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Everything posted by LadyBugWins

  1. PC/Single Player/ Custom game: Just after the Home stretch update launched, I noticed a pile of Weevil meat near the Wooden Post (Orb Spider Alley). About 25 piled up, nice and neat, located in the first gap of post near the Oak tree. Odd? Started to look around and saw one meat chunk a little further down the trail. Followed it to another, then another, then another.....until I reached an even larger pile near the base of a cluster of Toadstools. Counted 30 here. Plus a few weevil nose sacks. Followed two trails, one to the old abandoned ant hill and the other all the way to the Strange machine. More piles of meat. most around Toadstool clusters. Saw two live weevils, heads buried into the base of the mushroom stock, running full tilt and getting no where. Strange. Further Investigation turned into a horror film....one ant in hot pursuit of a weevil. So, I followed them to see what would happen, expecting the usual jump attack animation. Never happened. Just touched the weevil and (POOF!) instant death! Eating animation commenced, but when the ant moved on, it left one meat chunk and a weevil nose sack behind. Is this happening all across the backyard? Wonder no longer. Yep! I looked. Piles of meat. Nose sacks. And instant death scenes. Ladybug preserve us! Ok....this is the wildest, most impossibly silly glitch I have ever come across since years of playing grounded. Filled two chest full of weevil meat already and lost count of how many I left behind. There's not even that many weevils in the entire backyard on any given day. Hope they fix this. Not that I don't appreciate their generosity, but too much of a good thing is just.....Whoa!.....too much.
  2. Call it reinventing the wheel...instead of fixing it. Sure...the rims were rusty, the spokes were loose, and the axil needed a bit of work. But it was a simple fix. Just reduce the numbers. That's all. The process was logical, intuitive and made sense. The required ingredients were simple and easy to come by or make. There was a natural progression as you leveled up and more recipes became available. All we asked for was an adjustment to the recipes to reduce the grind. Too late in the game to fix the broken wheel, I guess. So....let's compromise and merge the two systems a bit. Weapons: use the 'new' rocks but name them appropriately after rocks or other bits of materials you would naturally find in a back yard. Iron nails, for an example. Granite. Slate. Gravel. Cement. Glass marble. Agate. Concrete chunks. Harden clay. etc. And....of course.....Quartzite. If you want to push the envelope a bit, try radiated stones from the haze. (for those sleek options we all like but wish would actually be worthwhile). And we will just not mention the recipe of bug parts + sap = stone? (No one loves a Ladybug when she goes from a gentle purr into a flash of red coming at ya. Nope. Not gonna mention this at all. ) Sigh. As for armor upgrades? Using specialty ores are not uncommon, but only when mined and smelted first. And normally only for higher end armor and in combination with other materials like leather/hide/cloth etc. I guess you could use bits of stone on leather hide for a studded armor upgrade? Not sure how to combine the two systems, but would prefer to keep some of both, rather than all 'fashion stone' or nothing. Just a thought. Oh....and I would love to see the 'rock/stones' respawn over time. Rather than the (unmentioned) recipe system. Spider fangs into a rock? That just can't be allowed. George is finally able to get that long awaited (undisturbed) nap since they removed the quartzite from his favorite sleeping rock. But now....."Sorry George. No, no.....Don't need the Quartzite any more. However.....have you've seen a dentist lately? I could sure use those lovely fangs of yours. No.....?)
