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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. As Bartimaeus intimated you should turn on file extensions as well, instructions here. That should make virus.png.exe attempts more obvious since the double extension should then become visible. (stupid Microsoft with their moronic default options)
  2. If the capital were Donetsk or Lugansk it wouldn't. But with Kiev being run by the east's political opponents there was no prospect of those actions stopping, or of there ever being the security- fair security- necessary for the democratic process to happen. Lest we forget, former interim 'President' Turchenov took great and unconstrained glee in dissolving the Communist Party's parlimaentary faction, one of his political opponents, weeks before the election. That's the sort of person running Ukraine, they aren't even 'democratic' with air quotes, they'll allow any party to exist- so long as they agree with them. And that's the reality of post coup Ukraine, and just another way that the coup tore up the rule book.
  3. I agree that the trash diving aspects are in general deplorable, but there is a fine line between what is legitimate and not. Is digging up Ian Cheong's old RPGCodex "I love Hitler" posts legit or not? Rather depends on whether he really has turned that page and was just influenced by a hive of scum and villainy or if he's just switched cliques depending on circumstance and being run off from the Codex on a rail. And while I don't really see any reasonable need to know whether Brianna Wu is a transsexual or not it is certainly appropriate to know whether she was lying about fleeing her home because all her videos were done from the same location. You'd have to go a fair way to find anyone fighting a 'PR war' that doesn't target prominent figures on the other side, people being people. And, given that there has been plenty of genuinely malicious and illegitimate actions such as swatting or doxxing going on I cannot really get too upset about people trawling through publicly available chat logs/ forum posts etc and bringing them up. End of the day if you make public statements they're fair game because they are public, much like putting up a physical note on a noticeboard for anyone to read.
  4. There isn't a single fact in there that parallels except facile ones- someone has to be the most popular politician in decades, that is as much equivalent to Tony Blair as to Hitler. Indeed, Hitler never won a majority at an election unlike both Putin and Blair.
  5. I thought ToB was OK, but suffered significantly from D&D's inherent epic level weaknesses and Epic Gnoll Syndrome as well. It was all rather cheesy, you could get immunity to non magical weapons at the end of SoA so all enemies in ToB have magical weapons type stuff. In that respect I actually thought SCS made it actively worse as well, as you get to fight something like 4 dragons consecutively at one point. Still, the story was fine, I didn't mind Melissan at all and apart from the cheese factor the fights were by and large well balanced, and some really did have that epic feel. Not really sure about that, George Lucas himself says that you cannot actually see The Force, only its effects. K2 is more like Mask of the Betrayer, you cannot destroy either The Wall or The Force, despite them both being arbitrarily evil. (Or if you prefer, Kreia is an antagonist, unlike Melissan she's not a villain because she's arguably right about The Force being an uncaring slave/ puppet master and she did not start with the intention of killing you- indeed she sees even the final fight as her helping you)
  6. Discuss!! Fun semi fact of the day Unfortunately it seems this quote is apocryphal and it is likely Mohandas never actually said this.
  7. Proper storage is a requirement, checked by police at the same time as a firearms licence is issued/ renewed*, here. It is of course possible to ignore the rules when the policeman isn't actively checking but that's an argument that literally everything is pointless legality wise- speed limits? pointless, people may only adhere to them when a policeman is actively checking. You have to store the gun in a secure, unfireable state with no magazine/ bolt present and a trigger lock or similar; ammunition and said bolt/ magazine must be kept separate and also locked away. That has two purposes, it makes it far more difficult to steal a workable gun and it makes it far harder to do spur of the moment stupid stuff, especially suicide, because you typically have to get three different, locked, pieces of equipment. *not always a sworn officer, last guy we had was retired and doing it for an income top up plus tea and biscuits. They also do an interview at the same time, plus you have to have two character references and no significant criminal record. The interview is pretty laughable from both sides, on one it's pretty much "is X a drug addict or an axe murderer" on the other it's "are you a drug addict or axe murderer".
