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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i just watched season one of game of thrones and now i want to play skyrim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but im gonna go read those books instead.
  2. if its true then it looks like ms and sony are deciding to half ass the specs of the "next gen", but charge enough that they are actually making money on every machine sold. the nintendo route. and since no company wants to take a risk and push the hardware limits, no company will have a system that outpaces the others. hardware makers win, gamers lose. then again, maybe no one wants to make an expensive system because they are all going to bundle their consoles with bizarre drm and always online internet requirements and limitations on used games etc etc that they are scared the system might totally flop unless its a cheap buy right from the start.... i really hope all these rumors turn out completely bogus
  3. half life 1 and 2 could make an epic pair of movies, but hollywood doesn't have the balls to do them right. same could be said for bioshock. A well directed and edited film can tell a gripping story without any dialogue.
  4. sure they do, DOOM was a huge hit back in the day
  5. the "bad guys" should have been the counsel all along. it would certainly have explained why they always seemed willfully ignorant of pretty much everything they were told.
  6. im guessing this is more of a: "here obsidian, have some money and let us borrow some of your expertise and tools to help make this a hit. if it is a hit, then we'll help you on your kickstarter when that gets going, and hopefully it will prove to the world that people still want and can make these kinds of games." teaming up for the greater good etc. im guessing the extra money goes straight to obsidian, and is probably barely enough to cover the expenses they anticipate in lending their help to Wasteland 2.
  7. im positive that if square-enix were to make a vagrant story 2 today it would be a complete failure. that company doesn't know how to make video games anymore. vagrant story was made in a different era
  8. if mass effect 3 is an rpg then i think we can definitely consider the rpg genre dead, buried, forgotten, and paved over.
  9. taking a break from ME3, the game is just awful so far. re-playing vagrant story, this game is so good, they really don't make em like they used to...
  10. ok, so my opinion may not match others', but I actually feel like mass effect 3, so far (8 hours in), is an even worse follow up to ME2 than Dragon Age 2 was to DA:O. following that trend: DA3 is going to be flat out terrible. go bioware.
  11. this game looks awesome, i was totally ignoring it for a while, but have been paying more attention lately. it looks like a bit of a mix between dark souls and a western open world rpg. i love dark souls.
  12. still picking slowly away at ME3, this game is about as exciting as watching paint dry. a huge let down (so far) after the excellent ME2
  13. if the ps4 is not backwards compatible with the ps1-3 then im not going to buy one for years. seriously, i still play my ps1 and 2 games, and i'll be damned if i have to plug another console into my tv. i'll wait until the ps4 is $200 or less before buying another console that lacks BC. same goes for microsoft, if they try and sell a non-BC xbox 3 then im not going to buy one for a looooong time. maybe never. pc games now sometimes have drm **** to deal with, but at least i can still play planescape torment without having to switch computers.
  14. i want more rpg's that make you feel like you are exploring a world. i'd like to see a game that felt like the original baldurs gate for DA3. start from nowhere and go (almost) anywhere, no railroading.
  15. i wonder how much it would cost today to make fallout 1 exactly as it is, completely from scratch
  16. AAA games keep getting worse, im glad to see smaller, better games on the horizon was fallout a big budget title? it was so long ago i can't remember
  17. re-writing the ending of anything is, imo, worse than writing a bad ending to begin with. (if video games want to be taken seriously - if they don't... well then who cares anyway, it was a stupid story about space robots)
  18. i didn't know they did a redo of the fallout 3 ending. that ending was such a pos i never even bothered with the main quest in subsequent playthroughs. you know what game had a great ending? fallout. the ending of that game was perfect.
  19. May 15th is going to be my one year wedding anniversary. I tried explaining to my wife that diablo 3 was really important, she did not listen.
  20. i think this looks pretty cool, but there isn't enough info about the combat system and their influences for me to agree yet. still, they've already got their funding, so i don't even feel bad, and will definitely pick the game up if it turns out well
  21. i liked a lot about DA2, but the mistakes they made were big ones, and led to the game ultimately being just "ok". it was really fun for one playthrough, but then once you stop to think about what happened, and try re-playing... the game gets bad really fast.
  22. they could just do party on party deathmatching and call it a day, it would take almost no time to implement, and no one would play it anyway so it wouldn't matter. I'm sure everyone bought ME3 for the sweet multiplayer action. I'd like to see an rpg that is more interested in creating a sense of adventure than focusing on poorly implemented relationships between badly designed characters. it will never happen though, bioware is too obsessed with voice acting and failed emulation of joss whedonesque relationships and second rate battlestar galactica dramatics. maybe i should just replay planescape torment or baldur's gate again for the millionth time
  23. well, i guess we better get posting then! seriously though, it's been a while since gog posted "new" games that i wanted, that i didn't already have.
  24. playing ME3 really slowly, an hour or two at a time, the game really bothers me for some reason and i keep having to quit to keep from getting frustrated. it feels like the developers wanted to make a movie but were forced to include some gameplay on occasion. hopefully it gets better. also been playing some fightin games looks like nothing good is coming out until diablo 3, so i'll probably try and play something on my backlog before that comes out
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