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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. Why does TOR have a monthly fee if it's so single player oriented? Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3?
  2. Diablo 3- all 5 of my characters are now on nightmare, my wizard will lead the push to hell
  3. I don't know why I never tried blood money, I'll have to give it a go when I finally get bored with diablo 3
  4. hmmm, i wonder how big a difference being level 60 will make also, i recently discovered you can buy pretty good gear for really cheap on the gold auction house. a decent item upgrade usually only costs me about 4000-6000 gold on my characters (levels 26-34) thats a lot cheaper than crafting
  5. if you're on level 60 in Hell, are you still getting one shotted? I'm only just starting nightmare, but I thought inferno was supposed to be the hard difficulty for level 60 characters?
  6. a few comments (some responses to old thread): yes new tomb raider looks like uwe boll's Deliverance the original star wars DID have a "dirty" feel to it. Mos Eisley anyone? the original dark forces will still be better than 1313. kyle katarn will not be outdone i played hitman silent assassin back on the ps2, i LOVED that game. I'd really like to play a shiny new high quality hitman game I'm really excited for the sequel to Castlevania Lords of Shadow, that game was actually pretty damn good, and I imagine the sequel will be even more aligned in tone with traditional Castlevania games. I'll probably be buying this on day 1.
  7. my gaming group once all picked rockerboys as their class, they lasted half of one game session. they started a riot at their bands gig, and were killed by police about an hour later during the chaos. to this day I don't understand what they were hoping to accomplish.
  8. i can tell you right now that shadowrun is totally lame and dumb compared to Cyberpunk 2020. shadowrun has magic and trolls in it. thats about as un-cyberpunk as you can get.
  9. can we kill vampires with spears yet?
  10. authenticator is free if you have a phone also, blizzard is so far claiming that not a single diablo 3 account with an authenticator has been hacked
  11. blacksmith works just like gambling did in D2, except instead of automatically levelling with you, you must spend gold to improve his selection of gamble-able goods
  12. there is basically no way to adapt this game without making it a mature game, the setting is full of drugs and violence
  13. if they really are trying to emulate the feel of the pnp game, we might end up with a game that feels like fallout or baldurs gate. crpg's that try to emulate pnp games seem to end up better than crpg's that try to emulate other crpg's... they get too far from the original source
  14. I wanted to make the thread because I absolutely love this pnp game, and am very excited that CD Projekt is adapting it into a video game. All I know so far is that the crpg will have classes (hopefully lifted directly from the book, because if this game doesn't let you play a drug dealing Fixer or cyborg fascist mercenary Solo then I will be greatly disappointed) i really really really hope its a turn based game, because that will be the only way to capture the essence of the combat system, which is very very fun and very very lethal.e edits: here are some links: http://kotaku.com/5914314/the-witcher-creators-are-creating-the-official-cyberpunk-role+playing-game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberpunk_2020 http://com275artoffilm.wikia.com/wiki/Cyberpunk_2020 http://store.fastcommerce.com/talsorian/cyberpunk-2020-ff80818117a128240117a49939c74360-c.html
  15. they definitely need to add more uniques to the game, and make them more unique too. i think the appropriate drop rate should be approximately 1.2 uniques per act, this is about what it was in D2, and it felt right. they also should be really good, but kinda weird, like in D2, where some uniques were really good, but often only for very specific builds
  16. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF YEAH!!!!! I LOVE Cyberpunk 2020, its one of my gaming groups favorite pnp games of all time. the only setting that would have me more excited would be Battlelords of the 23rd Century this is so crazy awesome, i hope CDProjekt can do this right, I have some faith in them not to mangle it too much, but nailing the feel of that game would make this project really incredible edit: for those who haven't played Cyberpunk 2020 before, the game is super fun (and very lethal). We typically roll 3-4 characters per player at the start of the game because we have at least one death almost every session
  17. I hope it's a cyberpunk RPG with turn based combat
  18. Diablo 3 guild wars 2 borderlands 2. That's all the list I need this year
  19. ok so that sounds workable at least, though I will miss circle strafing for sure - using a spear and shield in dark souls while carefully stepping around an enemy jabbing for weak points is currently the epitome of combat in a console action/rpg
  20. i was reading a negative review of dragons dogma where literally every negative they said about it was something i thought "why is that a negative, that sounds like something i would want in an rpg" "limited fast travel, non scaling world, takes a long time before you feel powerful, main story that you cannot barrel through in just a few hours" i still havent heard an answer for how combat works without the ability to lock on - in dark souls, locking on to an enemy was vitally important for certain tactics
  21. i want the game to be like a dark souls/skyrim hybrid - but I am a bit concerned that there only seem to be a small handful of weapons in the game, whereas dark souls had tons of different weapon types, all with very different move sets and attributes edit: hmmmm, after doing some reading im seeing a few "features" that have me thinking i'll wait on this one - no lock on in combat - a 3rd person melee combat game without lock on targeting? i can't fathom playing dark souls without the lock on target - only one character - apparently you can only make one character, and when you want to make a new one you have to delete your old one? in a game with multiple classes? why... what? someone needs to look into this more because this sounds completely insane to me
  22. i think uniques and sets are similar in D3 to how they were in D2 PRE expansion - there are not very many, so finding any is unusual, and they aren't even that good when you find one. im guessing that the expansion pack will end up adding dozens of new uniques and set items, so finding them throughout all the difficulties will be more common of an occurrance. just finished normal difficulty last night with my witch hunter, now torn between pushing on through nightmare, or getting my wizard and barbarian through normal too before i begin moving all my characters through the upper difficulties. if i keep my characters similarly leveled, they can help eachother by using the shared stash to share good drops, so i guess thats the most efficient way to progress, but it does make it a slow progress through the difficulties
  23. dragons dogma comes out tomorrow, i'm enthralled with diablo 3 right now, but i hope some people pick up DD and post their thoughts on it, the game looks very interesting imo
  24. the act bosses are definitely more bark than bite in diablo 3. I like some of the smaller bosses best actually; skeleton king, the spider lady, undead guy in act 2, the giant spider etc are usually more fun than the act bosses i know that diablo 3 was designed so that the game really got started in nightmare difficulty, but i preferred diablo 2 difficulty balance where even normal mode was a bit of a challenge for casual players. normal in diablo 3 is just way too easy
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