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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Thanks.
  2. BTW Tigranes, what screencap program are you using?
  3. I vote ToEE, mainly because I haven't played it.
  4. Can you explain this in more detail? IIRC you said something like some types of armor would be more resistant to a submachine-gun's low dmg-high output hail of bullets and others would be better against a high dmg-low output (rifles like snipers and gauss guns) weapon, and this was achieved with DT and DR.That's how I remember it, at least.
  5. Wasn't DR part of the whole low damage DPS vs high damage "nuking" thing? Did you work around it's axing with DT?
  6. Watching DMC 4's intro on youtube doesn't count as playing.
  7. Go Obsidianites, go!
  8. I liked the "gathering together all the evidence" part, which he obviously didn't do.
  9. D: I'm handing in a formal complaint. Not getting paid for all my hard posting work *grumble grumble*..
  10. *massages forehead* ...Screw it, I'm not getting paid to make sense of this.
  11. GDC presentation
  12. Guild Wars 2 Human Walkthrough (cam)
  13. That's it. Start worshiping me so I can obliterate all these morons with my godlike awesomeness. NOW! (Oh yeah, I want to be the god of not-being-retarded, so formulate your prayers accordingly. Thanks in advance.)
  14. The Zeal skill (2-5 attacks in fast succession) in Diablo 2 would randomly target adjacent enemies on it's own. Was it dumbed down?
  15. Yes! Do not fear it, embrace it! You will only become stronger!
  16. Hmmm.. he's dead, and there's a lot of 'Sidianites to go through. Also, Wals FTW! BTW, after dispatching the goblin orgygoers, did you go into the northern little room where they keep the kinky bestiality victims (the bugs)?
  17. And I'm telling you, it's that bad
  18. Dude, that's more insulting to my intelligence than anything Volo could come up with.
  19. There's probably a lot of verbal abuse, Tigranes just doesn't screencap that.
  20. Roaches are the new Hydralisks. Apparently they take too long to bring out so people ignore them.
  21. I think I did once, but I didn't know if it's better or worse than 18/90~ so I rerolled..
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