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Everything posted by dvsnathan

  1. Same boat as me the first time I uninstalled and re-installed the game then it worked fine but I've had this problem at least 3-4 more times now. I even make separate saves in different locations at least 3 to try and avoid this issue but even doing that doesn't always work. Here's my other issue now sometimes and emphasis on sometimes it will load within 1-2mins but in my experience when it does your whole game is reset apart from your inventory. It just so annoying that I need to be this OCD about saving just so I don't lose my progress -.- anyway only fix I found were to reinstall the game, always make at least 2-3 save files FAR from your base preferably somewhere with not a lot of textures and objects, or to reload a slightly earlier auto save. The only other issue I have now is that my game takes 20mins to load but in a way its kinda good because when it does load at least I will know its working, if it loads too quick then you're game most likely reset.
  2. Update: Uninstalled the game and re-installed. This loaded my save file but only kept my inventory in tack!!!! all my bases gone and the map is respawned by default with all the resources back in tack. Thanks Obsidian I only wasted 140+ days on building a castle just to lose it in the blink of an eye!
  3. Would just like that they seriously look into long loading times, saves resetting all progress except inventory, and saves with the infinite load screen. Sometimes I'm waiting over 20min + just to load into the game and thats if i dont get the infinite load screen. I kind of found a bypass using PC to at least see the screenshot preview of the save but even then its not guaranteed. but it at least gives me an idea of which saves are corrupted with the reset bug.
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