  8. I'll be quite interested to read the second part of that article, to see if it comes to the same general conclusion I have. While I don't really like the Cultural Marxism label I do think there is a fair bit of 'Cultural Stalinism' which explains why you have two predominantly left leaning groups fighting each other. Stalin was about as much concerned- if not more so- with fighting the wrong sort of leftist as with fighting rightists, and with purging those who were disloyal or ideologically impure leftists. That is pretty much what antiGG is about, purging the wrong sorts of left leaning people so only proper thinkers remain. Not up to the kulaks or mass graves level though of course, except in some of their dreams.
  9. So did Titan Quest, and it got a reputation for being extremely buggy as a result. It's a 'haha so funny' measure that is often counter productive because the cracks usually get fixed and the trageting is not exactly accurate either. I got the galaxy map bug in ME1 that was meant to effect pirates with a legit copy, and it was fixed by...
  10. The formal non-aligned status that was recently revoked was implemented in 2010, iirc. Yanukovich mainly used Europe/ NATO to wangle concessions and benefits from Russia.
  11. I suspect the 'is she going or not' stuff was basically just trolling and the decision had been made a fair while ago- as with Missy claiming to be the Rani in some alternative takes. My only real problem with the special was that it was derivative not just of the obvious external stuff (Alien, Inception) but of a fairly recent Dr Who episode. The whole concept is a bit too convenient given the problems Moffat's run has had with internal consistency, just blame anything that doesn't make sense on it being a dream. Cute, perhaps too cute. Still, enjoyable.
  12. He theoretically has no money because it is all in trusts and the like/ owned by his wife who is separated (or if you're cynical, 'separated') from. Practically he still lives in the most expensive property in the country and drives some ludicrously large vehicle. The illegal spying had no effect on whether he was going to get bail or not, and hasn't really effected the extradition hearing with the US- indeed, rather a lot of people insist that it never happened and it's all a plot, and if it did it was OK because it only happened to bad people and not me. And that despite it being admitted. I rather hope he stays around, he amuses and knots the panties of many people here who very richly deserve some strangulation of the nethers.
  13. Yeah, I suspect plenty of people are reading and enjoying. I never played any of the Gold Box games though I do own PoR, but it was a recentish acquisition, so it's good to see what they were about.
  14. Yeah, the 'emergent stories' for want of a better term (maybe After Action Reports would be better) were the best part of Stalker. Going after the Brain Scorcher having fought my way through the Red Forest I turned it off with 17 rounds left for my one remaining decent condition rifle and armour that was falling apart. OK, I thought, that was intense but at least it's over now, I can go back and get my equipment fixed up. Heh, thirty odd new Monolith targets later I made it out having killed most of the enemies with a silenced .45 pistol only to find more enemies outside. So I did the only sensible thing and ran away screaming like a little girl while popping whatever medkits I had left. Overall Stalker fits right into my intersection point of 'reality' and 'fun'. It's realistic enough that I can suspend disbelief but not so realistic that it becomes a chore. I put it in the same sort of category as Thief, it isn't hyper realistic but then I don't really want hyper realistic from either. The only immediate advantages I can think of the AI having were no ammo limit and that radiation didn't seem to damage them. Otherwise AI sprayed bullets all over the place at any range, outright missed with high accuracy weapons and fairly frequently got caught in anomalies and the like if in a firefight. Grenades were certainly annoying, especially in CS, but obeyed basically the same rules for AI and you. The problems were mainly those you get in any game, the AI doesn't have to think about self preservation at all so has no sense of resource management compared to you.
  15. Pigeonholing all SJWs is about as sensible as pigeonholing all GGers, and really is drawing a long bow. Some will do it for ideological reasons, some for bandwagon jumping, some for deeply held beliefs unrelated to any formal ideology. There are some general observations (GG tends more towards libertarianism, antiGG more towards authoritarianism) that are true, but they're pretty broad distinctions and applying them broadly can be... annoying, I find it annoying when people label GG as being 'right wing' for example. Hot wheels has totally trolled Brianna Wu by claiming that he needs patreon to hire an assistant to look after his cat! It's either a travesty or the funniest thing ever.
