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Everything posted by Oner

  1. IIRC KotOR is based on Aurora (NwN engine), but with the whole thing rewritten from ground up.
  2. It was google's fault, thank them.
  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...Assassins-Creed
  4. Ben there Dan that & Time, Gentlemen A point & click adventure game + sequel with black humor. First game is free, 2nd is cheap.
  5. You want me to link Master of the Wind again? If you insist... http://www.solest.org/games It's a superhero deconstruction in a fantasy setting. 7 arcs long, the last one is coming soon.
  6. That's what gamecop...errr.. I mean....Probably because it's illegal still, no ? Yea it's pretty funny if you get a crack for the game you already bought but you're still a filthy pirate, thieving honest people out of their money. I doubt anyone would blame someone who bought AC2 for downloading the crack. Point its companies do tend to get a little carried away with their DRM schemes, to the point of hurting the customer. Someone actually did. DRM was built in for a reason, it's part of the game, yadda yadda and apparently you're all that's wrong with today's world for not being inconvenienced by it. Don't remember who came up with this, but probably Vol.
  7. All I feel is mild disgust.
  8. That's what gamecop...errr.. I mean....Probably because it's illegal still, no ? Yea it's pretty funny if you get a crack for the game you already bought but you're still a filthy pirate, thieving honest people out of their money.
  9. Can't as in can't be arsed, not as in doesn't have the money.
  10. Steam just told me a new ATI driver is available. Guess this thing does have it's advantages.
  11. Katarina, Flintlock Fury, weird synonym for dodge roll.
  12. Uhh.. no. Kaidan looks like Kaidan. The old one had more (sill not a lot) to do with Hudson.
  13. Frankly, I doubt you can, but if you can't, than this doesn't seem like a very long game to me.
  14. There are no slots. Every augmentation is installed, they're just not activated. You need xp or praxis kits to activate an augmentation.
  15. All right, question time! I loaded a save, set the game to private and threw Labadal an invite to game. At that point, every voice and sound effect got muted and the music has become quieter. Any suggestions on what might've happened or how to change the settings back? The bars in the Options didn't set to 0, they're still at 100.
  16. You've gotta say this with STYLE!
  17. They should have consulted more with Gas Powered Games. ...
  18. http://imagerz.com/QEFADEtvAwMFAloZEwVR
  19. Usual Raven quality, for better or worse. I found it fun.
  20. I'm sure he's heartbroken.
  21. Magyar and Kocsis are both family names.But A'lmos (Sleepy) is a valid first name.
  22. Not really. Some Egyptian parents named their daughter Facebook.
  23. Dude, that's his real name.
  24. Woah, that got me interested. Can somebody give me a synopsis what this game is about? I know it's indie, but from the screesnhots it looks like a top-down turn based TRON game. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discu...6100&page=0 Video in 2nd post. Awesome soundtrack.
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