  3. 1. Fix things falling through terrain/building surfaces etc. Noticed in the 0.14 test update that players will no longer be able to pick up objects through floor boards etc. (You know...that small edge of weed stem that just hangs there in the floor or wall?) Ever try to recycle anything and NOT have them disappear through surfaces? If you can't fix this, then let us continue to retrieve what we can. 2. Consistent Pollen Drop. All those pesky, whiney bees putting their nose in all your business and not doing their job. There are four Dandelions across the pond between the net and the hollow log that never drop no more than one speck of pollen in weeks. Why? Lazy bees. Several Dandelions live happily near the bird bath.....but only one lone bee visits them when it takes a mind to. Busy as a Bee? Not likely. Please.....spread the critters out and put them to work. And let the pollen collect on the ground and not disappear within a reasonable amount of time. I would suggest at least three pollen drop daily if and when a player is working/living nearby. (Even nicer, let us come across an unexpected pile while exploring. ) 3. Honeydew. Across the pond, honeydew drops at regular intervals and consistent amounts. And no where else. They use to fall under the beehive and under the other flowers that grow near the wooden posts. The Beehive has been removed and the other flower beds do not drop honeydew anymore. I would suggest real honey droplets near the picnic table and more honeydew dropping in the flower gardens again. This should be an easy fix. And honey would be a cool feature. Perhaps a honeycomb fallen near the Oak Tree with wax and honey as a resource? (Would it be too Wicked to imagine a Wolf Spider stuck in a pool of honey with not way out?) 4. Gnats. They fall and disappear into the ground. Taking your arrow with them. If they fall into water....good luck finding the body. Talk about camouflage. Players can see multiple peblets and cut dried grass glowing in the dark like a field of stars, but one fuzzy round gnat in a shallow pool of water is lost forever in a blink of an eye. Can we please put a bit of glitz on the critter. Same with brown bags of feathers. And, I would love to at least get my arrow back. Thanks 5. Building restrictions. There has never been a manual on how to build in Grounded. It's all trial and error. And every update has incorporated another group of restrictions to compound the difficulty of understanding why some simple process of just placing a door to finish off a build can turned into a three hour endurance marathon of frustration. Why? Just let us build. Nothing more. Nothing less. A simple request. So....we want to get creative and place a half curved stem/grass floor in a corner to make a shelf....let us. So it sticks through a bit. If it doesn't bother us, why should anyone care. And if some surface or invisible 'thing' just barely brushes into the obstruction zone of our door placement, give us an option to bypass the restriction. After all, some surfaces just ignored the entire process and lets half a gate pass through it without a single whimper. 6. Ziplines. Somehow, sense the last update, the distant white outline of available ziplines have disappeared. And the "available or obstructed" box is either covering the zipline you are aiming for or dropped so low beneath the 'invisible' outline that it is next to impossible to see which one you're aiming at. Another fix is needed. One suggestion is to be able to zoom in closer when placing the line. Close enough to notice which zipline is available and facing you for a safe landing, especially where multiple zipline are arranged in close proximity to each other or on different levels. This would be a great improvement. That's all I can think of at the moment. What are your "please fix-it" request. Feel free to add them here. Still loving the game and grateful for all the Dev's hard work. My "Love Grounded because list" is far longer than this small "please help us" list. Have fun!
  4. Oh....how I know the feeling! Got so tired of dying every time I put one toe on the ground anywhere near the oak tree that I finally put everything else in the game on hold. And built Jurassic Park Barricades. Some of them work.....others, well.....watched a wolf spider and his girlfriend phase right through two. (Sigh) Think I'll dig grubs elsewhere. Don't fret.....I'll be back! At level 12, armed and dangerous. Revenge is only a few upgrades away. Are we having fun yet? PS: Built a few towers as well.
  5. Agree.....some kind of faction meter. Also.....if the player does not aggravate or disturb the offended faction for a period of time, the meter should go down. Personally, I just wish we could toggle this completely off or on, as the individual player desires. Not just on custom games, but for any current game as well. Played 1,400 plus hours on my first playthrough and did not build with War Games in mind. Started a new playthrough (custom game) just to avoid this entire issue. And placed my first playthrough on hold until the faction base raids are tone down a bit or can be toggled off. But your idea is a nice step in the right direction.....especially for players who like the new update's direction. Makes a lot of sense.
  6. Single Player/PC/Mild/Custom Game: Seems the sleek version of the Gas Mask does not work. Tested the two....one sleek and one normal. No difference in damage from explosions. Unless I'm confused about what this perk entails, I think the Devs need to test this and decrease the damage to health like the perk says it will do.....especially after spending so much resources to upgrade the gas mask. Just a thought.....have fun!
  7. Single Player/PC/Mild/Custom Game: Crow lands like a bomb, drops feathers without fail, Chats up a storm......but cannot be seen. Probably just a glitch the Obsidian team is working on, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway. Have fun!
