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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. Bruce really, nobody is that naive. But since I do occasionally take oby topics seriously... If I punch you in the face and steal your lunch I will be happy, you will be sad. By your metrics this means that my philosophy of robbery works, and my 'intervention' has worked since it made me happy- and that is true even if the reason you are sad rather than happy is because of my actions. To be honest that isn't even the worst problem, but that's already 30 seconds more consideration than is really merited.
  2. UI usability is usually more about the design than the control scheme though, it will have an x,y move control when you move the mouse or stick, buttons you can click and potentially shortcuts using buttons or keys. Something like the UI in TWitcher 2 was not clunky because of its control scheme which was still point and click, it was clunky because of its UI design that used the screen inefficiently, only used part of the screen and had odd scrolling sections instead of presenting important information with immediacy. Similarly for something like Fallout 3, its UI sucked because Bethesda used the same UI template for console and PC so you ended up with something that had to work on an SDTV being put on a system capable of about 16x SD resolution, no amount of testing would change that if they had decided that that limitation was what they were doing.
  3. It's quite sensible for mapping keyboard controls to be done towards the end. There are far more key combinations available than controller buttons, so of course you'd map controller functions first, they're less flexible and if you run out without realising then you have... problems. Only then do you map the more flexible ones. It's irrelevant anyway, matters nothing whether they're added first or last, so long as they're added.
  4. That is related strongly to two of the biggest failings in the current press. Firstly, long play stories, the ones that need lots of build up and work, don't tend to happen any more unless the subject is 24 carat sensational and certain to be relevant x months after the investigation starts, because they're hard and expensive as compared to going on Facebook and doing a two minute article about the comments there*. And secondly, focus on short term utterly destroys the function of press as a critic of, especially governmental, actions with long term consequences. It's the old story about civilian targets in Iraq or Afghanistan being hit. First, insist they weren't civilians, then a few days later promise an investigation, then a few weeks later admit you hit civilians. The first bit gets prominent coverage, the second a lot less and the admission basically none, and most see and accept only the first part. Since that method works it gets repeated for everything, doesn't matter if you lie so long as the press picks it up and the lie will only be exposed far later, once nobody cares any more. *Something I've never understood, except as cost saving and an attempt to look relevance. If I want the opinions of the average joe or joette on the street I can ask them, and given the sources of information most have all you get from Facebook is what the news outlets say repeated back with a 'this made me feel sad/ happy' added at the end.
  5. 7/10? Wouldn't award more than about 3/10 myself, and that only because he got some bites. It's a pure oby topic, just from the exact opposite direction.
  6. It is hopelessly defined because trolling is subjective and has variation in degree based on a large range of factors, principally based on how the recipient responds and whether it was even intended as trolling in the first place or is just labelled as such by the recipient. To illustrate, let's say that I think someone, let's call him Bob, posts stuff to get a negative reaction, you think someone, let's call him Ivan, posts stuff to get a negative reaction but neither of us thinks that both are trolls. And if we asked either they'd both say they aren't trolling. So are you right, or am I, or are neither of us? Are we going to go through some objective check list to determine whether your troll induced butthurt or my troll induced butthurt is objectively reasonable, or if either of us should be butthurt by both 'trolls'? Do we take the 'trolls' statements about their intent as gospel or do we assume they'd lie about being trolls, or indeed lie about not being trolls (the classic 'say something stupid, then claim to be trolling' defence of having said something stupid)? The only answer I can come up with is that none of those questions actually work to determine anything objectively. Base stuff on self identifying trolls and assume the trolls are being... honest and upfront- I think everyone can see the inherent problem in that proposition- or base stuff on what you personally think constitutes trolling, in which case it isn't objective either.
  7. Heh. I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the RPGCodex*. You could have left it at usenet though. And you'll be pleased to know I am a fully fledged member of the august brotherhood of the 'Watch with a reasonable number of posts there. Really though, you're free pretty much completely to have any opinion you want at the Codex, so long as you can back it up, don't start crying about the big meanies being nasty and it isn't something contextually ridiculous like saying that CoD is the best game ever, on an RPG site. Plus, since it's been brought up, for a supposedly intolerant place there's a rather more varied selection of moderators and posters than in most other forums. People may tend to label it as a sexist, homophobic den of nazis, but then they'd have difficulty explaining the woman, the gay and the Jew moderating the place. *I do read them fairly regularly but I've never found a compelling reason to actually register or post. That isn't a figurative echo chamber. An echo chamber in that sense is where you say something and it is repeated back to you multiple times after slight delays. If you've got multiple voices (/views) that cannot happen, you say something and you get something different back. Probably something incoherent, if we were talking literally. In a more general sense all communities have 'soft' social control measures that are inherent because communities have a purpose, you won't tend to get big fps fans on a specialist RPG site, so the like minded tend to congregate in the same places anyway, and most people want to be liked. But that's a far cry from having supposedly fair and uncensored 'discussions' where you are obligated to take a particular position as that is the echo chamber as there is no chance to dissent at all without being silenced- and in some cases even insufficient enthusiasm for the party line is cause for being silenced.
