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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. trine was really fun for the few hours it lasted, i might give that a replay sometime soon i want suikoden to get a complete series release on psn since the discs are somewhat rare now i think tonight im going to start legends of grimrock too since all the cool kids are doing it
  2. i didn't really like crysis, so i never bothered with the sequel. dragons dogma demo debut dated and looks delightful http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/122/1223067p1.html other than some animations looking a bit stiffer than others (which is pretty forgivable given the sheer volume of animations that appear to be in the game from these videos) this game LOOKS fantastic. I just hope it has solid rpg mechanics (has there been any information given out about the mechanics of the game?) and a fun to explore world seems like all the preview information is just showing a lot of combat and monster variety (which are great, i just want info on the other parts of the game)
  3. dark souls is seriously not to be missed, don't let the hype/anti-hype get to you, its a legit great game
  4. this game has a lot of goodwill riding on it... fingers crossed it ends up being satisfactory
  5. biosports sounds similar to bioshock makes me hope for mutant league football to finally return after all these years
  6. demons souls had no marketing and probably sold better than that, surely there must be other factors behind sales of lesser known games?
  7. oh man, i'm pretty sure volourn made an alt just to argue with himself if not: Ilphalar should be wary around the beast of 14,400+ posts
  8. i'd like to see mass effect re-imagined as a top-down turn based rpg ala fallout. with the depth and quality of writing of planescape torment.
  9. a game could sell 100 million copies and still be a failure if they don't recoup their expenses
  10. i made a widget for $10, i sold 10 of them at $100 each, thus making $1000, minus my costs of construction leaves me $900 profit = success! i made a gadget for $100 i sold 15 of them at $100 each thus making $1500, minus my costs of construction leaves me $0 profit = failure!
  11. this is what i was thinking as well, and I'm one of those who will not be back. I let DA2 slide and still bought ME3, and ME3 is even worse than DA2 was. So yeah, im not buying the next bioware game unless certain members of this forum give it high praise AFTER it gets released.
  12. so east of eden wouldn't be an epic because its not about heroic deeds? i guess i dont care either way, i just don't like seeing the word used to describe bad fiction
  13. wouldn't that just be an adventure game then? edit: and why the hell are people using the word "epic" like its a genre?
  14. i liked the ending to The Sopranos. I thought it made sense and was fi
  15. lots of rpg's have bad combat systems. but if you don't want to play the game, read a book, i promise the story will be better (insert twilight joke here)
  16. oh that vol.... you almost got me on this one!
  17. i want bioware to make another mass effect game just so i can not buy it. i feel stupid for buying ME3
  18. i got radiant historia and LOVED it for the first 15 hours or so, but eventually the game got a bit too repetitive. you keep going through the same locations, or ones very similar to ones you've been through before, it just made me yearn for FF7 or something where every dungeon, area, cave, and cavern was totally unique in design/color/sound/theme etc but the combat system and characters were great from what i played, so to people who wouldn't be bothered by the repetitive environments i can imagine radiant historia being one of the best jrpg's of the last few years for sure
  19. i was really excited for alan wake, i love atmospheric and scary games. unfortunately, alan wake was a badly executed action game set in an atmospheric location. i don't need every game to have amazing action (i love silent hill 2 for example) but alan wake had so much combat in it, it was clear that the developers either wanted to make an action game, or didn't know how else to make a game... a game. silent hill 2 has some action in it, there are enemies around that must be avoided or killed, but its not really an action game, more survival horror with a strong emphasis on the horror part -with a lot of exploring and some puzzle solving too. alan wake on the other hand was more about shooting shadow people in the woods over and over again than exploring. just my 2 cents, i never finished that game, it was tooooo bad to finish
  20. this sums up the experience of DA2 pretty well, except the combat part (for me) was pretty fun, the first few times, before i realized that almost every fight would play out the exact same way.
  21. alan wake was a disaster, and im not a remedy fan anymore. max payne was still a rad game though. this looks enough like my memories of that game for me to say it looks like a max payne spinoff starring some fat bald dude instead of max.
  22. so wait, there is a dlc where all your teammates leave the normandy and say "uh yeah i know we agreed to help and all, but i changed my mind see ya later bye!"? that sounds like the worst dlc ever.
  23. if dragon age 2 had featured a plethora of interesting and well designed environments to explore and interact with, i probably would have loved the game. the characters were good enough, the plot was not the worst plot ever, and the combat system was pretty fun the game grew tedious because of the terrible (and repetitive) environments and weak (and repetitive) encounter design the game should be designed from the ground up with a top-down perspective
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