  8. Still a BIG problem....especially for new players at low levels. Or when starting a new playthrough. I had to abandon one game because of this recurring nightmare.....too many Wolf Spiders in one area (Oak Tree), respawn rate is overnight (at best) or instantly (at worse), and Wolf Spiders/Orb Weavers/Ants phasing through walls, palisades and even mushroom brick walls. I believe the Obsidian team fixed this before....with success. Hope it's on they're list and soon to be resolved. Willow would greatly appreciate the help, guys. She's stuck on a lily pad watching the parade of patrolling Wolf Spiders and hoping for a break.
  9. Oh....YES, PLEASE! At least the baskets. They should be light enough. But chest would be lovely.
  10. Yes....the Wolf Spiders Houdini Act it back. New jump moves....kind of cool. Not staying around to watch with level 0 armor and a sprig bow.....but, still cool. Respawning instantly and phasing through walls? Not a fan. And when did they start patrolling the Oak Tree every minute in broad day light? Inquiring minds would like to know.
  11. Pc/Single Player/Mild: Same with my game. Started a new playthrough....everything was normal until the update. Then the Wolf Spiders suddenly started to circle the Oak Tree (day and night) and do not take their usual three day naps. Can't even run to BURG.LE.....let alone crack an acorn or dig for grubs. Got cornered, and just managed to kill one (with a sprig bow and gazillion arrows) and he respawned almost instantly. Either that or his cousin Fred rounded the corner while I was still gathering arrows. There's just too many of them. Or respawn is out of control? Don't know. No problem if you're decked out in tank armor, achieved all three mutations in poison resistance and can flash a shiny coal-tana in their faces.....but a sprig bow? Wearing rotten bee armor and a pebble spear? And playing on Mild? Not a chance. Please.....fix this. PS: they also have started to phase through solid wall again. Love their new jump moves.....but their Houdini act has got to go. Pretty Please with a cherry on top. Thank you.
  12. Off, please.....for those of us with lovely homes and no desire to play war games with the neighbors. Two years of creative building.....wasted. I don't want to start over.
  13. Agree as well. Please let us toggle this off with our existing game. Most of us did not build with this in mind. We do not want to turn our lovely homes into a War Zone. Nor do we want to start over again. "I refuse to trade in my Level 9 Crossbow for a sprig bow! Just not gonna happen. Don't even suggest it!" (And you thought Ladybirds were sweet!)
  14. Absolutely agree! The natural progression in the game has been seriously damaged. A new player would never get past the first challenge (the Hedge Lab).....if he or she even survives the first stages of the game. With armor at level 0 and weapons at tier One? Really? Then increase the damage and armor level of all the critters as well? Seriously.....? I would even think twice before starting a new playthrough. (On Mild!) And I know where all the skeletons are.....the safe routes.....the work-arounds.....the glitches.....the critter's habits and travel paths. Hope they re-think this.....
  15. Good place for grubs.....no larva at all.....it's under the shed where the green beetle/gun/and 'twinkle toes' take up residence. Stay to the right next to the fallen twig and the beetle will ignore you. Plenty there with a fast respawn. Hope this helps.
  16. Another boot down the ladder to the bottom of the food chain. Now we have to drag ourselves up once again and grind, grind, grind to reach just under where we were before the update. Sounds familiar? Sigh. I just got use to not jumping out of my skin when I turn around a corner and come face to face with a Wolf Spider. At least I had a fighting chance. Now....not so much. I shudder at the thought of starting a new playthrough with level 0 armor and no immunity at all. Again, but worse? Will the fun never end?
  17. Agree! Blueprints are just that......blueprints. Support is necessary for when you build the structure from the ground upward. Not when you are planning a build. And sometimes you need to reach a stone ledge or a grass walkway at the proper level.....if you start at the bottom you will never match up with your target location. There are work-arounds, but they are time consuming and totally unnecessary. Usually have to use three times the amount of resources to make it work. Not practical. Or logical.
  18. Only the dreaded "Clover-Whiplash-of-Doom" is worse. But not by much. Given these blood sucking drones are relentless and will chase you across the universe (small or otherwise), they are also located in the worse possible areas. Need a zip-line over their territory? Not a chance. Want a house on a lily pad? Not here.....three blood hunters circling nearby. Ah.....just finished my twelve story watchtower and....."Oh, no! That sound could only mean...Lady Bug preserve us! Where did you come from?" (Hidden in the bushes and preparing an ambush...no doubt) AFTER the build was completed! (Sigh) And don't let me get started with the re-spawn rate. "How many reincarnations does this make today? Two? Three?" I've lost count. Looking up at my tower, I'm wondering if it's worth rebuilding elsewhere. Yeah.....like I have a choice. Where's the 'x' key.....better just get this over with. Having so much fun.....
