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Everything posted by Oner

  1. This was Grom's finest hour it seems.
  2. What Calax said. I think the 2 years anniversary was like two weeks ago.
  3. Entrerix: Guild Wars 2 doesn't have a release date yet, and considering Arenanet is made up of ex-Blizz people..
  4. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...ed-Jabbas-Cargo
  5. Heroes are boring, anti-heroes are where the fun is at. That's what sheI said.
  6. He plays paragon Shep perfectly. A boring, uninteresting person. At-least-partial-Renegade is where it's at.
  7. I was thinking more of publishers and fellow forumites and indeed, you-know-who has proven my wondering plausible.
  8. Okay seriously, I'm gonna (mis)quote the Goddamn Batman on this.What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? What the hell do you think you played? It was goddamn Fallout 3. Josh, will NV review copies differ from retail copies too? If yes, can at least we, loyal forumites, get review copies pls? Thx.
  9. Lylian barely some info for you teaser
  10. I approve of this thread.
  11. Shooter with original elements=snarky new genre? Wha.
  12. Cute.
  13. Now the song's stuck in my head, thanks.
  14. The difference was noticeable, yes. For me at least it was.
  15. That was in FO3 already.
  16. I see Vegas uses the Hungarian model of work distribution too. 1 is shoveling, everyone else watches.
  17. Nice logic leap. NOT.
  18. Wouldn't be a Harlequin post without an insult, eh?
  19. Not sure I accept this after calling you out on it. Hmm.. maybe just this once.
  20. And here I was thinking you were making a joke on the man's age.I am disappoint.
  21. I think I set that one off, not sure tho.
  22. How about now?
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