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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Please..talk..about...Dragon Age! (Off topic discussions can make one desperate when he's reading 20 pages worth of posts.)
  2. The demons.
  3. Steve is a nice guy.
  4. Oner


    I thought we're talking random encounters. Fixed locations were jammed, yes.
  5. Ah yes, since JA comes with a special helmet that measures competence (in Kelvin no less) and increases the enemy's hit chance by the negative of the competence value. Any more BS to add? Playing Eversion by the way. The maker is a sick person indeed.
  6. Albratross' daughter, and you can't.
  7. Oner


    Interesting, I barely met enemies. I mean there were relatively many encounters, but mostly it was 1-1 robot or scorpion, sometimes 3 scorps or a few raiders.
  8. Oh I forgot to mention, I moved the girl even farther away, and she still got hit. That's why you have to use cover. And when you hit the enemy the same way it all good right? /rolleyes And what kind of question is that? The medic died. You know, DEAD. I didn't see any resurrection spells.
  9. At least our kaiser didn't get his brain crushed by a horn, or get his nation's butt kicked by the same tactic for years/decades. Mongols btw. And turks. And everyone in between. Maybe some chinese and japs too.
  10. Oh I forgot to mention, I moved the girl even farther away, and she still got hit.
  11. Porn movies have moans?! All I hear is aw s**** and aw f****.
  12. I'm sure a pimped out FN P90 would do the job just fine Why do you hate it, though? It's certainly not for everyone, but hate is a strong word. For some reason the game seamed to "remember" enemy hits even after a save game. On one occasion, there was a field and 4-6 trees between us, so a good 10-20 rounds have gone by without anyone scoring a hit. I save the game, two rounds later one enemy hits the medic (I think she died too). So, load game, 2 rounds, and the medic gets hit again. Load game, again. And again and again and again. Apart from the above, it's not my kind of game.
  13. The only game where one can play as a blue, topless chick with a sword & bow (future BioWare games not included). There's also a giant wrestler dude and British humor, right? And YAN, THE SAMURAI SMARTIE!
  14. Radio mimic. Mike calls in that the alarm is fake/threat neutralized. There was some talk about waiting 'till the guards call off the alarm, but I can't remember if it was theory, question or statement.
  15. Was that a mgs reference? (sorry, running on no sleep) Nope, Deus Ex.
  16. Some of those old 'mechs were really freaking ugly. http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Wolfhound Like this one, even uglier in MW 4.
  17. General Ambrose Burnside-- a.k.a., the reason that they're called "sideburns." Can he fly? I'm pretty sure he can fly.
  18. Yet another response to a two week old post, brought to you by Oner Enterprises: Tifa Lockheart.
  19. : (
  20. Trust me, it'll seem slower when you're actually playing it.
  21. ...but all enemies have 99999 health. Sooo...all those 4-eyed-nv-goggle wearing enemies are in reality crystal-dragon-jesus-bahamuts in soldier disguise? Wicked.
  22. ..but deals 17x730 damage.
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