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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I like playing humans too (partly because of them being The Mario) but dwarves are badass in my book.
  2. I'm sure it works out, it's not like they drop armor or weapons.
  3. Ah, thanks.
  4. Raptor was cool too.
  5. I liked it. ,o/ The odds aren't in our favor, the Combine will win. All I need is a crowbar and victory will be ours. ...And no, you can't be Alyx.
  6. What's MW 2?
  7. I liked it. ,o/
  8. Paying attention is hard, huh?
  9. You could wait for conformation y'know.In other words: DON'T PANIC Can I panic now? Weeeeeell...okay.
  10. He's already back in ep 2 (even the devs say it in the commentary), and why would he kick Gordon's ass? He is still G-Baby's subordinate, and didn't do anything "bad" per se.
  11. Disclaimer: My opinion. Half-Life 2 was boring, the episodes weren't. The vehicles sections would have been good if they'd not get interrupted by boring walking every 3 turns. The "cutscenes" were really good, I would've liked more, the characters were also good, minus the sweater scientist woman, she was a bit annoying. The "big rebellion" felt stupid with the useless but ever respawning NPCs (who somehow survived being shot without hazard suits. After HL one perfectly lambshading why you're hard to kill, this was very idiotic). I had no problems with the episodes, except the vorts somehow being able to mess with the G-Man, that could seriously backfire in a plot hole sense. Pidesco: the episodes weren't boring, especially ep 2.
  12. Tyrian by Epic Megagames 1995 shoot 'em up with a story, upgradeable armaments, apparently cool music (it refused to acknowledge my sound card) and a crapload of hidden content: x-mas mode, at least hidden ships/levels/difficulties/weapons (hot dog gun FTW) and some whacky stuff (Tyrian 2000's final boss was a FACE). Crimsonland by 10Tons Bird's Eye View alien shoot 'em up with lots of weapons, perks and humor. And with the help of newer patches, really hard.
  13. My best friend promised me a power armor if I help him conquer the galaxy. Anyone want to join?
  14. You can be the best actor in the world, if the director can't see the difference between pikachu and Sean Connery, he'll tell you to act differently even if your current performance would net you an Oscar. IMHO anyway.
  15. I found HL 2 a bit boring (episodes got progressively better), but let's get back on topic:Alanschu, will my team be effective if I choose to play with a warrior, a dog, an archer and a healer, or are damage dealing mages a must have in DA too?
  16. Silent Hill 2
  17. Pfft, you can change it after you become dictator.
  18. Still better than certain other publishers. Aaaand maybe they can continue it later.
  19. They let Obs properly finish their game. Those ****. /shakes fist
  20. Chancellor sounds cool if you ask me.
  21. Some years ago there was an e-mail in a magazine's letter column complaining that the mag almost always had RPG walkthroughs instead of FPS ones. The column author fittingly named e-mail Hard K
  22. No persuasion skill.
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