A ****load of info, take two: *goes off to eat lunch*
*comes back 20 minutes later*
Review stuff
He's hoping for free roam in the sequel
Code-breaking mini game is the mos annoying
Varied and clever missions - see slight spoilers 2nd-4th line
Cover system is everywhere, works well (and that's roughly all he has to say about combat )
Martial Arts animations are superb, dynamic, and they convey the force of a punch or kick very well
Excitingly intricate plot threads
Very pleasantly surprised by the DSS, similarities with ME's system end with the vague response descriptions
AP beat his reservations and was an immersive game
Main characters look good, but minor actors (guards, terrorists etc) are clones, though both graphics and animations were noticeably improved since the October delay, but could still be better
Movement, especially the enemies' is clumsy, and disappearing bodies are slightly disillusioning
Environments are varied and most of them are atmospheric (special mention goes to the luxury yacht and a Tai Pei hotel), safe houses are spectacular (his favorite's Rome)
Some walls have low-res textures, explosions and muzzle flashes are ugly, destructible environment is limited to (barrels and) fugly trucks
If it weren't for graphics and animations, the score would exceed 90, but "we have to be content with a world champ story, lovable-hateable characters, fun gameplay and innumerable choices. This is enough to be a good game, but it remains to be seen if AP will be a successful game."
Gameplay info
Missions that haven an Alpha mark influence the overall plot
Sniper rifles, so there you have it
Screenshot indicates a simultaneous (in this case, video)conversation (or a speech?) with up to four people (shown in that instance are Scarlet, Mina and two guys who stand too far from their webcam to see)
10-10 AP/level + a few extra points for some side missions
Martial Arts is either required for, or is a non-lethal take down method, not sure which
If you choose your words carefully, you can end up having several handlers helping you on one mission
Appearances deceive, some characters respond well to a different stance than their looks suggest, so dossiers are important
You can find (or in case of e-mails, intercept) incriminating info sometimes, which you can use to 1) blackmail the poor sod whom it belongs to 2) sell it to the highest bidder 3) forward it to Scarlet
In case this is new to some people:
3 ammo types/weapon
The game's biggest weapon is information
Acquiring info beforehand can change the course of a conversation
(/Detailed) Maps and stuff can be bought from the Clearing House
Slight/throwaway spoilers (vague situation examples and the like)
One major spoiler