  8. Strangely enough, on sites which enforce a strict no-trolling policy, I haven't run into trolls. It's almost as if there's a connection between making internet forums ****-friendly and said forums being flooded with ****. Nah, you just end up with something Neogaf when you have those policies, where any dissent from the established consensus is labelled as trolling. Thus you get things like their GG 'discussion' thread which is pure circle jerk and where you can get banned for not being negative enough about GG. I'd take some genuine trolls over that DPRKesque- he- who- claps- least- enthusiastically- gets- hands- chopped- off attitude any day of the week, and hour of the day and any minute of the hour. Because zero tolerance for trolling almost always means zero tolerance for different opinions on any subject with any controversy associated with it. Unsurprisingly, that is exactly what the SJWs have shown right from the beginning with their censorious* attitude. *If they had a bit more education and class I'm sure someone would have broken out the old classic 'ceterum censeo Gamergate delendam esse'.
  9. He almost certainly picked it up from Cleveland Mark Blakemore. If you don't know who Cleveland Mark Blakemore is I'm afraid there aren't enough minutes left in the life of the universe to adequately explain. PJ is basically doing a (pretty poor, though to be fair the full Blakemore experience wouldn't come close to passing moderation) impersonation of Cleve's posting style, in the reverse direction since the thought of Cleve as an SJW is not something that be comprehended by normal mortals.
  10. I don't actually mind liberal arts, much as I may occasionally snark them for being woolly, they should just make all liberal arts students take Philosophy and solve the problem. Mind you, a lot of scientists could benefit from that as well. But, the ability to both put a cogent argument and defend it properly from criticism is of, er, critical importance in any form of academia whether it be a science or mathematics or linguistics or history or whatever. While some SJWs can put a cogent argument all right very few at all can deal with the second part even when it's pretty mild.
  11. Pftt, you can have more than one problem, you don't have to pick one, and you don't have to repeat them every time. Especially when one follows from the other, 'politicising games' is just another form of censorship- wouldn't be, if it were done positively, but all too often it's insisting that [game] should have a female option or similar, no matter how inane a suggestion, and trying to organise negative press and boycotts is demands are not met. 'Academic discussion' though? Ridiculous. Core SJWs aren't academically rigorous*, even in the softest of soft sciences sense, and have not the slightest inclination towards actual discussion, they prefer delivering sermons from their pulpit about how others should live their lives and do what they want. Certainly, some in academia do do this; but if so they're utter crap academics. *No, I must be fair, they do do research. All those documents and phone numbers of their opponents don't just appear out of the aether...
  12. This is the classic excuse, though. "The conspiracy theory I believe in is reasonable because the people behind it aren't accountable to reason!" Throw all the "enemies" in a box with a dehumanized acronym label, go on feeling that you belong to the group with the righteous cause, and laugh off those on "your side" who say or do hurtful things. Please, I'd actually disagree that the hypocrisy and self importance of SJWs is related to whether it's a conspiracy or not, you can have a conspiracy without the unquestioning self belief and you can have the self belief without the conspiracy. Plus, of course, pointing out that both sides do unpleasant things is hardly laughing off. That was just in reply to your "conspiracies don't form and hold together unless all the conspirators think there is something really important motivating them"- I was pointing out that clearly SJWs do consider such things critically important, and clearly there was a 'conspiracy'- your term, not mine- because they had a closed mailing list coordinating the response. Now, you can argue that the mailing list doesn't exist (which it does) or that SJWs don't consider such things important (self evidently incorrect) but you can't really start shifting the goal posts around to using acronyms to 'dehumanise', because everyone does that. The 'conspiracy'- again, your term- is confirmed. That SJWs consider such things important is confirmed. Now, I might dislike SJWs rather a lot and some issue can be taken with using the term, but that wouldn't be why I labelled their actions as coordinated. I labelled them as such because they incontrovertibly were. And really, there isn't any other term other than SJW, I usually use antiGG but that ain't appropriate for events that are before #GG was even a thing. (Nice rhetorical constructs by the way, use of the passive aggressive questions, labelling things yourself ('conspiracy') then criticising based on your own label etc. With any luck Bruce will learn a thing or too, might improve the quality of his trolling to near oby levels.)
  13. Nah, they had a mailing list, someone on it even leaked the emails, so it was coordinated. And it is clear from any interaction with SJWs that they really, really, do think their activism is of immense importance. They're exactly the wrong kind of illiberal 'liberal' who have always thought it absolutely critical to tell others how to think, it's just another iteration of it. Gamergate as a 'movement' had little directly to do with ZQ at all, it started a fair bit after that initial controversy, it had more to do with the response to it. And I actually said in the first thread that Grayson cannot be held accountable for a retroactive conflict of interest. Though he's still a terrible writer.
