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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I meant it in the not-part-of-core-gameplay sense like the microwave mentioned above and security monitors, etc.
  2. HL proved that FPS-es can have stories, movie-like experience, had great AI, and introduced interaction with your environment (a certain microwave). That's pretty radical. Remember, 1998, not 2009. On an unrelated note, nice job closing the SW ideas thread after we go back on topic.
  3. Then why are you "hoping"?
  4. It's a blend of the two.
  5. You could wait for conformation y'know.In other words: DON'T PANIC
  6. Usually by editing the first post.
  7. Don't tell me jumping out from a window, falling 200 stories and slashing your mark's ****pit off his ship wouldn't be great.
  8. Nice post and respect for the effort, though I would suggest that you should change some details: 3 skills can be "tagged" and thus raised to 15 instead of 10 ranks. Conversation-, not play styles, the way you put it makes it the whole thing confusing. Furthermore, the definitions are confusing too: Bourne is professional way to talk to NPCs, not a character with ranks in sneaking. I can't remember exactly, but you can check the customization in the safe house walkthrough. I'd also mention that you can kill almost everyone. Again, very nice and respect.
  9. How about an Assassin's Creed like game with a sith assassin? Coruscant level = WIN.
  10. ?WHAT? "Every time you bring real life physics into a discussion about comic book, God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens."And other variations of this.
  11. Visited some relatives for the first time. It was kinda surprising to find out that one of my cousins is a (hot) model. And her dad is ****ing cool. xD "Don't have a toast, it wastes time and spills the drink!" "If it's under 100 kilos it's not a pig nor a man!"
  12. Yep, it's easier than it sounds. Also, thanks Purkake.
  13. Bit of info about the MW4 re-release:
  14. Your ears receive the sound, not generate it. Thats not answering the original question, is it? Oops. Yes, it does make a sound, even if no one's there to hear it. Does the process of listening to the sound change the observed event? Would the tree have fallen if you hadn't listened for it? Unless you stand where the tree is falling, no. Yes, it would have. Prove it Video camera in a strategic position in the forest.
  15. The last nail in the coffin right before FO:NV? It was the penultimate for me.
  16. Squid, I facepalm with the force of a hundred nations.
  17. Your ears receive the sound, not generate it. Thats not answering the original question, is it? Oops. Yes, it does make a sound, even if no one's there to hear it. Does the process of listening to the sound change the observed event? Would the tree have fallen if you hadn't listened for it? Unless you stand where the tree is falling, no. Yes, it would have.
  18. There was one or two in the trainyard walkthrough.
  19. And he even includes a screenshot of the character sheet.
  20. Your ears receive the sound, not generate it. Thats not answering the original question, is it? Oops. Yes, it does make a sound, even if no one's there to hear it.
  21. Yes. Your ears receive the sound, not generate it. Did I just get a kitten killed?
  22. Women today use high heels, and I really doubt they use them because they are comfortable So, if bikini-mail is intended to make the chic look hot, I'm all for it. If it's intended to protect the soft parts from damage, then it sucks. You make a good point, we have to assess the purpose of the attire. You guys got it all wrong. Bikini-mails are cunning weap- I mean armor: where would any warrior with a brain aim? At the exposed body parts of course! So all the female opponent has to do is keep her exposed parts safe. Brilliant if you ask me.
  23. Will there be a coktail ordering conversation?
  24. Half Life: Source at $3.39, that's ****ing insane It's also ****ing ugly and has/had a load game-scripted scene stucks bug.
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