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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. I don't think its changing tastes, i honestly believe that the story and mission design is better in starcraft 1 than it is in either volume of starcraft 2. the UI is way better in SC2, but that doesn't make up for the boring and kinda stupid campaign as for diablo 3, its flat out not as good as diablo 1 or 2. the loot system is horrible, and there is no replay value because they essentially got rid of character builds. its a fun game to play once (with each character that appeals to you), and then its over. i dont think we are ageing out of action rpg's or army building RTS games. i just think blizzard has been in a (very long) rut. warcraft 3 was not as good as starcraft or warcraft 2, and they've been going downhill ever since.
  2. isn't Path of Exile a diablo type game? i remember hearing people talk about it when diablo 3 came out, but the game is still in beta i think
  3. are they? i hadn't heard that. sounds like wishful thinking, but maybe i missed that bit of news seems more likely that they will just sell new versions of popular ps2-3 games that will be playable on ps4. got to get that double dip
  4. "all the stuff" except play ps2 games. or playstation 3 games. or xbox 360 games. gamecube games. nes games etc etc etc no backwards compatibility means that gamers will always have to have 3-6 boxes plugged in at a time
  5. there are a few diablo-type games coming out soon right? grim dawn and 1-2 others? anyone have a list?
  6. i already do 90% of my gaming on pc, looks like next gen that number will be 98% (i'll get a ps4 for the exclusives, after a year or two) no way in hell i would consider buying an xbox1. even if it had backwards compatbility i would still pass on it because of mandatory online drm
  7. just read all the news about the press event. good. lord. fail. i'll have more thoughts on this later.
  8. dabbling with some league of legends, thinking about re-playing tomb raider, slowly working my way through chrono cross, soon going to try fez, need to start ni no kuni, still have to finish dragons dogma expansion
  9. i think bioware is going to be too busy making star wars and mass effect games
  10. the last good thing labelled "star wars" was kotor 2
  11. i generally agree, but what happened was the golden era rpg's were heading forward forward forward and then BAM, they just stopped. a few years later we got dumbed down games trying to cater to different audiences instead of deeper experiences built on the groundwork laid by "golden age" crpgs. so now, we need to get back to the "good old days" type of game before trying to improve on them. dragon age 1 was a step in that direction, imo, but that even that game was followed up by a dumbed down acshun!! game as a somewhat related side note: where is the spiritual successor to system shock 2? i guess its deus ex HR, because it sure as heck isn't bioshock infinite.
  12. i think we're almost to the promised land, we can see it just up ahead. as soon as we start getting some truly awesome "indie" rpg's released then I'll agree that we've made it. im very much looking forward to wasteland 2, shadowrun returns, and project eternity.
  13. was recently on a long flight so i started replaying chrono cross for the first time in a decade or so (on my psp). im now about 14 hours in, its fun, but definitely has some flaws. still, it has held up pretty well, and i think its a better game than most of the more recent jrpg's i've played
  14. i never go to the PE boards and i basically live on this website too many weirdos over there
  15. Bioshock infinite was a mediocre shooter wrapped up in better than average (but still not OMG WOWZERS) packaging. a big let down imo. dishonored is a vastly superior game in every way
  16. fewer and fewer games seem to really grab my attention nowadays not sure if its my age or if its the quality/type of games available im guessing the latter, because i spent months playing new vegas when it came out.
  17. wolfenstein 3d was my very first fps game
  18. Torment 2: Torment Harder Torment 2: The Spawning (directed by james cameron)
  19. What kills replay value of DAO for me is, ironically, the origins and then Ostagar. Not that either are necessarily bad, but that they're LOOOOOONG. If I can get past those two sections and make my way to Lothering, I can generally get back into replaying the game. the mage tower is insufferable for me now
  20. wow, i'm actually really disappointed that bethesda never bothered to include spears in the dlc since spear weapons were being requested so heavily for skyrim for the past several years... oh well, im kinda burned out on skyrim anyway. i hope they announce fallout 4/TES 6 soon so i can once again start asking for features they wont include
  21. its an interesting design issue, my personal favorite way to handle it is a combination of methods 1 and 6: very few, if any, characters that the plot requires, and if one of those very few characters does happen to die, you can still find you way to the end of the game with careful enough searching/investigating/exploring
  22. borderlands 2 is painful to play the first 30 levels or so once you have enough skill points to actually customize your character a bit it gets more fun (though overall, i rate it lower than the first game -the pacing is worse and the loot is less satisfying imo)
  23. blood dragon looks awesome now i want something like that, but not as on-the-nose silly do the 1989 thing with a (semi)straight face, like they did in 1989
  24. wow this is absolutely amazing, and sums up the game better than actually playing it! great find
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