  14. Heh, Faraci et alia's ISIS comparisons have finally got results, ISISbot has taken notice of their attention. Yes, it is. The whole thing would have blown over in a week if there had not been a coordinated attempt to censor every mention of it- up to and including using DMCA takedown notices. As soon as that happened the Streisand Effect took over, and the censorship became larger than the story. Though, of course, the antiGG crowd never mention that. It also certainly didn't help that ZQ had publicly made some contextually pretty inflammatory statements about men cheating on women being equivalent to rape and then decided to cheat repeatedly on her bf. Then you had the- obviously coordinated, as well- 'Gamers are dead' articles attacking the people who theoretically at least give most of the people writing the articles their livelihoods, though of course the antiGG crowd no longer mention those. And of course the doxxing of GG people, fake accusations based on said doxxing, death threats based on said doxxing (usually laughed at though), comparisons to ISIS, ddosing Gamersgate (useless SJWs, illiterate and can't even ddos a site with multiple domains properly), using smurf/ sockpuppet accounts, general and repeated hypocrisy/ cognitive dissonance/ irony being something for putting creaseys in shirtys, and verifiable false flags like claiming to be 4chan and threatening to release nudes of Hermione Grainger when it was an SJW affiliated PR firm 'trying to raise awareness', after being caught out because they too were utterly incompetent and left identifying information in their Apache server config. Though, of course, the antiGG crowd never mention those either. The 'Zoe Quinn incident' itself isn't the problem, it's just a symptom.
  15. I don't understand why that is an issue Monte If you think the game is worth it then invest the time, isn't your consideration the same for all games we might play ? But what if it's crap? Then I'll have to invest 100 more hours complaining about it on the internet- that'd be not just 100 but 200 hours wasted!
  16. It's Bruce, He's doing exactly what he did a few pages ago, and exactly what he consistently does all too frequently.
  17. Doesn't really matter, can't change it now. Leif Day sounds like some hippy kumbaya lentil eating festival, Erikson Day sounds like a Sony promotion for cell phones and there'd be lots of paperwork in having Erikson, Ohio, or Washington, District of Eriksonia. Bit under 500 years. Also Polynesians came from the other direction from either Hawai'i or Easter Island which given their stone age technology is pretty impressive, though exactly when is an open question due to there not really being enough dateable evidence, just things like kumara being widespread.
  18. Pretty good episode of The Walking Dead, if there's one thing it does very well it's the atmosphere and big set pieces. I do wonder if they've blown half the season budget on the first episode and the next few will be zombie lite though. And hey, Maggie remembered she has a sister, finally.
  19. 'Troll' is a hopelessly ill defined group, are we going for subjectively judged trolls or self confessed ones- in which case, lol, self confessed psychopaths/ narcissists. And in the other, might as well write a paper saying that, I dunno, gamergate people/ sjws are psychopathic narcissist machiavellian sadists, because they consider each other trolls; and you can find some people in each group who clearly do exhibit those same traits.
  20. Canadian thanksgiving celebrates the time the US invaded Canada while Britain was fighting most of Napoleon's conquered Europe alone, then got the White House and Washington torched for their cheek. Still, at least you guys got the most hard to sing national anthem in the world out of it.
  21. Yep my bad, March was when it was acknowledged but it did actually start in December.
  22. (Slow) exponential growth is a concern for Africa, but not for western countries. See the 15 week span for a (airborne transmission) flu pandemic, this Ebola outbreak has been going since March so is already twice as long as that projection and has infected 'only' thousands despite the poor healthcare in the effected countries. Having a slow transmission rate it is very susceptible to plain old quarantine, you are not going to get thousands infected as a single flu patient zero could easily do.
  23. Jericho is good, though the abbreviated second season was a solid step down in quality. Survivors (which I'm pretty sure Monte linked to the original iteration of, given the Terry Nation ref) was very good as well. Second season of Revolution was actually pretty decent as well, though the first season, especially the first part, was not great at all. I'd tend to put TWD (which I like, a bit despite myself. The story flip flops too often but the set pieces and atmosphere is probably the best of anything current) or Falling Skies (don't like it much, can't really explain why) into different criteria though, as they have primarily zombies and aliens as threats rather than the environment/ humans. Which is a bit inconsistent, as I'd definitely put Fallout into the post apoc box despite the super mutants...
  24. 'Experts' haven't had a great record with the previous scares. There certainly will be another Spanish Flu type event at some stage, and even another Black Death is probably inevitable long term as well, especially if we keep on abusing antibiotics ridiculously. Ebola, as it stands, simply isn't infective enough to be either though. You still have a miniscule proportion of the population in west Africa infected even though they have very poor health care systems and Ebola has been present for months, a few thousand deaths in an area with 100s of millions of population is not going to destroy civilisation, western or otherwise. There are three reasons why you end up with hysteria, it is in some people's best interests, bad news gets reported so you tend to hear from experts with strongly negative views rather than those who are more measured, and there is the potential for a genuine game changing epidemic from something which kills around half of those infected and for which there is no confirmed effective and no mass producible cure. The last two are strongly related, if you have someone say that there is little cause for concern at present, but there will be if Ebola goes airborne it tends to be the last bit rather than the first that gets the major coverage and attention.
  25. Haven't heard that they are, but there is at least somewhat of a tradition of it- the Hashashim and Sudan's Whirling Dervishes were pretty famously off their trollies most of the time. And there are allegations that a lot of suicide bombers are doped up as well.
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