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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Those be some nice dreadlocks.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P8ILFWlBzA
  3. Personally I found DNF's DLC to be much more fun than the base game. There was a DLC for DNF??? I haven't heard anything about this game since its failed release. Yep. The Doctor Who Cloned Me.
  4. Personally I found DNF's DLC to be much more fun than the base game.
  5. Ditto Into the Breach. Finished the 4 island challenge with the Rust Crew or whatever they're called.
  6. Into the Breach will be released tomorrow, the new game by the devs of FTL.
  7. Do as I do and hope for a Dark Heresy game.
  8. https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aZ3B4gW_460sv.mp4
  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/7xitm2/another_predictivetext_ai_mashup_this_time_its/
  10. Since Steam offered Total Warhammer I'm playing that now and Warframe.
  11. https://www.chickenpolice.com/
  12. What did they do to you? Retconned the Shani romance, is my guess.
  13. Someone had waaaaaay too much free time.
  14. They employ my mom. She she can guess what I feel like eating despite me not saying anything.
  15. Ooooooooooooooooh those DS9 shirts... @.@ Extra Credits opened up Pandora's Lootbox, then shook it until controversy fell out.
  16. Unless you're on PC, then you can wait another bunch of months.
  17. I just stayed away from her so she uses her extra telegraphed, extra long wind down animation attacks.
  18. I think he was poking fun at the general lethality of the setting.
  19. Can someone recommend me good android games? I'm thinking of picking up a tablet for travelling.
  20. Watched Bright as well, fun movie. For a Shadowrun ripoff they tifted some of the better elements of the setting.
  21. An RTS where my whole army can be composed of gunships and mechs? I'm intrigued.
  22. Sounds like someone got hooked.
  23. Now with 100% less oxen!
  24. There's a video of Into the Breach from the devs of FTL. Looks neat.
  25. I've watched this ridiculous, crazy, epic and amazing movie.
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