  16. I thought the ballistics in Stalker were absolutely fine. I one shotted the RPG-7 wielding guys in the Pripyat stadium with a Vintorez, and that has catastrophic bullet drop since it's subsonic, you just have to take it into account (which you do in reality as well). Then again, I really do hate 'laser beam' bullets and always hitting exactly where I aim in games, because I know perfectly well that I miss what I'm aiming at frequently when firing a real gun, even when I'm convinced I'm going to bullseye it. Most suits have night vision built in, so night is primarily an issue in the start. Then again, I actually use a mod that makes the nights darker because I thought the original settings too bright. And you do have a flashlight too. I think, it's been seven years since I played SoC unmodded.
  17. I had my first crash last night, and have had one other bug where an enemy went indestructible. Not bad at all. I do wish they had more of a Jagged Alliance 2 type turn based system than the Fallout one they went with to add some depth to the combat (things like interrupts) and I do find myself wishing that the NPCs and other systems had a bit more depth- but then again, there's an awful lot of NPCs to give depth to. At this point I'm finding it a bit easy as well, though the one time I ran into some military types two of them had me down to one active and two outright dead in the first round, so there clearly are more difficult encounters out there. Overall I thought it was pretty good and still have that opinion. I suspect I won't finish it and very likely won't replay any time soon as I will get bored at some point, but I've already got my money's worth.
  18. No quibbling about technicalities? How many posts would we be left with in the forums if we gave that up?
  19. Point really was that dogs tend to look sad and depressed whenever things don't go their way and that isn't really indicative. No biscuit? Sad. Won't let me in? Sad. Bath? Sad. Upcoming bath? Sad. Walk? Tired; sad. No walk? Energetic; sad. Dyeing the dog's hair is stupid, but it would still be stupid even if the dog were running around frolicking like it was a pet food advert, or was a poodle off to a show.
  20. While she is an idiot for dyeing the dog I do have to say that every single time I have had a dog sitting in a bath tub it has always looked 'unhappy and violated'. Doesn't mean it ain't going to get washed though, if it needs it.
  21. Why respond at all? He's pretty obviously just spoiling for a fight, and in that respect he's definitely the Monty Python Black Knight- doesn't matter how many bits you chop off he won't stop and will always insist he's winning.
  22. In the end Germany lost because Hitler was an idiot. He made three genuinely good decisions in the whole war, going with Manstein's plan for France and the hedgehogs in late 1941/2, plus appointing Speer. Otherwise it was a litany of stupid, from keeping ideologically pure incompetents (like Goering) in position to constant goal post shifting (eastern front) to reinforcing failure (Tunisia), declaring war on the US, obsession with bigger and greater wonder weapons and turning potential game changers into too little too laters (Me262). That's really all that needs saying Pretty much all international power politics is cynical power play rather than humanitarian rescue mission, the latter is just to add palatability for the general public. Having said that, the Russian intervention in Ossetia had (at least) as much humanitarian pretension as, say, the NATO intervention in Kosovo had. It's not like if Serbia decided to reintegrate Kosovo that NATO would be all "well now, we'll have to set up an international commission or something to discuss how naughty you're being, hope you Serbs enjoy Pristina in the summer in the meantime though" either.
  23. El oh el. Even OSCE agreed that Georgia attacked first and disproportionately, and that there was no Russian build up beforehand- and HRW state unequivocally that Georgia ethnically cleansed around 200,000 ethnic Ossetians in the 90s civil war. The west has no obligation to help someone who starts a fight, nor to help ethnic cleansers even if they are their friends. Georgian War of Wanton Aggression in South Ossetia was in August, 2008 Barack Obama, inaugurated January 20, 2009. Obama, so bad he retroactively turned the Bush administration into a bunch of peaceniks!
  24. Playing Dead State. It's enjoyable enough and I certainly don't regret spending the money on it (might have, marginally, if I hadn't kickstarted it but bought it full price) but it is what I'd call an 80% game- it's 80% of the way towards being excellent but everything is just a little bit more flawed than it should be, from combat to conversations and the character system. I haven't hit a single bug so far though, so in that respect it is excellent.
  25. Or I think those that remained loyal to the occupiers were Quislings and those that didn't were True Heroes and Patriots. I actually think that the circumstances don't matter much at all so didn't mention them- as I said, there's always a justification that can be had for barbarity. You can try to (further) justify it if you like, but that really just proves the overall point. Strapping people to cannons is a punishment designed to give a painful undignified end beyond the mere punishment for a crime, for mere execution a bullet suffices.
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