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Everything posted by dvsnathan

  1. would be nice if they could add this. This is a game preview so it is important to have lots of backup saves but the problem is they keep stacking since they do not overwrite. This becomes time consuming when trying to delete files as well since they only delete one at a time.
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  2. We really need an option to overwrite so this doesn't happen I keep having to do this also.
  3. Are you able to find multiple lady bugs? In my last playthrough I only found one near the berries and I played for a couple of hours should've at least seen 3-4.
  4. One thing that really helped me was cleaning up my server. If you have a very messy server with lots of planks and other dropped items then get rid of them all. I noticed my manual saves now are actually saving since I've done it.
  5. lmfao that would really suck to just watch all my hard work crumble before my eyes. I'm actually a good distance from the picnic table maybe a good 200-300 cm it's just the angle makes it look like my base is right on it. I also made sure that I didn't build in the under construction zone just out of fear for what you mentioned.
  6. Don't stay under it too long or you will die of thirst.
  7. From the leak I saw 1-2 weeks ago were supposed to be getting quite a few weapons but none of it was actually confirmed. However, in creative the bee spear is an item we can use so I'm assuming the bee spear and bee armor will be confirmed with this update but has there been any news that im unaware of?
  8. We get a major update on the 27th so a week from now. Hopefully it will include a patch to fix the cloud saves.
  9. Are you sure about that? Im over 180+ days into my game and I've yet to see a single weed respawn, even had to cancel one of my bases because the weeds around it never spawned back.
  10. Well that's very inconvenient the game is still in a very early stage and should people lose those mints they will never have a chance to regain this hammer again. Hotdogs and mints are practically the same logically speaking doesn't matter if ones used for consumption and the other crafting this is a survival game it's futile to create items with limited resource spawns.
  11. This is probably the wrong section to post this, but if you need help visit this link and click the small highlighted text at the bottom that says "Contact Us" https://support.obsidian.net/article/63-how-do-i-get-help-with-grounded#contactModal
  12. Yeah we should have shields would be nice. Vehicles would be nice to but I feel like this is something that will probably added near the official launch. Probably once we get more sophisticated building materials I'm assuming.
  13. I've been wondering if there is any plans for adding building components that require electricity, and considering the BURGL base has some lighting working it leads me to believe there may be a plan. I would just like to know what is anyone elses thoughts. I am also wondering if there will be any stronger materials added like metal and stone.
  14. yeah agreed, becomes annoying when you need lots of woven fibers and your constantly just button spamming.
  15. They don't but the dandelions do.
  16. Haven't had an issue with the beetles I know they are respawning in my game. As for the ladybugs I think they may not be respawning in my game either in my last playthrough I only came across 1.
  17. try to load an autosave before the game loaded with your game reset. I've been having this issue to but as long as I load an autosave first then it wont overwrite an autosave when it loads with all my stuff gone apart from my inventory. You can also try re-installing but do this after because it will wipe all your autosaves. For me autosaves work 100% on xbox but that's only if I'm using autosaves where my game hasn't been reset.
  18. I don't agree with this because then why should the Hot Dogs and Apple cores respawn? I don't think the mints should spawn as regular as the other resources but I do think it should spawn at least every 2 weeks in game same with apple cores and hot dogs.
  19. If your just worried about losing the mint hammer since it is currently the best weapon just hold on another week. Next major update is on the 27th and if the leaks are accurate we will be getting a tier 4 2h sword as well as other weapons to.
  20. As the title says would just like to bring the idea of faster transportation but I am sure this is already being worked on. I don't mind if it's a mount, a skateboard, a wagon pulled by an ant or whatever just would like something for faster transportation. It would be nice to if we did get something like mounts that we could also get an option for them to travel to designated markers for us.
  21. As the title says would be nice to get weed logs from weeds rather than dandelions because with dandelions I have to keep picking up the tufts from messing up my server, also the dandelions sometimes give like a full stack of fiber. The weed trees are nice and efficient for weed logs because they do not make a mess unless you cut the stump so I'm hoping they are already making some sort of plan to make weed trees respawnable. Same applies to clay, none of it spawns underwater where the majority of it is in the game. Clay only respawns on the surface and if you know all the rocks you can easily get 100+ clay a day but I'm hoping they have future plans to respawn the clay underwater as this covers the Northern and Southern spawns of the game. My base is currently on the north side so farming this clay in the south side of the map can be time consuming. Maybe it wouldn't feel as bad a journey if we had mounts for increased speed it's a good 900+ cm from my base.
  22. OP probably just wants the stealth setting reverted I don't think he was referring to an actual nerf. Wolf spiders do need a nerf IMO the only way I can even tank a hit is if I use full lady bug armor and even then the poison will lower my hp to just a slither. This is on Medium as well probably can't even tank a hit on Whoa.
  23. It also might work if you reinstall some ppl had success this way but only reinstall if you've tried all your auto saves already as doing this will erase all the autosaves.
  24. First try your autosaves if that doesn't work then try un-installing then re-installing.
  25. Are you sure you're waiting long enough on the autosaves? Sometimes my saves literally take 30min + to load no joke.
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