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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. He might be going through the shame phase, where you finally start to feel good enough about yourself to regret spilling your guts to a bunch of random strangers
  2. That'd be pretty ****ing cool
  3. Except that the only thing they made with a stupidly short cycle was Kotor2. And that was artifical. Yeah I'm not being specific, just saying their games aren't the epic four year development time ones.
  4. Fair point about Obsidian taking on projects with hectic schedules, hopefully with the sheer experience in writing for this world they can really nail New Vegas in time, also Bethesda for all their faults are moderately consistent about things being released 'when they are done'.
  5. Quite pleased with that choice, he's cheap compared to some A-List douche and he has an incredible voice.
  6. Sad as it sounds I spent so long playing without the quest compass I got to know the metro tunnels almost instinctively, can't say I 'know' them like the back of my hand but I was still far better at navigating them than you'd expect would be possible. Too much time playing that damn game
  7. Bethesda ****ed up a bit with the xp and levelling in Fallout 3, you can hit the cap without much effort and barely see 40% of the game, you could argue this is to allow multiple playthroughs but things really don't pan out all that differently, nuke Megaton vs don't nuke Megaton is about the biggest crossroad available. The Darnified UI mod was brilliant for customising the interface, quest arrow be gone.
  8. Whoops...the dangers of replying to a post with multiple quotes, Nemo0071 is the one I was replying to
  9. My view exactly, near the end of Dragon Age I realised that I'd learnt practically nothing from the game that Bioware didn't give away in the years leading up to the release, thankfully Obsidian haven't spilled quite so many beans but I still know more than I'd like. It's hard to resist the temptation to read every preview
  10. The gas mask/glowing eyes guy is a bit overdone lately but he showed up months ago now; and we can see he's going to be all over the merchandise so I'm thinking we will just have to live with it...hopefully scat munching teenagers will think it looks cool and buy it, which means more cash and more Obsidian games. I really can't find much to dislike about the actual game features I've read about so far, my main concern (and it may seem tiny) is the that the Oblivion engine uses a nonstandard refresh rate; which is why even if you have the beastliest computer in the world you won't ever get a smooth vsync'd framerate. A guy called Skyranger over on the Bethesda forums has made a Fallout/Oblivion script extender mod which forces the game into whatever refresh rate you like and he'll probably do the same for New Vegas so maybe I'm worrying over nothing but it'd be nice if they've sorted that one. I hate stuttering framerates.
  11. "I have a bit of excess skin though, and unfortunately my neck does look like a vagina." I'd be constantly stroking my chin...
  12. I used to weigh myself quite obsessively and I remember there'd often be a few lbs difference on a daily basis, I put it down to water retention and various other things I don't understand. Keep an eye on it though, losing weight too quickly can leave you with excess skin, though apparently this is greatly reduced by properly exercising the areas where you're losing the weight. Hope you manage to get the bike sorted out, it will be agony for the first few weeks but it's worth it.
  13. The grass is always greener, especially if you like rain...plenty o green grass and rain right now
  14. I'm working on improving my own life at the moment as well, whatever the causes of your downfall it's incredibly hard to pick up the pieces but you need to stick with it and understand that no one is really going to help you (or rather, can truly help you) except yourself. I turned 30 recently and events in my life shocked me into seeing that I'd barely left the house or spoken to my friends in well over a year (two?)...weight gain, sleeping problems, cabin fever, the whole package. I got a bike just after Christmas and started using it constantly, I cut a **** load of unhealthy food out of my life and went back to basic stuff like egg on (granary) toast, chilli, cheese and crackers, malt loaf and weetabix, the result has impressed me enough to start the gym. Getting new (smaller) clothes and cleaning up helps a lot but I can't overstress the importance of fresh air and sunlight, you'll quickly stop feeling like a mole man if you're lucky enough to live in a warm country, the weather here in England makes it hard to stay positive but it gives me a kick in the arse to get out and enjoy the good days. It really is a long hard road out of hell, self respect doesn't come cheap and some days I struggle to see where I'm trying to go; though other times all I need to do is look in the mirror to realise what I'm doing is working. Anyway, enough of my rambling, keep up the inspiring work.
  15. I've been replaying Oblivion recently, trying to finally exorcise the demon and put that game to bed once and for all, anyway, it's striking me how believable the fantasy world of Cyrodil is compared to the quasi-realistic wasteland of Fallout 3. There's farms all over the place, hunters gathering meat, people regularly moving between settlements and generally more of the things you would expect to see in the real world. Fallout 3 as it has been noted really doesn't make a jot of sense when you look at it from a logical point of view, practically everything about the game was chosen for the fun or coolness factor, which isn't necessarily bad, I enjoy Fallout 3 as a game far more than Oblivion but after several playthroughs these bubble encapsulated communities start to grate on my nerves...though, I saw a mudcrab the other day, nasty little blighters.
  16. I like the sound of this, it kind of harks back to the Van Buren idea of other adventurers out in the world doing their own thing, my fingers are crossed that it turns out to be accurate.
  17. Mine came back to life as soon as the clock struck midnight gmt, looks like the panic is over.
  18. So this Chinese ghoul guy sits and waits in a cave for 200 years?...sounds fishy but I still hope its actual news.
  19. +1 for a sprint feature, when I was playing Fallout 3 I found a sprint mod that used your AP to give you a short speed boost, complete with slight motion blurring around the edges and perks to improve performance, it absolutely adds a ton of adrenalin to battles.
  20. http://kotaku.com/5423878/blizzard-patches...eta-test-it-now Interesting way to generate publicity
  21. Anyone else think they should have called the game Dragon Age : Orzammar? On the subject of Denerim,
  22. Looks like someone ported Fallout 3 to the Wii, that's amazi...hay wait a minute!
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