obsidian takes notice and fix this with a patch. Love the updated pond area, but this will dampen building anything for a while.
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