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Everything posted by dvsnathan

  1. If you carefully watch the Grounded trailer on their website you get a click glimpse of a stone wall with some weapons on it without the acorn trophy plaque. My thoughts are this will be eventually coming to the game if not during the update. Also guessing this will be a new way to display weapons on walls without taking up as much room.
  2. Are we playing the same game? The combat is so easy I don't even have to block. All I do is wait for bugs to attack when they're about to I'll just move out the way then attack them a couple times... repeat.
  3. 1pm est they announced it on their twitter.
  4. Not until a patch arrives. Game is still in its first stage of early access so I'm sure it's being worked on heck it might even be fixed tomorrow when we get the major update. You can try re installing your game that works for some people but it deletes your autosaves.
  5. Try loading an earlier save when this happens it means you're game has reset unfortunately.
  6. The only way to get rid of planks is to make grass builds then recycle them it's a slow process but it's all we have for now.
  7. From the teaser posted on twitter it looks like these additions will be confirmed in the update for the 26th. My real question though is are we getting bees? I know it has been shown in the leaks, there is also a hint if you gather pollen from the gnats it says something about bees highlighted in green.
  8. no they don't same with clay if it was underwater.
  9. I'm curious to I had an orb weaver attack me as well in the water and it disappeared, I think it went through the map and since my spiders are spawning normally I can't tell if its respawned or not.
  10. I'd like to add quartzite to the list also. We can get clay under water no reason we shouldn't be able to get berries and quartzite as well. For the weed stems to we need an option to carry them underwater or at least make them float like the planks so we can grab them, they are wood so it seems logical.
  11. the weed trees don't respawn but the dandelions do.
  12. Yup I was thinking this as well like an event where a dog is digging in the backyard and having to defend that spot if you don't want that area destroyed.
  13. was thinking about an ant queen for the abandoned ant hill wonder if that was already thought up.
  14. It's officially tweeted also. https://www.windowscentral.com/grounded-teases-its-first-content-update-changes-release-date-august-26
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  15. Try loading auto saves if that doesn't work then try re-installing the game.
  16. lmao the chalkboard idea made me laugh just because I always make a mental list of what I'm going to do but then I get side tracked by something like an attacking spider and forget everything! Chalk board would be a great idea.
  17. I would like this as well but the game is still in such an early stage I'm sure its already been thought up. We are getting bees on Thursday which I'm almost certain is a confirmation since we have access to the bee spear on creative. Supposedly adding Khoi fish to but can't confirm this. I would definitely like to see more tough bosses with high tiered loot but I'm sure that's well on the way.
  18. In my experience since this is a survival game I would do like Bear Grylls and eat those larvas. Excellent source of protein and vitamins.
  19. Yeah I love the clay as well it looks the best and is the most durable. I stack up clay foundations and use them as walls that way, I also do this to make clay ceilings. The only problem is though since they are foundations they look thick as a ceiling.
  20. Made an outpost tower @ the mysterious machine. Not my actual base but a nice center point to drop off materials when farming. I can also see my castle kinda cool.
  21. I got attacked by a spider to but it hit the lady bug instead. I was on its back the entire time while it was fighting was kinda sweet tbh
  22. lmao the frog looks cozy and the snake doesn't seem to mind
  23. Nice! can't wait to see what they plan with that although I'm sure it'll be way down the road.
  24. This might be a bit over the top but I think it would be cool if we had some sort of apocalyptic events. Example: Lawnmower being used in the backyard and it's about to destroy your base the only way to avoid destruction is by incapacitating this by throwing pebbles into the motor or something like that. You're at the oak tree farming acorns for food and materials but little did you know its actually squirrel feeding time! these squirrels see you taking there acorns and attack on sight! A bird sees you taking his grub supper and gets ticked off! now you have to fight for your life or run from this aerial beast! you get where I'm going with this, I'm also aware it would take a LOT of space in designing but this is just a suggestion.
  25. Tbh I think this was the first thing I did in the game great way to pass time in game while being afk and safe!
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