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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. the games i have played with the most infuriating bug-related experience (ranked by how much the bug experience pissed me off when it happened) 1) arcanum. don't get me started. 2) fallout 1. when this game was first released there were some insanely awful bugs in it. 3) CoD world at war. 4) dragon age 2. all four of the above games had bug issues arise which caused me to have to restart after more than 20 hours of play. fallout 1 was the only one of them that restarting was just as much fun as continuing would have been. i didnt even bother restarting world at war, that game was a piece of s**t fallout 1 is possibly my favorite game of all time. and yet it gave me the second most infuriating bug experience of my gaming career, so what does this tell you? some bugs, even very frustrating ones, can be ignored if the game is worth it. also: note that new vegas and fo3 and oblivion etc etc don't even rank up there, cause those bugs were never more than minor inconveniences or ctd's
  2. i had about 20 crashes spread out over nearly 200 hours. on pc. was it really that much buggier on ps3? or is it more that console-only gamers are not used to crashes and so are having fits?
  3. not sure what hole you are referring to? Am I wrong about the game? I haven't played it, like i said, i just think that it looks more like la confidential than it does something like double indemnity or the postman always rings twice.
  4. my response to article: move along. nothing to see. whiny baby on the loose. FNV is one of the best games to be released in years. publicly condemning the developer in such an immature way because you wish it was 100% stable is beyond pathetic.
  5. neato. i did not like how in nwn and dragon age your health (even if you were just a normal human) would magically (and without explanation) reappear after sitting still for 6 seconds. but i dont mind a slowly regenerating health bar if i am playing a mutant who has healing powers or whatever the hell the witcher is.
  6. well, to be fair, both of those are VERY neo-noir. I haven't played this game, but i'd guess it has far more in common with la confidential than it does with double indemnity. edit: i love both chinatown and la confidential, so dont think i am knocking them, just pointing out that there are some stylistic and tonal differences between noir that was made in the 30's/40's and the neo noir of the 60's and later.
  7. ok, so i got the witcher 2 last night (gog. support gog. support drm free. support dev by buying game shortly after release. i feel like a bra with all the support i am providing) initial thoughts: 1. not super crazy about the interface, but im sure i'll get used to it soon 2. holy crap i thought i was still in a cutscene at the beginning there... this game looks good. 3. it looks like the crunchy bits are on display in the menu screens, dragon age 1 and 2 screwed this up terribly. opacity in an rpg system is not a good idea. 4. does my health regenerate? or is this just in the tutorial? weird. but i guess it makes sense if it does since im like a medieval x-man or something. i loved having high constitution in planescape torment so i had regenerating health. 5. plot is just getting started but its already miles more interesting than what was happening in DA2. this is some pretty ok rpg writing so far.
  8. maybe if witcher 2 is a smash hit then cd projekt will be able to expand and make more than 1 game every 5 years? one can hope
  9. bummer, D&D just can't catch a break anymore. things were so good once upon a time
  10. im not really sure what you're trying to say... because no one is interested in launch titles, sony was NOT exhibiting signs that they believed people would purchase the ps3 because it was Sony brand? if you really believe that then cool, but just know that is not in step with logical thought processes.
  11. i actually might check out conan now that its free to play
  12. just finished portal 2 AND my latest playthrough of new vegas. damn. now what? splatterhouse? dead space 2? world in conflict? alan wake? enslaved? amnesia? or should i just bite the bullet and buy the witcher 2?
  13. i was referring to the price of the ps3 at launch, along with its launch titles. edit: and i hate online gaming, i assume you were talking to someone else?
  14. microsoft seemed to believe that they could only support console gaming OR pc gaming, not both. they may still have this belief. sony was mistakenly under the belief that people loved giving sony money, and not playing games, they seem to have realized this error, but now are being hit with ten other problems to deal with.
  15. MGS games in order of awesomeness 1>3>>>2>4
  16. it will probably be a console adapted version of the witcher 2, with enough changes to interface, area size/textures etc and the way action works that they will end up calling it The Witcher: _________ mostly so that when it gets not so amazing reviews because of console-specific issues that it will not tarnish the high reputation of the Witcher 2. thats my guess anyway
  17. i only experience crashes when i start running full tilt for long periods of time. i think the game starts trying to load too much stuff at once and freezes. those are the only crashes i ever get now, its actually more stable than fallout 3 which would crash a lot of times when i went through doors. (every few hours)
  18. so the verdict on this is what? worth full price? worth half price? worthless?
  19. im alternating between new vegas and portal 2. just finished honest hearts, it was good. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the dlc, hope we get some more large areas to explore. portal 2 so far meets or exceeds my (high) expectations, very pleased.
  20. i love my games, doesnt mean i can't have preferences! (though i wont buy any game with more restrictive drm than steam on my scale of awfulness, unless the game is less than $10)
  21. great minds and all that
  22. disc check>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>steam>>online activation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>constant connection required>Securom
  23. kinda feels like the first bit of pr for the new game. the next one will have better levels, we promise! look before we even announce the game we are telling you we won't make boring and repetitive areas again! don't get me wrong, im glad, its just funny.
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