  19. Strange that you mentioned this.......I just witnessed an Aphid drop from a blade of grass and go "SPLAT!" right at my feet. I was just walking by and not brushing up against anything. "I'm innocent! I tell you! Innocent!" His little friend is not buying my story. Really jumping up and down, all around me, chirping hysterically. Hmmmm.....me thinks he protest too much. "Where were you when the deed was done, little friend?" No....seriously. I agree. The aphid should have shook itself off and skipped away. Not too sure about the science, though. It's been a 'wee' while since I've picked up a science book. Google, anyone? Something about physical density (weight?), size, and velocity. (Please don't quote me......memory is not my forte.)
  20. How about slaying two wolf spiders, only to have one immediately re-spawn right behind you? Didn't even have time to gulp down a smoothie. (Sigh). I have now walled up the tree and moved my grass walkways a little higher. Heard they jump. They do. Found one chilling out in my tower.....eight stories high......wedged into a weed stem window frame, quite pleased with himself. It's not that I can't kill them. Or avoid them. Or trap them. Or build elsewhere. Some of the glitches and jump scares are even funny and entertaining. But the daily grind of murder/spawn/murder/spawn ratio in the gameplay has increased to the point that I spend most the the game cleaning up body parts that I no longer need or want. So.....we need a time out. Some breathing room between "Ah......I am so gonna die!" moments and "Oh Great Leaping Wolf Spiders! Again, Charlie! I just sent you to that Great Web in the Sky only a moment ago! Really....isn't it nap time yet?"
  21. Very good suggestions. At the moment, the Rolly-Polly armor is my go to armor.....except, I'm an archer. So off goes the RP helmet and on goes the sharpshooter hat, feather and all. But.....wouldn't it had been better to have a full archer armor that could be upgraded for better defense latter in the game, as well as accuracy and speed? Each tier could either increase these stats or add another feature like camouflage. Red ant armor is still NEEDED. I refuse to run back and forth, back and forth, carrying only 5 weed stems at a time. But have you ever been trotting down a path with a full load of weed stems and came to a dead halt, eyeball to eyeball, with a Wolf Spider? And couldn't stab the keyboard fast enough to open inventory so you could change your armor in time? So......as you're picking up all those stems that went flying into the air before the heart attack, you're probably thinking.......sure wish that brand new Black Ant Armor had included a lot more hauling capacity and way more defense instead of......what? Can't remember? Probably still gathering dust at your base. Yep. This needs a bit of a re-think.
  22. Ever try to zip back to your base at night and land somewhere else? (Sigh.) Wrong again. It would be awesome if we could have more symbols: a feather, an anchor, a sprig etc. And.....Please......if we need to hide our markers to clear up the world.......let them stay off, unless we turn them back on. Every time we reload or start the game, POOF......their Back on again. Spend half my time turning them back off. Got so many that I finally went to every location and pulled the symbol off so they would never show up again. Then......lost in the dark and completely turned around......I realized how much I needed them. Oh......and a Wolf Spider showed up, of course. Right on time.
  23. Grab a bit of metal from BURG.L's lab, chip a bit of dry ice from an old backyard freezer or leaking Freon pooling beneath it.....and we're good to go. Or just find a shrunken ice chest somewhere in the yard.
  24. Well.....everything is fine now. Went back to the game and (poof!) Willows going "Hi....yah!" cracking those acorns like a pro and talking about "bottled water" and "I know I'm a picky eater.....still". Don't know what triggered the silence. But all's well that ends with a "OMG...!" as we zip across the pond to pick up some honeydew. If anyone has a clue to what happened, I would still love to know. For Science.
  25. PC/Single player/Mild: This may not be a glitch.....but would like to know if there is a way to toggle Willow's voice comments on/off. I may have switch the audio for her off by accident. Can't seem to find a way to undo it. Looked through options/audio, but can't for the life of me find which key I used to silence her. Please help. Though her "I don't have a death wish!" every time she zips across the yard is annoying, her silence is even worse. Thanks. PS: Audio is working great for everything else.
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